I can not do gear because of testing and legallity issues and I was just wondering if those steroid alternatives on this site or any others, do anything or just give you side effects without the results.
thanks for the info
I can not do gear because of testing and legallity issues and I was just wondering if those steroid alternatives on this site or any others, do anything or just give you side effects without the results.
thanks for the info
not worth the money
do not mess with sdilabs. they are scammers. all they sell islow dosed prohormones stacks. I did a 4ad/19-nor stack\, I just finished. i did put on some muscle, I even got a stretch mark! So, IMO, prohormones are not that bad, but they do not compare to AS. Besides that they are as expensive if not more, per dose.
save your money for when u can do a real cycle.
No over the counter supplement will even come remotely close to roids. No matter what the supp companies say. Protein powder and a multi vitamin.
prohormones are side effects in a bottle your better off doing real steroids at least you get some gains.....i wouldnt waste my money on any product i dont care how good they claim it is do the real thing
I can sum up prohomones in one word....SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT.......yeah, I know, that's more than one word, but it is the same word many many times. Did I mention that prohomones are SHIT? Just checking.
don't waste your time, money and health bud. you can get "simple" cycle even cheaper and have real effect!!!
I'm not saying that you won't get more bang for your buck from steroids that would be pretty foolish. But 1-test is pretty decent for being legal people regularly put on 15-25 pounds in 6 weeks using it. I reccomend a product called ONE by avant labs. You rub it on twice a day. Its a bit of a pain but it will definately give you results. I ran it for two weeks before reading about finaand I saw some a few pounds increase and I seemed to lean out a bit. It just kind of sucks to rub it on twice a day, and some people get irritated skin from it, it didn't affect mine but I always worried about it rubbing off, You should wait at least 10 minutes after applying to put a shirt on, I would try to wait a half hour, and in the morning when you have places to be its just a hassle. but best legal route
those fucking things are more gyno causing then being educated and doing a real AS cycle... i took andro countless times a few years ago.. and i think i did more harm then good
thanks for the info guys if anybody has more please chime in
your not hearing him or me. He has reasons he can't do roids. And I'm saying that 1-test isn't like that shitty andro it actually does work pretty decently. Not as good as steroids but not too shabbily either. Its 700 times more androgenic than testosterone, only problem with it is its irritating, thats why it was never persued as an actual steroid, you can't inject it for this reason, some have tried and it hurt too bad. And since you can't inject it you have to use large amounts of it to get enough of it into your system. But it is a steroid in every sense of the word, it isn't a precurser like the pro-hormones.
Nothing personal but I have never heard of anyone gaining 15-25 lbs on 1-test in six weeks. That is better then most steroids. I haven't even heard those results from people turning it into an injectible. May give some results but probably very few when absorbed through the skin or taken orally. Food is still your best bet. Take the money you were going to spend on any of that junk and eat an extra chicken breast or steak a day.
Originally posted by latman49
I can sum up prohomones in one word....SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT.......yeah, I know, that's more than one word, but it is the same word many many times. Did I mention that prohomones are SHIT? Just checking.
prohormones are great if you like HEMOROIDS! yep that was all i got from 6 weeks of pros was 5lbs of lean hemroid. and my ass just hurts thinking about it!![]()
Dont waste your money on any of that shit, if you cant do roids stick to creatine, protein and L-glut
Just got this winni from sdilabs. Will keep you informed. I just got back in the gym a little over a month ago from some injuries, oral surgery gone bad,etc. These are current stats with only protein powder and vitamins for supplements: 130 lbs, 5'3" female 19.2% bf (bad shape), 2000 cals/ day
squat- 180
bench- 100
lat pulldown- 105
Believe me, if this stuff is crap, I'll tell you, because I'll be pissed off enough to let the whole world know. But, you can decide from the stats I'll post here for the next 6 weeks. My job firmly believes in random drug testing and I can never risk doing anything illegal. Also, I don't have any privacy. Some people don't have this to worry about and I envy you. Will keep posting . I'll only be using sdi winni-v and a methoxyisoflavone product along with the above mentioned supplements. Don't spend your money on it until my 6 weeks are up. I am now your guinea pig.
Last edited by sonic; 10-17-2002 at 02:42 AM.
if im correct, i remember reading on the back label of ando-poppers at gnc, that they will throw off all drug testing! which could lead to a positive drug test?
In all my cycles the worst that has happened is acne. No gyno or balding, but when I took andro stackers my nipples hurt like hell and my hair actully started to thin out a little. When I got off everyhting turned to normal. So in my opinion they're totaly Fu***** worthless!!!!!
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