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Thread: XMEN 3 ***Caution spoilers***

  1. #41
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-Dogg
    I’ve been an Xmen fan for years, I read the comic books from when I was a small boy until I was about 19 years old I would still read them today if I could find the time.

    I was disappointed in the movie. It was a decent movie, but was not comparable to the first 2 X films. I really hope they can make another one, as it would be awful for the X series to end on such a bad note.

    A lot of characters that were developed in the first movie were killed off in the 3rd. Cyclops, Professor X and Mystique (not killed off but not involved). I was also disappointed to see that they never developed more into Night Crawler, perhaps they could have brought up that Mystique is Night Crawlers mom.

    They also could have put in Gambit, he is as liked and as popular as Wolverine.

    I would have liked to see Colossus do something more than turn to steal 2 times and have 3 lines.

    Rouge getting her “super human powers” would be appealing, then pitting her against Juggernaut as you would normally see in the comics would be great. Granted that Juggy will flatten her about every time.

    The final battle was probably the most disappointing. Who really wants to see Wolverine, Ice Man and Storm fight with some 2nd rate characters when it is missing key characters? Kitty Pride? Seriously Callisto? They had to be able to think of some better cronies for Magneto….Stan Lee was helping them.

    The final battle should have consisted of the “X-Men” vs. Magneto and his cronies.
    Professor X
    Rouge (with powers)
    maybe even Bishop or Pyslock (would be nice to get a hottie in there)

    pitted against

    Juggy (to be honest, magneto and Juggy is about all they need)
    Havok (Cyclop’s Brother)

    Does not Exodus and the Alcolytes sound more appealing than the Morlocks?
    By adding Gambit or other characters you end up with too many characters and no character development.

    Pyslock was in the film. She was one of the brotherhood members. The purple haired Asian chick who ported out of the wall and grabbed Angel's dad.

    Havok would have been pointless. Cyclops and Havoks powers can't hurt each other. They could just beat each other with fists.

    Exodus and the Alcolytes... again, to many characters to develop.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  2. #42
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    Well given the movie was rather short, i feel they could have developed Gambit and gained a lot more fans. They could have taken out Kitty Pride/Iceman drama and fit it in easy. It is not like it went any where.

    Take out the Rouge wanting to loose her power, and force her to absorb her powers from (i forget who it was now).

  3. #43
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    Ms. Marvel, that's who it was. And whats up with Rouge having no sexy "southern twine"? Hu suga?

  4. #44
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Maybe bad acting. The girl did have a slight accent.
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  5. #45
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    Just got back from seeing this movie today.

    It was worth it.


  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    They both are in development now.
    Really? That'd be great!!

  7. #47
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    They have gotta have the robots in one of them, honestly that is a big part of X-men, haha i sitll have all the marvel master pieces from 1992 I am such a nerd when it comes to these things. I am jus excited that Jugs is in it and collosses how ever you spell his name... And Gambit is a big one I heard they left out of this movie, what are the X-men with out him, although I think he came later in the history of x-men I havent seen the movie so I dont know when the time peroid is...
    Last edited by industywetrusty; 05-27-2006 at 06:26 PM.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    By adding Gambit or other characters you end up with too many characters and no character development.

    Pyslock was in the film. She was one of the brotherhood members. The purple haired Asian chick who ported out of the wall and grabbed Angel's dad.

    Havok would have been pointless. Cyclops and Havoks powers can't hurt each other. They could just beat each other with fists.

    Exodus and the Alcolytes... again, to many characters to develop.
    I agree, that said, some Sabretooth, and/or other more developed characters would be more interesting in a prolly next X....4?

  9. #49
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    i just saw it too..i enjoyed it but all i gotta say is there better be a 4th or ima be really pissed..

  10. #50
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    You all seriously have to be JOKING!!!

    That movie was f*cking awful!!!

    They skrewed up everything royally!

    There were so many STUPID f*cking scenes!!! ROFL!

    I mean, nothing, nothing at all in that movie hardly tied into anything else. It completely lacked story. I don't even know where to start...

    Taking mutants and changing their powers. Introducing new mutants. I!? Marrow...for instance, is a FEMALE, not a male. Juggernaut...Christ, Juggernaut is Magneto's BROTHER in the comics...and he's not even a mutant. He got the stone of the eld or something that gave him his power. The pheonix does not just lie dorment at the bottom of this lake until Cyclops comes to visit one day, and then appears out of nowhere. Jean Gray spent that time travelling through time and space in other worlds. NOTHING at all was explained.

    That movie was piss poor.

  11. #51
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    You're 100% right, but that'd be too long/complicated to follow the exact story of the comics........and would have meant a hell of a bigger budget.........not released B4 2008

  12. #52
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    Juggy is Professor X's step bro in the comics.

    If they had a bigger budget, it would be very nice to have Juggy animated as they did in "the hulk" movie. And break that much shit too!

    Pitting more foes against rivals would have been way more appealing. Having Rouge and Juggernaut knocking each other through everything, and breaking everything over each other's bodies. Having Wolvering and Sabertooth clawing each other and everything to shit. Cyclops shooting every thing in sight.

    The only face off we saw was Pyro vs Ice Man...lame!

  13. #53
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    Just got back from seeing it...I can definetely say I have a new found respect for beast after seeing him go ape shit. I dunno...something about hearing quote shakepspeare then ripping those bastards apart...i love it!!

    Honestly...none of the xmen movies have lived up to even 50% of my expectations. I was SOOOO into the cartoon and into the comic(not as much). I think they shouldn't have even bought up the phoenix. Like someone mentioned...wasn't the phoenix topic a space/not even earthly issue? You remember in the cartoon how wolverrine had had to slice open that spaceship cause only his adamatium claws could get through to save his ex who was stuck to the ship that asian chick with the adamantium exoskeleton). I remember that being the begging of them talkin about the phoenix....but they are making it look like its all in jeans head now...and when did jean get so powerful??!!

    They shouldn't have gave juggernaut a british accent lol...I just can't be intimidated by that accent...every time he said some shit all I could envision was him asking for a a 'spot of tea'

  14. #54
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    Juggernaut posseses the Crimson Ruby of Cytoraak, a representation of the highest form of physical power in the Marvel Universe under Galactus.

    Wow, i'm a nerd!

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhishStasH
    You all seriously have to be JOKING!!!

    That movie was f*cking awful!!!

    They skrewed up everything royally!

    There were so many STUPID f*cking scenes!!! ROFL!

    I mean, nothing, nothing at all in that movie hardly tied into anything else. It completely lacked story. I don't even know where to start...

    Taking mutants and changing their powers. Introducing new mutants. I!? Marrow...for instance, is a FEMALE, not a male. Juggernaut...Christ, Juggernaut is Magneto's BROTHER in the comics...and he's not even a mutant. He got the stone of the eld or something that gave him his power. The pheonix does not just lie dorment at the bottom of this lake until Cyclops comes to visit one day, and then appears out of nowhere. Jean Gray spent that time travelling through time and space in other worlds. NOTHING at all was explained.

    That movie was piss poor.
    i feel you brah!!

    Yea...Juggernaut is supposed to have more power than just being 'unstoppable when he build momentum" That was just stupid. Juggs is supposed to have almost magical powers. In the cartoon you remember how is helmet made it where you couldnt mess with his mind??!! Juggs was a beast ...didnt he beat hulk??

  16. #56
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    Juggernaut main abilities are enormous strength, total invulnernability and the ability that once he stars walking forwards NOTHING can stop him unless it's higher than Cytoraak. Neither Hulk nor Thor have stopped his forward motion.

    See, told you I was a nerd. That's why I quit most Marvel Comics.

  17. #57
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    I will probably go see it this coming week.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    yah he is...he actually says "don't you know who i am, i'm the juggarnaut bitch"
    I loved that lol...

    I knew it was coming.. the whole cinema did.

    When it did everyone was on there feet lol

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    Spoiler alert:
    I think that Magneto did move the chess piece at the end. Even more importantly, did any of you stay in the theater until after the credits? Professor X came back in another body, the body of the brain dead man that he was talking about to his students in the beginning of the movie. That movie really did kick some ass.
    I as sitting there..and i saw magneto's flirting with the game piece.. but i f ucking missed Professor X's coming back.


    The movie was awesome imo... even with the script deviations.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrath
    i feel you brah!!

    Yea...Juggernaut is supposed to have more power than just being 'unstoppable when he build momentum" That was just stupid. Juggs is supposed to have almost magical powers. In the cartoon you remember how is helmet made it where you couldnt mess with his mind??!! Juggs was a beast ...didnt he beat hulk??
    I think so! , he's the shit!

  21. #61
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Hulk #172- Back and forth battle in which neither the Hulk nor Juggernaut claimed victory. After the Juggernaut was separated from his helmet, he was psi-blasted by Professor X and Jean Grey who just happened to be passing by.

    Hulk #402- Juggernaut ditches his armor for street clothes so that the Hulk will hold back for fear of killing an unknown enemy. As a result of his holding back, the Hulk is beaten into unconsciousness.

    Hulk #404- Struggling to free himself of an augmented Mentallo's illusions, the Hulk attacks the Juggernaut (whom the Hulk is seeing as his father), knocking off the helmet. When the Hulk finally breaks free of Mentallo, a psychic backlash kayoes the Juggernaut.

    Hulk #457- With his power augmented by Apocalypse and energy flowing through him from other universes, the Hulk (as the Horseman of War) overwhelms the Juggernaut.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  22. #62
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    I have not read a comic in awhile, but last i read was around the Onslaught saga and Onslaught strait kicked Juggy's ass...had him scared and running away.

    After ripping out his jewel and trapping him inside though, i thought he came back even stronger than before?

    I've been a hulk fan for a long time. Hulk Vs. Juggy fights are the best, you never know the outcome.

    Juggy would not be able to beat the savage hulk....his powers are endless they are fed off anger and he has the thought process of a 2 year old. When Jean uses her powers to turn the hulk into the savage hulk....he is able to tear apart Onslaughts armor. Somthing that the entire X-men team could not do with the help of Fantasitc Four and Avengers (including thor) could not scratch it.

  23. #63
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    first i loved the movie like most of you did....but i know a tenth of as much as a lot of you guys on here...Flagg you ARE a nerd...j/k bro i admire how much you know...but for someone who has really only read a few comics and watched the cartoon a long time ago i thouhgt the movie was great and didnt notice to much deviation...but i understand how some people that are true fans and avid followers would be a little upset with some of the choices they made...But all in all it is one of my favorite movies of all time and is definately my favorite trilogy so far...I hope thy make a fourth one, but adding so many new charecters might lose a lot of people that do not follow it as closly as others, by keeping it simple they reach a larger following and make more money...but i would love to see Gambit, Apocolypse, and some other cool villains....

  24. #64
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    Webb mate, I used to love ALL Marvel comics when I was younger but as I got older they just got a bit boring and samey, too many indestructable characters like Wolverine, Hulk, Juggernaut, etcetera.

    You should read Punisher MAX series. Very realistic. Very brutal. Garth Ennis is a genius.

  25. #65
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    Is that you in your Avatar Webb? If that is you look as solid as Hell man. Good work!

  26. #66
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    I really liked the movie, well done

    Auron (the winged guy) was the most useless character ever - he should've been edited out

    but there was awesome directing, great transition between a horror scene to an action scene

  27. #67
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    I really liked the movie, well done

    Auron (the winged guy) was the most useless character ever - he should've been edited out

    but there was awesome directing, great transition between a horror scene to an action scene
    His name is Angel. Warren Worthington. In the comic book I always thought he was useless to. The only time he was cool was with he was kidnapped and brained washed into serving Apocalypse. Apocalypse turned him into the Angel of death and his feather wings were replaced with metal razor sharp wings. He could use them as a weapon and throw razor sharp poison blades and hack people to pieces.

    Eventually his feather wings grew back and he became lame again. To try to draw interest to his character they gave him a secondary mutation. They gave him healing blood. If someone was injured he'd cut himself and bleed on them and his blood would heal them. (Kind of a religious blood of Christ healing type of thing.)
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  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    Is that you in your Avatar Webb? If that is you look as solid as Hell man. Good work!

    Thanks for the compliment man...and yeah its me

    I read a few comics back in the day, mainly fantastic4, Xmen, and a few of the punisher daredevil bullseye variety too....but i never really appreciated them the way you guys do.....That angel charecter served no purpose and you could have read that part about him flying in to save his dad a mile away...

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    I really liked the movie, well done

    Auron (the winged guy) was the most useless character ever - he should've been edited out

    but there was awesome directing, great transition between a horror scene to an action scene
    I belive they added him in there so that they could use him in X4. He is the only person who Rouge can touch if I remember correctly.

  30. #70
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    Huh? Rogue can't touch Angel. The only person she has been able to touch is Magneto. He made a low level force field to stop their skin from actually touching his but she could still feel through it.

    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  31. #71
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    The reason why they did not include Gambit is because his powers are fairly similar to Cyclops, and his personality is like Wolverine's. It would be too much to have him as a main character, and fans would have been too disapointed if he was only included in the fight.

    I figure that X4 will include the Sentinals and lead into Apocalypse.

    I'd love to see the Wolverine and Magneto movies.

  32. #72
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    now correct me if i am wrong, but doesnt gambit thrrow cards that blow up and have a staff...whle cyclops has a laser beam eye thingy...

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    now correct me if i am wrong, but doesnt gambit thrrow cards that blow up and have a staff...whle cyclops has a laser beam eye thingy...
    Yes, you are right. Gambit converts potential energy to kinetic energy. He can *charge* anything and cause it to explode.

    Cyclops has optic blast of concussive force.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  34. #74
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    As always, when the movie was done and the credit list was rolling on the screen.. people started rushing out but me and my friends had heard about the final scene after the credit list with Xavier so we staid.
    Then came these two b*tches cleaning up and told us we had to go, the movie was over. We said that there was a final scene we didnt want to miss but she said it wouldnt matter because they were turning off the movie in like 1 minute..

    aaaargh! I was so pissed.
    but I thought is was a good movie (perhaps cause I dont read the comics), there were a lot of things that troubled me though, specially the Angel kid.. he was so hyped up, pictures of him on all the x-3 posters and then in the movie all he did was rescuing his dad.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by INM
    The Angel kid.. he was so hyped up, pictures of him on all the x-3 posters and then in the movie all he did was rescuing his dad.
    Hell, thats all he does in the comic book.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  36. #76
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    Because he's inbetween Cyclops and Wolverine is why they did not include Gambit into the latest cartoon movie. I would definately assume that's why they did not include him into X3.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Huh? Rogue can't touch Angel. The only person she has been able to touch is Magneto. He made a low level force field to stop their skin from actually touching his but she could still feel through it.

    I was watching a Xmen cartoon movie, and they in it Archangel and Rouge get together. It was on last weekend on YTV.

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    I belive they added him in there so that they could use him in X4. He is the only person who Rouge can touch if I remember correctly.
    As useless as Colossus who has like 3 lines to say

  39. #79
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    I cant believe no one is talkin about the beast... He used to be my least liked character until he fckin tore shit up in the battle seen. Daayuuum!!! I loved the movie..... it will never be as good as you want it to be... but i walked out satisfied!!!

  40. #80
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    my questions... Did Rogue cure herself at the end? And did that mean Jean Grey never really loved Cyclops and truly loved Logan??

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