Ok guys here we go again..Its day 3 of my contest prep and so far things are goin great! I started this diet 8 weeks out and Im more motivated than ever to get in the best shape of my life...traditionally this isnt the best way to start a contest prep but ive been off from all training for 12 days prior for a wedding and honeymoon--but i wouldnt trade it for anything...I kept all of my gains from my Anavar cycle about a month ago and even though i was off from training i still maintained my weight and didnt lose any size...This is my 3rd real cycle as one had to be cut short after 3.5 wks. I started this contest prep at ~180lbs and about 8.5% Bodyfat. Before i started i did 8 sessions of cardio and was able to lose a little fat and some water before i started. I can lose weight like theres no tomorrow! so this time im going to try and monitor my cardio. Right now im doin cardio every other day to start. My contest cycle consists of Test Prop 700mg per wk, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 400mg per wk, and i will finish the prep with Anavar at 60-80mg per day. i am taking a multi vitamin, niacin, cholesterol support formula,ephedra caffeine formula, creatine, whey protein blend,saw palmetto, dutasteride ED, vitamin C and E, Liver Detox Formula, Letro at .25-.5mg ED, B6 and 150mg per day and branch chain aminos. I do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I will post my diet later along with my lifts for each day. I started out pretty weak after being off for 12 days but i am Very confident that i will still be able to put on muscle during this diet even though my carbs are much lower. For the most part i will record the first 2 exercises during my lifts since those are my power exercises in which im strongest. Take care guys and ill post pics from Day1 along with my diet and routine.