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Thread: PWO slin meal Mcdonalds?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    PWO slin meal Mcdonalds?

    During bulking i usual eat 3-4 double cheese burgers after training (along with whey/dex obviously). I find this is doesn't negatively effect my physique and has an added benefit of added calories. I always stay lean and i have recently started using slin 15iu pwo, I have continued with the Mcd's pwo and i am noticing no fat gain. Is this normal or am i a gentic freak lol?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    WTF MC.D'S AFTER SLIN!!!!!!!!
    i have no idea bro thats insane
    what kinda slin u using......sure its not expired? u DO have to refrigerate it. if not, its only good for about 21 days.
    other than that, i dont kno
    have Gear look at this, he knows what hes doing

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    The dirty south
    Quote Originally Posted by doittoit
    During bulking i usual eat 3-4 double cheese burgers after training (along with whey/dex obviously). I find this is doesn't negatively effect my physique and has an added benefit of added calories. I always stay lean and i have recently started using slin 15iu pwo, I have continued with the Mcd's pwo and i am noticing no fat gain. Is this normal or am i a gentic freak lol?
    You want something that is high calorie eat this, 1300 calories! haha
    take a loaf of bread cut out the middle of it slab it up with peanutbutter then jelly, and add a pound of bacon...
    its called Fools of GOld I think, it was elvis presleys favorite meal...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    how dare you talk about double cheeseburgers when i'm dieting

    you do know that slin shutles everything including fat?


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    Quote Originally Posted by doittoit
    During bulking i usual eat 3-4 double cheese burgers after training (along with whey/dex obviously). I find this is doesn't negatively effect my physique and has an added benefit of added calories. I always stay lean and i have recently started using slin 15iu pwo, I have continued with the Mcd's pwo and i am noticing no fat gain. Is this normal or am i a gentic freak lol?

    Nothing wrong with cheat meals but dbl cheeseburgers PWO is not good. Why would you do that? If you're in a hurry, go get some chicken teriyaki. Even at $1/piece for those McD burgers, you can get a teriyaki meal for about $2 more and the protein is higher and far superior to those low quality ground burgers with tons of fat and sodium. Cholestrol is another issue. Did you see the movie Super Size Me?

    Let's see pics.
    Last edited by Seattle Junk; 05-31-2006 at 11:00 PM.

  6. #6
    Really just plain unhealthy, much better/more efficient ways of bulking.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I think a McD's milkshake maybe ok when on slin but not cheeseburgers

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    I wouldn't consume any fats at all while insulin is active. The gains you are going to get from eating McDonalds will not be quality gains, and because you are already having dextrose PWO as well, the McDonalds foods would be excess nutrients therefore it will be stored as fat. You are more than likely to gain weight this way, but like I said, the weight you gain won't be quality weight. I think this is a really good idea for the extra extra extra skinny people that have troubles gaining any weight at all. Otherwise, stick dextrose and protein only.

    Last edited by Gear; 06-01-2006 at 04:06 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    england/north east
    i carnt believe your eating 3-4 double cheeseburgers anyway PWO.

    never mind using it with slin have you done any research

    and you just started using slin and your on 15iu a day. IS THIS A JOKE ?????
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    this is no joke, and i have done my research. I was doin the usual chicken and rice thing but i thought id try this, though it may sound retarded. But I may stop cause you guys seem to be freakin out lol. And i obviously didn't start on 15iu's, I've built up to this over 3 weeks and I feel its a good dosage for me. The main reason for the shit food is i have major troubles getting in the cals. Any other flames appreciated!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Heh heh... Yeah, you might be a genetic freak if this diet is working for you. I'd say you're living the dream, brother. OMG I want a double cheeseburger right now!!! Damn it, man.

  12. #12
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    Apr 2004
    On a different note, the consensus view seems to be that insulin is able to shuttle fats directly to fat stores without converting fatty acids to energy first. Therefore, you would avoid fats altogether, PWO.

    However, I have never been able to wrap my mind around this concept. I wonder if anyone knows of a study that has shown this to be true?

    Regardless, I don't recommend for other reasons. First, you'd have better results by eating clean. For example, there's evidence that saturated fats increase insulin resistance.

    Second, fats slow the absorption of carbs and proteins, when what you want PWO is a quick shuttling of C/P into the muscles.

    But, I'm glad you're not too scared of a little bit of flaming to post this up here. I wish I could join you in knocking out a few cheeseburgers myself, but sadly, I would blow up and look like Jiminy Glick if I did.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    You may not see any damage (now at least) on the outside, but your heart and arteries probably look like absolute shit.


  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    You may not see any damage (now at least) on the outside, but your heart and arteries probably look like absolute shit.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Living the dream is right!...I bloat driving by McDonalds

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by masterdiver89

    WTF MC.D'S AFTER SLIN!!!!!!!!

    i have no idea bro thats insane
    what kinda slin u using......sure its not expired? u DO have to refrigerate it. if not, its only good for about 21 days.
    other than that, i dont kno
    have Gear look at this, he knows what hes doing

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I agree that its very unhealthy and i may have better results on a cleaner diet. My theory is after daily protein needs are met everything is fair game on a bulk. Will see what happens in the next few weeks if i can still fit into my

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Well, everyone is different...I used to use the same method when training. This was of course back in the day when my body was different, I was 21-22 bulking and juicing and a big guy, maybe 250 lbs or so w/a fast metabolism. I would have 4 arbys roast beef sandwiches or 3 mcdonalds double cheeses and 1 spicy mcchicken...I would eat one of those combo meals after training and of course I got huge, and had minimal fat gains...BUT later on I had to stop, it worked for a year or two at most, then I started gaining fat and muscle wouldnt budge. I would agree w/swolecat that it is not going to be good for your cardiovascular system, but more-so if you are over the age of 30. If you are in your 20's you might be able to get away with this. Go easy though...when I look back at my shit like this it amazes I have to eat whole oats and egg whites and protein shakes all, i wish i was you. I also wasn't taking slin back in those days. Slin will, like said above, shuttle fats, so be careful, things catch up...and do cardio if your going to eat like that to keep your cardiovascular system in top condition (you want to try to avoid too much cardio since your bulking)

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I know many BB that Stuff there face with mcd's even after slin, yeah like SC said your insides may be suffering but you need simple carbs bro, just remember to eat simple carbs after and you will be good.


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