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Thread: The last 14 days before your Comp.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    The last 14 days before your Comp.

    After doing some research, and talking with a lot of really smart people, MikeXXL, we came up with this as my last 14 days before a comp. now i am competing at heavy weight so some things will vary, and so will times. also i am trying fat loading for the first time. Hope others will enjoy this and if anyone has any advice or questions please feel free.

    All oil based gear is stopped at 14 days out.
    clen is also stopped to assist in carb loading
    Letro is ran through out
    T3 is stopped 4 days

    14 Days Last day for eggs and oats

    13 Days Water up to 8 liters a day, turkey instead of chicken
    Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and ½ for breakfast

    12 Days 8 liters of water, turkey instead of chicken
    Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and ½ for breakfast

    11 Days 8 liters of water, turkey instead of chicken
    Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and ½ for breakfast

    10 Days 1 sweet potato in the am, small white potato every meal till 5 pm

    9 Days 1 sweet potato in the am, small white potato every meal till 5 pm
    Back waxing

    8 Days Stop protein powder after pm training, last leg day
    1 sweet potato in the am, small white potato every meal till 5 pm
    Spray tan level 2

    7 Days Sweet potato, turkey and oats for breakfast
    Small white potato with every other meal

    6 Days Drink 2 diuretic tea
    1 sweet potato after am cardio and white potato before pm training

    5 Days Drink 2 diuretic tea
    1 sweet potato after am cardio and white potato before pm training
    Get haircut

    4 Days Last ab day, NO CARBS, 2 diuretic tea, spray tan level 3
    Carb depletion training at 6 pm

    3 Days Use Ketone stick to ensure total depletion, then start loading
    ½ sweet potato meal 1&2 with turkey
    1 sweet potato meal 3,4,5 with turkey
    Stop water at 8 pm, light sips only till bed, and in morning after cardio

    2 Days Cut water totally at noon, take 50mg Diazide at 11am, 50mg at 7 pm
    Take 12.5-25mg at 3am
    Weigh ins at 7pm, ½ cup of whole wheat pasta after weigh ins
    Small sweet potato with a little turkey till bed time every 3 hours starting in morning

    Showtime 5 am eat…egg omelet with cheese, pancakes with syrup, and donuts
    Eat till full, and don’t over eat
    Eat every 3 hours same type of food, relax and get psyched up for show at Noon
    Last edited by WEBB; 05-22-2006 at 12:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    If you can afford it bro,hire a nutritionist for your next show.Or actually use him/her year round.You'll see a huge difference in your physique once the nutritionist runs a battery of tests on you and gets you nutrition down pat.

    There is absolutely no need to starve yourself heading into a show.If your nutrition is sound year round and you stay 9-10 % BF off season,you'll find prep for upcoming shows rather easy,and fun.

    There's alot posted above I don't like,nor would I do.But you are in a learning curve now.So best of luck to you on the show!!!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    good stuff...

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I agree 100% about the learning curve, and this is a lot different than the last time i competed...i also agree if i would have kept relativaly lean all year it would be easier, not sure it would be fun though...

    I dont think i will change anything because i am close now and i have to sacrifice something because i came in late with to much water, but i would still love to hear your thoughts, if not for me then for others. if you dont mind typing to much

  5. #5
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    Mar 2005
    IMO, how one should handle the last week depends on a few things:
    First, are you trying to make weight? Second, if you are what I call "sucked down", meaning Super lean and depleted of carbs. If you are concerned bout making weight and it's gonna be close, we can discuss some options (which i dont believe applies to you). Now if weight dont matter, and your lean enough, I prefer shitloading on Wed. or Thurs. You got any updated pics?

  6. #6
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    i dont need to worry about my weight class, i will be heavy weight and thats as high as i goes out here...also i dont know if i will be sucked down or not, i hope so. like i said before i was kinda late starting because i was in a wedding across canada, so i only had 8 weeks, and i was holding some water from my cycle of test just before i started dieting.....i will get some more pics up tomorrow hopefully.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i take it that you have other meals throughout those 15 days?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jakt
    i take it that you have other meals throughout those 15 days?

    HAHAHA...of course, i still have 8 oz of turkey every 2.5-3 is just my carbs that vary. i average like 6 meals a day.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    looks good to me.keep on trucking got some recent pics this week.

  10. #10
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    not yet...i will get some pics up wednesday at the latest...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2006
    word... now you have turkey by itself (no fat or low gi carb?) ground or what type? and whats the reason from switching to turkey rather than chicken,... thanx n keep shredin.

  12. #12
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    turkey is in breast is cleaner and has a little less fat and sodium...i switch when i am getting ready to start depletion so i usually only have a golf ball sized white potato with every other meal. i also have a small yam (low GI) for a few days on turkey until depletion...also it is a nice change from turkey all the time...its like thanksgiving 6 times a day

  13. #13
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    i have just edited my first post, i have added some more low gi carbs, sweet potatoes, so i was not starving my self....

    Pinnacle i would still like to hear what your thought are, i am open to changing certain things or would like to know your thoughts for next time....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    i have just edited my first post, i have added some more low gi carbs, sweet potatoes, so i was not starving my self....

    Pinnacle i would still like to hear what your thought are, i am open to changing certain things or would like to know your thoughts for next time....
    Boss, it's way to late to change anything now.You have a plan,you'll have to follow it through.

    I can suggest things you do next time around.But to be quite honest bro,the 'net is the last place you should be looking/listening to advice pertaining to comp cycles ect.It's totally impossible for anyone on the 'net to tell you exactly what you should be doing.You need advisors out there in the real world that actually know you,see you and your physique.I think you see what I'm getting at.


  15. #15
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    i agree 100% and i seea trainer everyday, and he helped me with my diet and training for both these shows, but after the first one i know i was flat so i just wanted some ideas on how to fat load and see if there was anything that really seemed off to anyone. so i got some advice and i put some of it into place and have gotten 2-5 people helping me get it close, not just guys from the 'net, but a dietician/nutrionalist. the problem is there is not much for bbing out here so not to many people know as much as i can get from a lot of people here...

    Thanks for your advice and i will continue to learn and grow.

  16. #16
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    New 14 day plan

    14 Days Last day for eggs and oats
    Cut sodium
    Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and 1 for breakfast

    13 Days Water up to 8 liters a day, turkey instead of chicken
    Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and 1 for breakfast

    12 Days 8 liters of water, turkey instead of chicken
    Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and 1 for breakfast

    11 Days 8 liters of water, turkey instead of chicken
    Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and 1 for breakfast

    10 Days 8 liters of water, turkey instead of chicken
    Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and 1 for breakfast

    9 Days 8 liters of water, turkey instead of chicken
    Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and 1 for breakfast
    Back waxing

    8 Days Stop protein powder after pm training, last leg day
    8 liters of water, turkey instead of chicken
    Sweet potato at 1:30 pm only and 1 for breakfast
    Spray tan level 2

    7 Days Sweet potato, turkey and oats for breakfast
    Small white potato with every other meal

    6 Days Drink 2 diuretic tea
    1 sweet potato after am cardio and ½ sweet potato before pm training

    5 Days Drink 2 diuretic tea
    1 sweet potato after am cardio and ½ sweet potato before pm training
    Get haircut

    4 Days Last ab day, NO CARBS, 2 diuretic tea, spray tan level 3
    Carb depletion training at 6 pm

    3 Days Use Ketone stick to ensure total depletion, then start loading
    ½ sweet potato meal 1&2 with turkey
    1 sweet potato meal 3,4,5 with turkey
    Get 400g carbs, 80g per meal
    Stop water at 8 pm, light sips only till bed, and in morning after cardio

    2 Days Cut water totally at noon, take 50mg Diazide at 11am, 50mg at 7 pm
    Take 12.5-25mg at 3am
    Get 300g carbs, 60g per meal
    Weigh ins at 7pm, ½ cup of whole wheat pasta after weigh ins
    Small sweet potato with a little turkey till bed time every 3 hours starting in morning

    Showtime 5 am eat…egg omelet with cheese, pancakes with syrup, and donuts
    Eat till full, and don’t over eat
    Eat every 3 hours same type of food, relax and get psyched up for show at Noon

    Ok here are my questions:

    1)from Days 14 to 7 my carbs are at around 80g, Is that to low?
    2) Days 6,5, i lower my carbs to like 50, then day 4 i will have none and deplete. That sound ok?
    3)what are some of the best source for carbs when i got to load on thursday and friday, i need like 60-80g per meal so i was thinking slow cook large flake oats, whole wheat pasta, and sweet potatoes, ok?
    4) when do i add sodium again and how much pre day?

    That should just about do it, last time i was on like 30g carbs for the entire last 14 days and i over depleted i think and couldnt carb up in time or properly. I am 6' 230 on stage, if that helps.

    Thansk a million guys, WEBB
    Last edited by WEBB; 06-03-2006 at 05:39 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    id really like to see some pics in order to give an opinion....

  18. #18
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    ok, i have my poics from last 4 1/2 weeks up in the 8 week thread and the one in my avy is from 4 1/2 weeks also. i have come a long way from there and i am going to get pics tonight, or tomorrow night for sure...i'll pm ya and let you know when there up so you can come back and give me a quick once over...thanks man...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2006
    whats the keytone stick? checks for blood sugar?

  20. #20
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    checks for ketiones in your urine, which is an indication that you are totally depleted of carbs and burning glycogen as an ineffective fuel...

    I posted updated opics in my 8 week thread, so check them out...

  21. #21
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    Here is my most muscular from last night....hope this can help ya Dr.Herb....please give me your advice....

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    do you have some full body shots? Front and back relaxed...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Hi mate, just going thru your post, while the net isnt the best place for advice, as we all agree, my opinion is your size is good, you have 2 weeks to tighten up, ive seen it done b4, Pi$$ off the protein powder... good luck

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hmm...hard to judge without some full body mandatory look good and hard...i would up the cardio slightly if you havent already....just my opinion but i dont think its a good idea to have Zero carbs during the deplete (unless it works for you) ...from personal experience i believe its best to just cruise into the show without making drastic changes like dropping you carbs to zero...i think it might affect carb up a little bit...but anyways Best of luck to you man...

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2006
    does everyone cut salt/sodium a week out? do you have too?

    and whole wheat pasta???????? isn't that a no, no.... cause of the glutean which makes u hold water?

  26. #26
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    i cut sodium at 14 days actually...i hold water more than normal so i am going to stop test p and tren at 14 dyas also....then i will take potassium supps to help with cramping....i do not use whole wheat pasta at all during my load until late friday night after weigh ins...and i dont even plan on using it this time...sweet potatoes are going to be my carb up source...oats too maybe....

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