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Thread: anavar and test prop

  1. #1

    anavar and test prop

    anavar and test prop

    im running a cycle to harden pre contest.

    what can i expect to notice from:

    week anavar test prop
    1 1 pill a day
    2 2
    3 3
    4 4 2x 100mg shots a week
    5 3 ''
    6 2 ''
    7 1 ''
    8 ''
    9 ''
    10 ''
    11 ''
    12 ''
    13 ''

    ps. no meat heads please. i dont want to be told to inject a heavy amount just for machoness

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Houston, TX
    1. how could we know if the # of pills is enough?
    you dont say how many mg per pill.

    2. Prop needs to be injected EOD.
    You should read up on Prop, it seems that you dont understand how it works.
    Try 150mg EOD.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    u have to be joking
    u have no KNOWLEDGE of aas..
    prop ester has to be administered EoD not 2x a week
    infact it is best administerd ED! at about 50mg ED (ITS A VERY LOW DOSE) and just because some of us use large quantities of aas doesnt mean we advocate that lifestyle.
    2ndly ur anavar administartion is retarded firstly ur ramping the dose up? good idea induce fluctuations in blood levels thats brilliant. pick a dose probably 40-60mg ED and stick w/ it and spread it out

    IMO you have ABSOLUTLY NO IDEA WTF YOU ARE DOING and sHOULd get da hell away from AAS and go back to dieting for ur contest

    oh yeah as what to expect.. expect some nice flux in test levels and some zits

  4. #4
    right i didnt explain myself.
    i do have aas experiance but this was a new method that someone reccomended trying.

    the other was

    weeks 1-6
    test prop at 50mg per day
    anavar 20 mg a day

    test prop at 50mg eod
    anavar 20 mg a day

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    20mg var ED is what my GF uses!
    u would be wasting it IMO at that dose

    50mgEoD prop is just replacing ur own endogenous test w/ an exogenous test w/ VERY LIL INCREASE so basically ur just skrewing ur self

    run 50mg ED of prop nad 40-60mg Var ED takin in 2 to 3 doses throughout the day

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    20 mg of var is a waste man.. use atleast 60mg .... and dont taper the var..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    you wont notice crap wtih 20mg of var..i know girls that use more than that! 50mg/day is min for var IMO

    Your new method that "someone" recommended is complete crap..there is no good reason why that would work at all. Anybody with a little amount of knowledge of the compounds you want to use, will know that wont yield much in terms of results..but some nice sides though

  8. #8
    thank you guys

    weeks 1-6
    50g test prop ed
    50 var ed

    what physical differances will i notice?
    im at 10% fat

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    vascularity from both
    water retention from test
    mild str gains thats about it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    u have to be joking
    u have no KNOWLEDGE of aas..
    prop ester has to be administered EoD not 2x a week
    infact it is best administerd ED! at about 50mg ED (ITS A VERY LOW DOSE) and just because some of us use large quantities of aas doesnt mean we advocate that lifestyle.
    2ndly ur anavar administartion is retarded firstly ur ramping the dose up? good idea induce fluctuations in blood levels thats brilliant. pick a dose probably 40-60mg ED and stick w/ it and spread it out

    IMO you have ABSOLUTLY NO IDEA WTF YOU ARE DOING and sHOULd get da hell away from AAS and go back to dieting for ur contest

    oh yeah as what to expect.. expect some nice flux in test levels and some zits
    Got to agree with Tai here.

  11. #11
    i took your advise to a specialist and a british champ. both proved your advise to be absolute bollox. ive been over the moon with roid advise from this site before but if your going to try and act big balls and give shite advise about taking tooo much too soon then dont bother typing. go buy yourself a bigger car instead...or beat up a small child....maybe then you can be the 'big men'

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    F_ucken Two Bitches
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    20mg var ED is what my GF uses!
    u would be wasting it IMO at that dose

    50mgEoD prop is just replacing ur own endogenous test w/ an exogenous test w/ VERY LIL INCREASE so basically ur just skrewing ur self

    run 50mg ED of prop nad 40-60mg Var ED takin in 2 to 3 doses throughout the day
    tai you crack me up

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    East Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by topgun1983
    i took your advise to a specialist and a british champ. both proved your advise to be absolute bollox. ive been over the moon with roid advise from this site before but if your going to try and act big balls and give shite advise about taking tooo much too soon then dont bother typing. go buy yourself a bigger car instead...or beat up a small child....maybe then you can be the 'big men'
    i hope your not serious. if you are then just leave. you are here getting FREE advice from very knowledgable guys. if you know a couple people that are giving you info then just see them and not ask here..

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Yea, why bother us regular folks when you can fly over the moon and talk to great people.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by topgun1983
    i took your advise to a specialist and a british champ. both proved your advise to be absolute bollox. ive been over the moon with roid advise from this site before but if your going to try and act big balls and give shite advise about taking tooo much too soon then dont bother typing. go buy yourself a bigger car instead...or beat up a small child....maybe then you can be the 'big men'
    I'm so tired of hearing you down people here and talk shit.

    Take a vacation and go suck on your homeboy's "BOLLOCKS".

    F*ckin' dickhead.


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