If I can't post this, will a mod plz delete it I'm not positive if it is against the rules or not
My source from China, *** ***** that most of you are familiar with is selling IGF at such a cheap rate that it is worth it for me to try and get a few mgs into Canada- if it doesn't work then I lose the money, if it does then it saves me a tremendous fortune in the long run. My question is this
Instead of the regular glass vials they come in that you reconstitute, what would be so wrong if I requested that he put it in the same shipping technique as steroid powders (which I won't list on the open forum) which have gotten into my province in canada 100% of the time....if he did do this what problems would I be facing?
1- will the peptide get physically damaged if not in the glass casing during transport?
2- is it more susceptible to heat degradation (I dont think this is much of a concern)
3- what about sterility? I would transfer it to a sterile glass vial, reconstitute then transfer to another sealed sterile glass vial? maybe I would need to use a little bit of something other than Acetic Acid just in case, any suggestions?
4- Even if I lost 10% of the powder from having it stick to the bag, its still a fraction of the cost of IGF domestically in Canada.
So.....what does everyone think/