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Thread: gynooo ?

  1. #1

    gynooo ?

    felt yesterday b4 sleeping that my nipples are itchy for about 5 mins i'm only 11 days in my cycle and i'm using 10mg of nolva ed , maybe its just a paranoia from gyno or a normal feeling that i wanted to scratch in my chest area and i linked it with gyno , i'm ok now and don't feel anything at all thank GOD , shall i up the nolva to 20mg ? and i have a srupid question when i take say for example 50 mg of nolva , shall i spread the dosage through the day like any oral AS ? or take the whole dose at once (stupid question i know )

  2. #2
    anyone ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    What AAS are you using in your cycle? And at what doseage?

  4. #4
    test prop 100 mg eod , using 25 mg proviron and 10 mg nolva ed
    but i was told to leav the proviron for pct so i'm gonna drop it from today i think

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    i dont think its gyno, typical gyno signs: ichty and sore&hard nipples, really uncomfortable(sp?) when ur sleeping on ur stomach or wearing a shirt. hard lumps beneath the nipples.
    got gyno myself during my first cycle and i think its something u will know, u know the feeling u get when u for example burn ur finger, it feels really hot and stings, thats the same feeling i had on my nipples when i got gyno. if ur worried try up ur nolva to 20mg. btw i was so prone i got gyno within the first 6 hours of my first cycle ..

    good luck bro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in da box!
    Actually the proviron will help if you are experiencing gyno, so do not discontinue it. If anything I personally think it might be psychosomatic, but there is the poss you are really gyno prone. For right now, keep the nolva and proviron where they are and monitor this, if it seems to get worse then up the nolva to 20mg ed and the proviron to 50 mg/ed-if that does not help you may have to back off of the test.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    I think its all in your head bro.. take shortie's advice..

  8. #8
    sorry guys can gyno appear in one nipple only ? loooooooooool i felt my right nipple as if there is a burning sensation for about 5 mins and for 2 days now b4 i sleep i feel a very little not noticable burning sensation , and i put my finger to check if there are lumps formed or not and there are no lumps thank GOD , what to do i think i'l up the nolva to 20mg or shal i use a higher dosage ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Phx, Arizona
    thumb n pointer finger at each side of nipple....push down and squeeze...feel raisens?????? gyno...hurry up n get sum letro

  10. #10
    no man i pushed really hard , thank GOD there is nothing there

  11. #11
    picture would help..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by little_soldier
    sorry guys can gyno appear in one nipple only ? loooooooooool i felt my right nipple as if there is a burning sensation for about 5 mins and for 2 days now b4 i sleep i feel a very little not noticable burning sensation , and i put my finger to check if there are lumps formed or not and there are no lumps thank GOD , what to do i think i'l up the nolva to 20mg or shal i use a higher dosage ?
    My right nip is always the tender one when signs of gyno flare for me. I will feel it at night as well. I bump up my AI - Adex and it goes away. I prefer Adex over nolva but that me - I just find it to be more effective in my bod.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Watch closely for lumps! Check yourself at least a couple times a day. They can pop up quickly. Myself, I would up the nolva, at least temporarily, and see if your itchiness stops. Test will sometimes cause your nipples to be more erect than usual, which of course causes them to rub more on your clothing and stuff, resulting in some discomfort which can mimic early stage gyno symptoms. Also monitor your emotional state. If you find yourself getting weepy watching sad movies or feelgood chick flicks, you will know your estrogen is up a good bit.

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