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Thread: HRT @34 and all that it entails

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    HRT @34 and all that it entails

    Here it goes as of June 1st I have begun my HRT program. I will give as many details as possible so that not only myself but others my benefit. I am 6'1 245pounds 21% body fat. I have been lifting for the past 20yrs of my life. The past 8 monts I have been very serious. prior to that I took off two years due to a serious drinking problem. But I have not had a drink in over a year but that is another story. My past cycle experience inculdes 10 weeks deca 200-300mg a week. 50mg Whinny EOD 10weeks. Gained 25 pounds and kept 20 of it. I did no PCT but I was only 27........ If i had PCT i would have done it. BTW it was a great experience......i had no problems with deca dick. In fact the opposite. 2nd cycle I was 29 did omnadren 250 1cc a week for 10 weeks also 50mg whinny EOD and I think 200mg deca also for 10 weeks. PCT included was only cloma. Kept 15 pounds. Very good experience as well. Then I got married, got lazy and started drinking. So that is my story and I'm sticking to it!!

    So this brings me to the present my HRT Program. My Test levels came in at 546. Yes I know not that bad! But I chose to get active with a program. Also found out that my thyroid is very slow. With this being said here we go!!! Oh yes for those who are going to rip me about my body fat levels being to high I understand your thoughts but this is a very personal decesion.

    Goal look the best I ever have by the time I am 35....also to be the healthiest! Heres how

    Deca D 200mg week 1-10
    Test E 200mg week 1-10
    HGH 2iu 5/2 next 6 to 8months
    whinny 50mg EOD Week 2-10
    Armidex .5 mg EOD throught out cycle
    T-4 thyroid armour 90mcg EOD through cycle

    I have now started everything but the whinny and the T-4. I will start those next week.....they are on there way via the pharmacy.

    As stated I am going to keep a complete journal with every lifts, foods and how i am feeling. Also I will place current strenght of lifs. Of course I will look into getting some before pics.....only fair. So my journey has begun..................... I look forward to hearing from you all!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Damn mint to place this in the HRT section. Could one of you guy's help me out with this!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Sea-town (upper left USA)
    My past cycle experience inculdes 10 weeks deca 200-300mg a week. 50mg Whinny EOD 10weeks.

    C'mon bro. No test with that deca and winny?

    At 21% bf you need to worry about diet and cardio for now and not drugs. Get down to at least 15% bf then start talking AAS. For some reason beyond my intelligence, AAS is not as effective when your bf% is high. Plus those fat cells want to fill up with water and make you look even fatter when test is converted into estrogen.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    [QUOTE=Seattle Junk]My past cycle experience inculdes 10 weeks deca 200-300mg a week. 50mg Whinny EOD 10weeks.

    C'mon bro. No test with that deca and winny?

    Yeah, but he said he gained 25pounds, and kept 20 on that cycle. As long as you get the results, which drugs you use makes little diffrence.

    Bringndaheat-So your doctor was willing to give you HRT when your test levels was 546? Will you be on 200 mgs test ew permently now?QUOTE]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    This is not an HRT program. It's a legal, weak cycle. HRT is for life and is used when your normal hormones can't sustain a normal level. These pathetic "Life Extension" clinics have no clue as to a healthy endocrine system. Bro, just get in with some smart, experienced guys. Do a real cycle and find a doc to monitor you that has no vested interest in selling you "legal" gear.

    But, as Seattle Junk said. You need to learn to diet first. If you can't get to 10-13% bf, gear is not for you imo. I know guys with higher bf that looked no leaner after a whinny cycle.

    Just my .02, be carefull and good luck....

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