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Thread: Switching Esters Mid-Cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Switching Esters Mid-Cycle?

    Heyy I am running a cycle consisting of 100 mgs of prop ed but it has proven to be nearly unbearable. I was just wondering if I could switch to enanthate once I am finished my prop. Furthermore how would you compare the bloat of prop to test e with anti-e's. I am trying to minimize bloat in this cycle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    You could switch, but it takes about 6-8 weeks for Test E to kick in so your blood levels would be off.
    Have you tried cutting the Prop with B-12 or a sterile oil? This should help lessen the pain from prop. Also heat and massage work well too.
    I would use an AI with Test E to help with the bloat

    Hope this helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    According to the Roid Calculator, 100mg of Prop ED would be netting a daily average of 95mg from week 1 on...

    To transition to Tetosterone Enantate you could start with a frontload of 250mg the day after your last shot of Prop and ED for two more days (3 days total of 250mg TE). That will get plasma levels up to where the propionate had them. And then do 250 mg of TE every other day from then on.

    Testosterone propionate at 100mg ED yielded 700mg per week of a short ester testosterone. 250mg of testosterone enantate EOD yields about 875mg per week of a heavier ester... so the amount of parent hormone should be close between the two doses. By doing the frontload, you avoid a period inbetween where your androgen levels would drop.

    Ya dig? Play with the Roid Calculator a bit and see where I am going with this...

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