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Thread: Captain Dominate's Contest Log Prop/NNP/Var

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    thanks man, ill try and modify some of these for next wks pics.....

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Its week 3 now and my carbs are now at 110-115carbs every day with a carb up day every 5 days....i have some small cravings now just for some sweets but theres no worries, i've never cheated on my diet and i never this point i have stopped the NPP and started to see where im at condition wise....At this point every workout Is Better than the last! I just keep getting harder and losing more fat gradually...i upped my cardio too from 35minutes to 40 minutes....i will just run the prop 100mg ED till wk 6 then i will most likely be starting masteron at 350mg per wk and cruise to the show....more pics coming on out guys

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Heres the workouts so far from wk 3

    wk3 of the best workouts ever, felt strongth and pumps are insane along with hardness

    incline dumbells--70lbx12 reps, 75x12 reps, 80x 10 reps superset with 55lb rest pause 6 reps
    flat flys 3 sets 35lbx 12 reps
    incine hammer 160-lb 3 sets x 10-12 reps
    cable crossovers 4 sets ---2 sets of lower pulley 2 sets high pulley 12 reps each

    Back--pull ups 1 minute rests wide grip 2 sets...x15, 12
    close grip-2 sets x10 reps
    stiff leg deadlifts--135lbx12 reps, 175x10 reps, 195x10 reps, 195x 8 reps
    barbell rows 4 sets 155lbx10-12 reps
    seated rows 3 sets 140lbx 12 reps, 150lbx10 reps, 150lbx 10 reps
    calves..3 sets superset 100lbx16 weightx16 reps, floor calve raises..x16 reps

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Lookin great man! Arms are rather large! Calves and chest could use a lil work. But you still get a big thumbup from me !

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hey Thanks Bro! yea this offseason its all Chest work for me!....

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Today was arms for went great...still maintaining some strength and more cuts are still 178lb so ive only lost 2 lbs so far while dropping a good amount of bodyfat...hard to believe but i think ive put some size on my triceps as well...just one more day of training this wk..Quads on sunday then next wk ill be about 4 wks out from the show. I might have one more drop in carbs depending on my condition...the lowest i would drop this time is 75g of carbs per day...

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    here was todays lift:

    Arms--incline close grip--2 sets of 145lbx10 reps
    Superset with barbell curls 2 sets 115x8 reps
    pushdowns superset with dumbell curls 3 sets 150lbx12 reps/ 40lb dumbells x 8 reps
    preacher curls superset with rope pushdowns 3 sets 75lbx10 reps/130lbx12 reps
    cable curls 2 arm and single arm superset with reverse pushdowns
    5 sets 45lb (cables)x 10 reps/ 40lb x12 reps (reverse pushdowns)

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    when you do your side chest you need to close up your arm that is facing the judges. make sure you pull back your shoulder and when closed you can flex your bicep better. Also make sure you are pushing your legs together to create the illusion of thicker thighs. JMO

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Ok bro ill try it for the pics tomorrow...i know in the past i extend my arm a bit to make it look larger but ill try it this way for these pis...thanks for th input man...

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Man.......... .......!!??? Donno wut to say. what the hell did u do to ur cheset? Goooooood Luck with ur comp..

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Captain...........ive read a lot of your posts and i just wanna say you kick ass. Everytime i look at your threads your progress seems like it keeps getting better. Good job man!!!!

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    looking real good man!! i feel sorry for the others in that comp based soley on how well you progress so quickly! youve got some wicked pipes with some damn good peaks on the bi's bro!!! legs looking thick and cut as well!!! overall awesome!!

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Abokeef, Rar1015m and Biglouie...Thanks so much guys for the great support! Im goin to hit quads now...ill keep posting and updating this as much as possible...later guys

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Just got back from was great especially after carb day! currently im carbing up every 5 days now and i think ill keep it like that until the show next month...since i upped my cardio i dont think ill need to drop carbs least i hope not! was todays workout...overall it felt great and i felt much stronger than last quad workout too....Im currently 178lb so ive only lost 2 lbs really and maybe put on some muscle...either way it seems like im almost where i need to be...

    Quads--front squats--185lbx10 reps, 205x8 reps, 225x8 reps, 185, 7 reps
    squats 1 minute rests 3 sets of 155lbx10 reps
    3 sets of walking lunges 25lb dumbellsx10 reps
    3 sets of singel leg presses 145lbx10 reps
    leg extensions 1 set till failure...30 reps 100lb

    standing calves superset with calf raises with no weight, and floor calf raises, 100lbx 20 reps/20/20

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Chest went awesome today! probably cuz carb up day was 2 days ago...i felt very strong and was definitely stonger than last get some crazy weird cravings now! almost 4 wks left! Im craving a massive bowl of hot granola and i never eat granola! i saw a picture of granola and now i want it! that and 12 glazed krispy kremes! but im focused, id never cheat on my was todays chest workout and ill get some pics from today later too...

    incline barbell press--185x8 reps, 205x7 reps, 225x3 reps
    super wide flat barbell press-155lbx15 reps, 165lbx12 reps, 205x7 reps
    hammer incline machine...1 sets of 150lbx15 reps, 1 set of 200lbx9 reps
    flat flys superset with cable flys 2 sets 30lb dumbells x10 reps x 40lb cable flys x10reps

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Frekin P.I.M.P

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    captain, you keep looking better and look fll as hell bro.....keep up the good work, you will be there in no time brother

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thanks bros! Im so focused right now! almost halfway done with the diet! more pics coming this saturday or sunday....heres my current diet in case i didnt post it...and by the way, the whole food is working great! and keeping my hunger in check too

    Meal 1 grits and shake post cardio

    Meal 2 Chicken 1/4 cup rice

    Meal 3 Steak and 1/4 cup brn rice post workout

    Meal 4 chicken

    Meal 5 chicken 1/4 cup rice

    Meal 6 Egg whites with zucchinni

    Meal 7 Casein or Chicken with Flax

  19. #59
    How many wks out Cap-D? Little less than 4wks now?
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hey man...this saturday it will be 4 wks out!!! im getting so focused! Back day was great and strength is definitely up...just gonna keep hitting it hard every day and everything should go fine! here was todays workout

    Back--pull ups--2 wide 15 reps, 12 reps, 2 close grip, 12 reps, 12 reps
    stiff leg dead lifts--4 sets, 185x10reps, 205x10 reps, 225x8 reps, 185x20 reps
    barbell rows-135x15 reps, 155lbx10 reps, 155lbx 10 reps, 135lbx15 reps
    t-bar rows--35lb plates 3 plates--2 sets x15 reps

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Here was todays workout...still getting more cut every day and workouts keep getting better and better...4 wks out as of today...ill take pics tomorrow morning then post them asap....

    Arms--straight bar barbell curls superset with rope cables....
    95lbx12 reps/115x8 reps/95x12 reps, 95lbx 12 reps--cables 140lbx12 reps, 140lbx12 reps, 150lbx12 reps
    close grip EZ bar curls superset with 1 arm overhead extensions
    3 sets 80lbx12 reps---30lb dumbellsx 10 reps
    reverse incline EZ bar curls superset with bench dips
    60lbx15 reps 3 sets---bench dips 3 sets with 35lb plate 20 reps each
    close grip bench press superset with single arm preachers
    155lbx12 reps, 155lbx 12 reps, 185lbx 12 reps-----30lb dumbells 3 setsx12 reps
    single arm cable curls superset with single arm reverse pressdowns
    3 sets 30lb curls/ 3 sets 40lb reverse cables

  22. #62
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    You lookk good man and are tightening up really nice, but I agree with some of the others that your posing needs some real work. I am not bashing you just trying to help out. DO you have someone who could work with you on posing?? Its kinda hard to type things out for every pose

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thanks man! The problem is that i dont know anyone really around here where im living that could do of much help...i know a personal trainer who has worked with several bodybuilders and says he could help but he also charges at least $60 an hour and im not sure if hes trying to help me or trying to help his wallet....

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    LOOKING GREAT bro.....keep goin!! It aint long now--under 4 weeks to go.Keep it up. My bro did a show last year & the posing was the hardest part he & a routine that flows nicely. he didnt really know any"good" posers from his gym so his wifes girlfriend is a dance choreographer(sp?) & put his posing to his music & it worked out great...just an idea. also has some video links for posing

  25. #65
    Join Date
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    Georgia and Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Thanks man! The problem is that i dont know anyone really around here where im living that could do of much help...i know a personal trainer who has worked with several bodybuilders and says he could help but he also charges at least $60 an hour and im not sure if hes trying to help me or trying to help his wallet....
    I am busy most of the night, about to head to the gym for my PM cardio, but I will try to help you out some tomorrow bro. You still got time

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thanks again Spound and Getnjackked! Yea the thing is im actually a very good poser to music and routine...i usually do a lee priest, david henry -type routine...that flows...but its my mandatory shots that need practice...i started posing more tonight and will continue posing for 20-30 minutes every day till the to you later guys...

  27. #67
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Thanks man! The problem is that i dont know anyone really around here where im living that could do of much help...i know a personal trainer who has worked with several bodybuilders and says he could help but he also charges at least $60 an hour and im not sure if hes trying to help me or trying to help his wallet....
    IMO it's worth the money. Can you afford once or twice a week? Bring a camcorder. That way you can watch the corrects he makes and practice your posing in a mirror.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  28. #68
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    3,368 i wish i could, honestly me and my wife are Dead broke right now and theres room for maybe 2 sessions in the next 4 wks, im talking living paycheck to paycheck, but hey thats part of the game sometimes, it hasnt slowed me down one bit tho...great idea on the camcorder man, ill see if i can meet with him this wk...thanks man

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hey guys...just some small updates on the log...i will be stopping the test prop in a couple days then begin using masteron 350mg per wk, and i will run that up to the day of the show.....i also increased my cardio from 50 minutes to 60 minutes now 5-6 days a wk... i figure if i have the energy for more cardio i might as well...i feel just great right now, my carb up strategies have been working great which keeps me energetic for at least a couple days....I dropped the creatine yesterday too along with some of the steak and chicken sauces which contain extra fat and sodium....other than that im having minimal cravings and looking forward to the big day!...

  30. #70
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Today was quads and still holding strong but i can definitely feel the weakness comin on...i wish i could carb load tomorrow!!! Anyway ive decided that im going to try using Glycerol for this show during the carb up...i plan on using 40g of it prior to cutting out my water on goin to test it wednesday when i carb up...ill use 40g with 16 oz of water before bed to see if i tighten up in the morning...hopefully all goes as was todays workout...

    Front squats--185x10 reps, 205lbx8 reps, 225x7 reps, 185x10 reps
    Hack Squats 1 minute rests 120lbx 12 reps 3 sets
    single leg press--250lbx10 reps 3 sets
    standing calf raise superset with no-weight calf raises 30 reps each 3 sets

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Chest today was carbing up today also and going to try using the Glycerol today and maybe take some shots before and after to see if its was todays workout

    Incline press-155lbx10 reps 185lbx8 reps, 205x 6 reps
    incline dumbells 2 sets 70lbx12 reps
    hammer decline 200lb 3 setsx15 reps
    flat flys superset with cable flys, 30lb, 40lbx10 reps

  32. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Today was back, even after carb-up i was feeling pretty weak, but i got through it...after trying the Glycerol experiment i took some before and after pics..which ill probably post later...i did see some difference in condition but not much as far as fullness or vascularity yet...i will experiment with it again next carb day in 5 days....its hard to tell cuz after the back workout i sweat out some of the water and i did seem to look better...time will was todays lift

    Back- pull ups, 15 reps, 12 reps, close grip, 12 reps, 10 reps
    stiff leg deadlifts-135x15 reps, 3 sets of 155x15 reps, 1 minute rests
    t bar rows-4 sets, 145lbx12 reps, 185lbx12 reps, 185lbx12 reps, 185lbx 12 reps
    Barbell rows, 135lbx15 reps, 155lbx12 reps, 155lbx12 reps

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Well it turns out i got some luck on my side! I got the trainer to work with me for Free! Which will definitely help me since im pretty broke right now! Gonna meet with him saturday to try and clean up my mandatory shots...gtetting close but it still seems so far feeling pretty weak these days....i got shoulders tonight...ill catch up later...and more pics this wkend..

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    Well it turns out i got some luck on my side! I got the trainer to work with me for Free! Which will definitely help me since im pretty broke right now! Gonna meet with him saturday to try and clean up my mandatory shots...gtetting close but it still seems so far feeling pretty weak these days....i got shoulders tonight...ill catch up later...and more pics this wkend..

    i have a similar situation with a is good ...keep it up bro, and im interested to see pics

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hey thanks man! Yea today i got a dollar raise at my job too! Things are starting to turn around!!! Ill get pics up this wkend for sure...

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Todays lift..

    Shoulders-dumbell press 55lbx12 reps, 65lbx10 reps, 70lbx10 reps
    all sets here are 1 minute rests
    barbell front raises 65lbx10 reps 4 sets
    laterals 4 sets 20lbx12 reps
    cable laterals 2 sets 20lbx10 reps

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Your looking nice and lean,the only thing that you will need to do is practice your manditory's poses.Great work.

  38. #78
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hey Thanks Smart working with a trainer this wkend to try and get my mandatory shots down...looking forward to it...taking pics tomorrow morning too and they will be posted tomorrow! stay tuned guys....

  39. #79
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Three weeks out.. and coming along nicely.

    I know your carb intake is somewhat on the low side (115 gr last i heard)... too low imo.

    I think you should bump it to 150 gr.. forego the 'carb-up' since logically you've only just over 2 weeks of training left.. you could hit 150 gr for 9 days.. and 'carb-up' on the 10th.

    On cardio, i think you should bump it up to 90 minutes.

    60 minutes in the am.. 30 minutes pwo.

    On your pics... your condition is ok.. but your posing is horrible honestly (sorry)... you need a lot of adjustments if you are to show off your physique to the best of your ability.


  40. #80
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    May 2002
    Maybe this will help. It's video clips showing how to get into the mandatory poses.

    Check it out.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

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