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Thread: pct for trenadrol and phera plex when to start?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    pct for trenadrol and phera plex when to start?

    Im thinking about using one of these compounds and was wondering what their half life is and when to start the pct. Also do you think i can just do a clomid free pct? just arimidex? with some tong kat maybe?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    I dont know the first thing about Pheraplex but Im sure Papi can help you out there. He is in here all the time as well.

    As far as trenadrol can you explain exactly what it is, I am unsure on this as well.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Brazil
    Im thinking about using one of these compounds and was wondering what their half life is and when to start the pct. Also do you think i can just do a clomid free pct? just arimidex? with some tong kat maybe?
    Start your PCT the day after you finish your cycle. It has a short-half life.
    I wouldn't do a clomid-free PCT, based off of my experience. I like the clomid/nolva mix. Tongkat would be good if you have libido issues (800-1200mg).
    I would run the arimidex, if you want, after PCT for 4 weeks at 0.5mg ED. This will keep your test levels high after PCT (nearly doubling them). That is what I am doing right now.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    I dont know the first thing about Pheraplex but Im sure Papi can help you out there. He is in here all the time as well.

    As far as trenadrol can you explain exactly what it is, I am unsure on this as well.
    I haven't taken trenadrol yet but I think that will be included in my next cycle. I would not take it alone, as it will kill your libido. Stack it with methoxy tst. I believe 4-5g are equivalent to 50mg of tren acetate.

  5. #5
    C Bino, progestin (spelling)-related gyno from tren acetate? What about during PCT? I've read that nolva (SERM) and arimidex (AI) will not help with this type of gyno.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Ya nolva and a-dex wont help. You would need something more tailored straight for progesterone or letro since it eliminates estrogen almost completey and thus no progesterone without estrogen.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    so letro during cycle, and nolva after with clomid, followed by arimidex? or maybe just letro during and arimidex and clomid for a month and maybe a few more weeks of adex? thank you for the help i saw info on the searches but nothing about the half lifes and stuff so all these orals tst, phera , and trenadrol are one day pct start times? what d oyou think about a phera plex tranadrol stack with tst for the test substitute? I dont know anything about these substances so any info would help

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    oh and just to clarify trenadrol and phera plex have roughly the same short life?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Brazil
    so letro during cycle, and nolva after with clomid, followed by arimidex? or maybe just letro during and arimidex and clomid for a month and maybe a few more weeks of adex? thank you for the help i saw info on the searches but nothing about the half lifes and stuff so all these orals tst, phera , and trenadrol are one day pct start times? what d oyou think about a phera plex tranadrol stack with tst for the test substitute? I dont know anything about these substances so any info would help
    I would ask C Bino about the gyno issues. He is more knowledgable than me about this topic.

    This what I would recommend for a Phera Plex PCT. I have not run a trenadrol yet so I will hold off my opinions on that one.

    PCT - starts the day after your cycle finishes
    100mg Clomid/20mg Nolva for 4 weeks.
    That is how I would run it, based off of my experiences.
    Others will recommend nolva at 40mg for the first two weeks and 20mg for the last two weeks of PCT.

    After PCT - 0.5mg of arimidex ED for 4 weeks. This will keep your test levels high after PCT.

  10. #10
    I found Superdrol's half-life: 4-8 hours. Most orals have half-lives of 3-12 hours. I found that from former AR member Milky87. RIP my brother.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Ya nolva and a-dex wont help. You would need something more tailored straight for progesterone or letro since it eliminates estrogen almost completey and thus no progesterone without estrogen.
    Anything you could recommend for blocking progesterone, other than letro? A lot of people say that gyno shows up after their cycle. Would this be the best time to take it, or during (or both)? Thanks!

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