Hi guys,
I have completed a 10 week cycle consisting of:
wk 1 - 4 30mg/day D-bol
wk 1 - 9 150mg/wk Deca
wk 1 -10 500mg/wk Sust
Now I'm 10 days into pct. Just back from gym after having an intense "all-out" workout; I'm as strong (if not a little stronger) as I was on cycle, however I have clearly reduced in overall body mass by about 35%! Whats going on? Have I lost a load of water weight (and no I'm not dehydrated, Ive been watching my body mass drop since just before I started pct, which was incidentally 3 wks post last Sust injection)
My pct/diet/training is in check and all good?
What is the experience BBs on here of body changes during pct? Is it normal to be losing 2lbs body mass/day during pct? Am I correct in assuming this continued water loss will gradually stablelise, and thus I'll be left with the "keepable" gains?
I appreciate that everyone is different, but I'd really like to know what you guys experienced during pct.