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Thread: Body mass (water weight) lost during pct?????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Body mass (water weight) lost during pct?????

    Hi guys,

    I have completed a 10 week cycle consisting of:

    wk 1 - 4 30mg/day D-bol
    wk 1 - 9 150mg/wk Deca
    wk 1 -10 500mg/wk Sust

    Now I'm 10 days into pct. Just back from gym after having an intense "all-out" workout; I'm as strong (if not a little stronger) as I was on cycle, however I have clearly reduced in overall body mass by about 35%! Whats going on? Have I lost a load of water weight (and no I'm not dehydrated, Ive been watching my body mass drop since just before I started pct, which was incidentally 3 wks post last Sust injection)

    My pct/diet/training is in check and all good?

    What is the experience BBs on here of body changes during pct? Is it normal to be losing 2lbs body mass/day during pct? Am I correct in assuming this continued water loss will gradually stablelise, and thus I'll be left with the "keepable" gains?

    I appreciate that everyone is different, but I'd really like to know what you guys experienced during pct.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    35% in total body mass? Wow, assuming you weigh 200lbs that means you lost 70lbs...I think there is definitely something wrong here my friend, and I mean SERIOUSLY. This is something you should seek medical attention about, 70lbs of weight loss in 10days is extreme and I have actually never heard of anything this large before.

    Are you feeling physically ok? Please explain this more as I believe you may have had a typo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    35% in total body mass? Wow, assuming you weigh 200lbs that means you lost 70lbs...I think there is definitely something wrong here my friend, and I mean SERIOUSLY. This is something you should seek medical attention about, 70lbs of weight loss in 10days is extreme and I have actually never heard of anything this large before.

    Are you feeling physically ok? Please explain this more as I believe you may have had a typo.
    Real sorry guys, I meant to point out that I LOOK about 35% less in body mass than I did when I was on cycle. The following shows my weight in the evening and the morning (where I've been able to log it) starting from the 1st day of my pct.

    Day am pm
    1/ 196.24 196.24
    2/ 196.24 196.24
    3/ 196.24 196.24.
    4/ 194.92
    5/ 196.46 194.62
    6/ 197.34
    7/ 194.92
    8/ 196.46
    9/ 194.92 196.46
    10/193.38 193.38
    (gaps missing is where I was unable to weigh myself)

    After reading a recommended pct article, I chose start with a low dose of Tamoxifen 5-10 days after your last (long ester) injection to counter the estrogen as test level begins to fall around this point. So, 5 days after my last Sust injection I started with 20mg tamoxifen/day up until 16 days later where I started pct:
    Day 1 60mg/Tamoxifen 100mg/Clomid
    Day 2 40mg/Tamoxifen 100mg/Clomid
    Day 3 40mg/Tamoxifen 100mg/Clomid
    Day 4 20mg/Tamoxifen 100mg/Clomid
    Day 5 as above
    Day 6 as above
    Day 7 as above
    Day 8 as above
    Day 9 as above
    Day 10 as above
    Days 11 - 30 20mg/Tamoxifen, NO Clomid as natty is good!

    My peak weight was 202.40lbs (5 days after last Sust injection). From there on, my weight began to gradually edge down.

    Today, 11 days into my 4 week pct (which started 3 weeks after last injection) I weigh 193.38lbs. Therefore 202.40 lbs - 193.38 = 9.02lbs lost.

    Weight before cycle was 180.40lbs, therefore to date I am 12.98lbs heavier than I was before my cycle.

    And, as I said training/diet etc is all good! AND I'm as stong (if not a little stonger) now as I was on cycle.

    So, with 17 days of pct left and considering that I've already lost 9.02lbs, can this weight loss to date be expected? I'm hoping that my weight loss will begin to stabalise so I won't lose all my gains.

    What is your experience of weight loss during pct, is it initially a rapid loss, then a general slow down to a stable and consistent weight?

    Cheers guys,


    ps I will keep you all posted of my weight at day 30 of my pct.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Whats did you do diet wise when you stopped the cycle and started PCT ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    My experience is that with Proper PCT and a high calorie diet. ALL muscle mass can be may feel softer and loose that "juiced out" look. i just comeoff at the end of the summer so i dont have to worry about getting fat... i usually will gain a few lbs after coming off due to my diet...

    i believe PCT drugs are 25% midset is 25% and diet is 50%...

    i in no way have good genetics and i have done a no PCT cycle in which i lost more than i gained
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 07-11-2006 at 11:22 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    r u looking less puffy?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    did u start doing mad cardio after u got off?

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