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Thread: Is this okay?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Somewhere, USA

    Is this okay?

    I just finished a cycle of test e and I just received my clomid/nolva from the site sponsor. My question is this, I took my last shot a week ago from today. I went ahead and started taking 20mg nolva and then in another week I was going to start my clomid. Or should I wait to start both two weeks out from my last shot? I want to hurry up and get the boys back to work!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    PCT starts 14 days after last shot of test E. Starting PCT earlier wont help you out as there is still synthetic test active in your system. Just wait the full two weeks and then get going. If you are very anxious you should look inot HCG for the two week break.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Somewhere, USA
    Okay thanks! Is it okay that I took the Nolva this morning? I thought it would help keep the estrogen levels down, I have been on Test for about 5 months for TRT. I just put in my post that I took a cycle because when you say TRT it seems like it is tough to get any opinions or help.

    (BTW, I was doing 50mg/twice a week)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    england/north east
    Quote Originally Posted by ckurth6
    Okay thanks! Is it okay that I took the Nolva this morning? I thought it would help keep the estrogen levels down, I have been on Test for about 5 months for TRT. I just put in my post that I took a cycle because when you say TRT it seems like it is tough to get any opinions or help.

    (BTW, I was doing 50mg/twice a week)

    nolva wont keep estrogen levels down it's not an AI. it will however stop estrogen binding to the receptor
    no open source posting
    keep all source request's to PM'S please

    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


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