Has anyone heard how webb placed at the show tthis past weekend???
Has anyone heard how webb placed at the show tthis past weekend???
WEBB placed 1st in heavyweights. He weighted in at 231 if I am right. Unfortunatly the Light-Heavy winner took the overall...
His girlfriend finished second in figure tall class.
Congrats to both of you guys!
Great thanks bro....
I thought maybe he had gotten last and just didn't want to show his face around here anymore. LMAO.. j/k
Great job Webb!
-B D
If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!
If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!
“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”
Congrats brother!
BTW-Who is his GF? She a member of AR?
Yeah, i finished dead last and was afraid Ibdmfkr woouldnt let me in here so i decided not to post...
Wuboy25 was 100% correct, i weighed in at actullay 227lbs after dropping water and was 232lbs in the morning and 235lbs at the night show...i won my heavyweight class, but unfortunetly lost the overall to the light heavyweight winner, he was tighter in the mid section and had great symmetry....i was 50lbs heavier and my back, hams, and glutes couldnt be touched....my chest and arms were no contest either, but his legs were the same and and his abs looked like pieces of raviolli under his skin, and his overall symmetry was a little better cause of the tightness he had....he was also the home town favorite.....but i cant complain, everyone was in awe when i walked on stage, no one was even close to my size or carrying nearly the same amount of mass....The advice i recieved from MIKE_XXL was PERFECT and i would not have changed one thing i was as full as possibe, vascular as ever, and as dry as i could have been considering i only had 8 weeks...i actually had 2 steams shower in between shows and it helped remove the last bit of water.....Mike, your are a genius and i am glad i listened to you, you gave great advice and it worked better than i hoped...when i woke up this morning after eating crap last night i was no more vascular or tighter than i was at the comp, so i know i loaded perfectly, and did everything just right...Thanks again man....
My girlfriend is a member here, and posted before, but not so much anymore...i have posted a pic with me and here in it from my last show, she had bigger arms than me if that helps....i believe she got screwed in her class, the girl that beat here hab no abs and you could see her ribs CLEARLY....kelsie's legs were tighter, and her abs are sick...her back is freaky, and arms and delts were the only part the girl really had her beat...but the girl thast beat her is the comp sposor secretary so....but she is really happy with how she did and we'll prolly do another one together...one day....
Thanks again for all the support and i will have pics up soon, we got phots done by the photographer from musclemag International, and he is thinking of putting us in there in the next issue or two to help support the upcoming Provincial event in town....we have some pics, but it was hard caus ewe were both in the comp so getting people to take pics was hard to find.....Thanks again guys, and i am eating some pizza as i type this and already had 4 litres of diet pepsi.....but i am going to go train tonight...i need to get back in there...later boys....
Last edited by WEBB; 06-25-2006 at 01:18 PM.
well done webb, congrats
congrats WEBB!
Nice to hear bro!!
wb webb... congradulations. you got any pics commin?
that's awesome bro, I'm gonna re-read all your posts for your contest prep to use in my next show
Congrats buddy!!!! 1st place heavies is insane!!!
Some guys have those ravioli abs, difficult to compete with that. As far as mass sounds like you crushed him and everyone else.
Now go eat something buddy, I"m sure you're starving............
Great job bro!!! CONGRATS!!! Get those pics up ASAP!!
i will post pics asap...i got the photographer from MuscleMag International to do pics for me so they will be great and well done....and i will post them asap....
I couldnt be happier with first, and even though i didnt will the overall i destroyed him in back poses and it was my abs that cost me....but i know what i have to do different now, and will adjust accordingly...i actually just got back from the gym and trained chest and abshad a protein shake and going to have some chicken for supper....I carb loaded how Mike_XXL told me to, and i worked so perfect and to a T that i was ready to name my first born son after him
....but when i loaded i stayed full all day, and after the show i only had half a beer, a slice of pizza, and a few chips....4 gallons of water though
....I think they way i loaded worked great on a number of different levels...it filled me out perfect for the show, i wasnt hungry after, and today i went to the gym, and i am not pigging out and going to put on the weight on like i did last time, 40 pounds in 10 days.....
Also i got sponsored for supplements for the next show, and a nutritionist that trains a lot of top level guys out here asked me to do nationals with his diet starting now for 64 weeks up till July next year....he figures i can get to 265lbs by then and make a good run if i dedicate myself 110% to my diet, traing and supplementation...I am thinking about that now....but i am taking the next ten days to relax, catch a Sox game, and go to a cabin on the Island and eat lots of seafood....
There was no one even close to my mass and no one could touch my back, legs, arms, shoulders, but my abs were lagging so i took away from my symetry and cost me the overall...i will dedicate a lot of time and effort to them now, and i guarantee it will look like chef boyardee worked his raviolli's under my abs next time....
Thanks again boys and i will post pics asap.....WEBB
Glad to hear Bro...i am glad to have been a part of this and helped you out...CONGRATS for winning the over all, if you had 2 more weeks the overalls would have been yours as well...i am glad it all worked for you, and remember the first one is always free next one is a price of a dinner...LOL...once again, glad it all worked out and thanks for doing it to a "T" that's the only way it works...GREAT JOB BRO!!!!
i did exactly what i was told, and your right that ios the only way it would work...and it did.....i wish i was coming to torontio to buy ya dinner or a house....i needed the two extra weeks, but i had my moms wedding so i really cant complain....thansk again Mike....you made the difference, i could have done the work but with out your plan it wouldnot have mattered...Thanks again man...and i will come to you again, when i decide if i am going to try nationals next year....i need to go train abs....later.
Here are pics of big Webb and his loved one at the show
Wouldnt weighing in at 227 put you in super heavies?
Good Job Bro, Now you know what you have to improve fo rnext time... Now its my turn.
Congrats to you both man![]()
You the man Webb!!! Congrats!!
How did you like Boston by the way?
congrats webb, great work!
240 is super heavy, i believe...at least out here it is....that will be next time:lol
MrM...it is all on you to win your show now...keep up the winning streak bro, and best of luck to ya....
Nark...thanks man, like i said i was way thicker than everyone and my abs were the only lacking part, but i know i have work to do there especially, so i will really focus on them now....I was more nevous watching the girl up there and when they said second for her, my heart sank, but she is happy with it so that is all ican ask for....Thanks again bro...
SVT...i am leaving for Boston in five minutes, so i will let ya know how it went wednesday night when i get back...
Wuboy....thanks for posting those pics man....
Your Welcome bro!
Congrats WEBB!!!!! You and your woman look great!
how did miss web do
whoops second
Last edited by JohnboyF; 06-27-2006 at 12:44 PM.
CONGRATS WEBB--YOU LOOK AWESOME BRO. thanks for taking time to help guys on the board AS WELL AS train for a show & conduct every day life...I think we ALL appreciate it.. GREAT JOB!!!
Miss Web got second.. which one beat her?
The one who beat her is the second one starting to the left with the horrible mid-section... I would have put Kelsie first.
great job webb....
Well done i have been following your pre contest log. glad to see all the work paid off.
Thansk a lot everyone....
Mizfit...she lost to some one she shouldnt have, but i have a fairly biased opinion...but she was still really happy with how she did i think she looked amazing....
HotStuff, thanks for all your support you made the last couple weeks when me a nd the girl where fighting a lot easier, and i will not forget that.....
Getnjakked....i am glad my help is working for some of the boys on here and i will always find time to help someone....
PB.....the log was a great way for me to stay busy and get great feedback from everyone on how i looked and if i should look at changing anything....so this win is as much mine as it is the AR's.....
Damn Webb lookin good. Your lat spread killed the others...Have fun on the deserved vacation![]()
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