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Thread: Alright Jay Re: Speedwork

  1. #1

    Alright Jay Re: Speedwork

    You know I love you man, but if you are doing 3 reps in 2 seconds, I am beginning to develop a strong dislike for you.

    I tried with various extremely light weights today to get to 2 seconds, and I ain't even close. I seem to have a speed limit of around 2.6 seconds that I cannot get under regardless of the weight or lack thereof on the bar.

    At 135 bar weight with 3 reps done in 2.6 seconds, I was literally coming off the bench at the top of the reps cause I was pulling so hard on the bar to get it back down quickly for the next rep.

    I did speed bench this morning using 185 plus a doubled mini, which should add 40 lbs at bottom and 80 at top. I improved vastly on my speed from last week with the same weight and band combo, getting these done in 3 seconds this week and way over that last week.

    Also hit a 405 basically raw after doing speed work. I threw on a size 62 poly which I can touch with about 135 just for giggles.

    I need your secret bro. Give up the knowledge. Please.


  2. #2
    Anybody home? I need the secret man. Got to get faster here.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Bro iam not bullshittin you here. Jimmie Dean and Grimmer both timed me. I am just fast!! Cant explain it. Like i always said even beofre i did speed work i always pushed as fast as i can. And other then always keeping speed in my mind i cant explain it. But keep this in mind. Now that i am actualy focucing on speed i am wanting to be the fastest most explosive bencher possible.

    As you can see i am really excited about speed work. I am determined to be the fastest. But you knwo what i just thought about? Before i swiched to westside 6 weeks ago, i trained raw and heavy alot. I dont post my workouts alot , but i have always used bands choked down alot in training. I use them for floor presses and boards and raw bench. Greens doubled choked. I have used (last week even) greens and Blues double choked down (3 inches below the surface). You know that takes speed to push through 200 plus pounds of band tension. That may have something to do with it. Here are some lifts i have done. Maybe you can see a carry over.

    425 3 brd plus green and blues choked down.
    535 4 brd plus blue bands choked down.
    and never maxed but have done multiple reps with 405 and greens choked. I dont wear shirt in training. These are raw.

    Those are just a couple. I am looking to destroy those soon! IN fact tonight i ven mentioned to the guys i wanna do some shit you been doing for ME. Shirt and board plus bands! I am going to use those weeks out from the meet. Thanks to you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lakeland, Fl
    Hey B, I didn't realize who you were til PLJay told me. Good to see you here.
    PLJay's something else to watch train. His speed has increased greatly since he crossed over to the dark side 100%. Same thing with dyn squats. We started using a stop watch to guage our speed.

  5. #5
    I never doubted you. Don't get me wrong. I am just trying to imagine how I could possibly ever get to that level of speed. I honestly cannot do the bar for 3 reps in under 2 seconds. No bullshit.

    Like I said above. My speed limit seems to be right at 2.6 seconds. I can do no faster than 2.6 seconds with 135 on the bar, and I am hopping up and down on the bench trying to pull it back down to get to that number.

    You guys need to tape a speed workout and send it to Irish. I would love to see it. I will be sending a new tape to him this weekend, that will include a speed workout I just did on Wednesday. It would be interesting to see the contrast.

    Good luck at the meet. I really think you will like those shirt/board presses. Everyone I know who has tried them out has loved them.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york

    Try using a green band instead of the double minis'.
    Also 2.6 isn't bad you will get faster as you get more experienced, plus some people are just naturally faster PLJ is probably one of them, Dave Tate will tell you himself that he is faster than he is strong.
    You'll get there be patient.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I too seem to be faster than I am stronger, but Im not as fast as powerlifterjay, Im a little bit faster than Benchmonster but no where near as strong, damn to think of it I suck lol.

  8. #8
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    May 2002
    Well other then what triple x said i cant explain it really. You do know when were starting the watch right? As soon as the bar drops start it. Then as soon as the third lockout is locked stop it. But i am wanting to go even faster! It has to be possible i mean in 6 weeks i havent reached my speed peak.

    And bro under 3 seconds is cookin it!! I mean i am upping weight as long as i am under 3 seconds. We will use the one board next week. And as long as i am under 3 seconds i am happy. Speed is cool , i do like it.

  9. #9
    For me personally, 2.6 is as fast as it gets right now. I am talking a race car engine to the redline type speed. I have been taping everything and this week was able to get 185 plus minis under 3 seconds when the week before I was about 3.5 seconds.

    I will keep working toward it. I am being serious about sending Irish a tape. I really want to see what 3 reps in 2 seconds looks like. I thought Halbert had the fastest bar speed I had ever seen when he was decline benching in the old Westside Bench Workout video, and this has to be faster than that.

    Jay, I think you may have stumbled on to the missing piece of the 700 puzzle with the speedwork. That is insanely explosive. As I seem to be constantly stuck about a hundred pounds behind you, I have even more incentive to urge you on to the 700 mark so I can get to 600.

    Hoping to get at least a 550 by the end of the year, over 600 next year, and to do that, gotta get faster, and gotta get that lockout strength up there. Faster faster faster. (maybe if I say it over and over I can hypnotize myself into doing it)


  10. #10
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    May 2002
    I was thinking of sending Irish some Vids. I got a 562 in a meet with a 5 second pause! And thought i would send in the 600 bench. I was also thinking of sending one of me in 2000 missing 490lb @220 in a meet! That way you could see some progress. I got a 535 on tape, a 550 Etc. That way you can see i really worked hard to lift what i do. Ya knwo? Lots of work. Lots of meets. I was were your at in the end of 2000. I would have got here even sooner if wouldnt have hurt myself twice. There is no doubt you will hit 600 soon. probably sooner then you think. Ya knwo what this may sound so crazy, but you got get your mind set to where 600 is light. Were its somethin you should be doing. Mentally 650 to me is a joke. I want 700, and hell Ryan just did 800 so i should be hittin that. If i wanna be elite. Same with you. I think when i hit 650 in Nov i will be liek shit only 50 more to 700! That Will be my first thought. Not "oh i got 650, ya"! Wheres 700? If 35 others in history have done then so should I. And you. We have all the tools they have. I knwo i do.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Jay, you and Bench are really helping me along. When I hear the confidence that you both have it renews my own. I'm a VERY confident and upbeat person in everything, my one if only downfall would be lifting
    and every time I read posts like this (Irish's as well as may others) it's the same.

    I want to TRULY Thank all of you guys for all the help you give!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2002
    No problem bro! You gotta believe. Man we all have th emake up to lift alot. No reason why you or I shouldnt. My mind is very powerful. When it believes something and i cant change it i must do it. Weight wise!! We are all positive. I surround myself with positive people in the gym when we train. We have one who isnt reallynegative just so laid back its alomst negative. But he has alot of confindence so we keep him around. He has bombed every meet in the last year that he has done but still is excited to try again. If there negative they gotta go!

    Your liftin is making progress. You got wisdom atyour finger tips and equipment to trainwith. Really you got no excuse. Keep it bro!!

  13. #13
    I know what you mean Jay about having to believe 600 ain't shit. Right now, 500 is my bitch. I will open with 505 at my next meet. If it is an APF meet, that opener will be new State 220 Open record. With the opener.

    I have about 3 meets or so before the end of the year. If I don't go 550 plus, I will be shocked. Bigokie thinks I have 585 in me by December. I have locked this much and more out before, so I know it can be done.

    Jay. I have no doubt in my mind that you will be doing 700 soon. I really think dropping the heavy raw stuff for the speed work is your key to that club. Would not be too bad to be one of the top 35 or 40 all time at your sport, especially considering that most of the guys in that club are 300+ lbers.

    K1401, I can assure you it ain't a matter of talking it then believing some time later that it can be done. Jay and I say these things cause we believe it. I know in my heart that 600 will fall for me within a year from now. I also know that Jay will get to 700 pretty close to the same time I get 600. That is just the way it is.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    bench, it sounds like you have found the missing piece to your puzzle as well. from what dave has told me, speed is the biggest key. if you can't toss the weight up, then you're going to have to strain forever. and i don't know about you, but i hate straining for a long ass period of time. i don't think your 2.6 is bad in anyway. so long as you can get it under three, i think you're doing yourself justice. stating the obvious but...the faster you move that bar, the shorter time u have to be under that heavy ass weight.

    pljay, i have no idea how you use those green and blue bands choked. you're crazy.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Thanks p03t1c i will take that as a compliment.

    Benchmonster, i am conveinced that dropping the raw was good. For now at least. At least my shoulder is healing fast without the raw. BUt i am gonna go heavier then ever on ME day to feel heavy weight. We'll see man. I got 2 or 3 meets as well before the end of the year. I am so serious about my quest for a 700lb bench that i may skip the WPO so i can stay big. Today i am 255. I will go way over 260lbs by Oct and dropping 40lbs is just not what i want. Know what i mean?

    I like what you said about opening with a state record. At first it could be intimidating but after you chase an illusive number for awhile and that number is the record it seems ridiculas that you must still try for it. Records are records. I know you are way over 500 right now, unfortuanlty you got seal the deal in a meet to get really recongnised.

    Wanna hear something funny? I am actually embarrased to tell people my bench (officially ) is 600. IN Aug of 2001 i did 585. My injury and fucked up shirts have had me chasing that stupid number for awhile. Dude i am way over 600. BUt i cant saythat. I did a 625 before the june meet in the gym. Hell i did 660lb 3 inches from the botom and smoked it to lockout. Did 700 off a 3 brd before hand also. What do i end with? A second atempt bench 6. So i am embarrased cause should hav eeclipsed that by now in a meet. Since chasing that number i have done in meets, these are my attempts:

    600,600,635. Locked out the 635 but no lift! bomb
    562,600,625 got the 600
    600,600,645 Bomb

    11 attempts over 600 and officially got it once. Most couldnt touch properly. I hope no one chases a number as long as i did that sorry ass little number!!

    Sorry so long got carried away!!

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