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Thread: No sides with high dose of hgh?

  1. #1

    No sides with high dose of hgh?

    I've been on hgh for about a week and I actually started using 6iu, 3iu in am, 3iu in the pm, now I'm spliting 8iu. I haven't noticed any sides that everyone talks about when starting at a high level. Is this strange? I noticed the day after I first used it that my skin was tighter and I've actually dropped a % in bodyfat. I'm also using 100mcg of IGF-1 Long R3 at the same time if that makes a difference. I was just wondering what other people thought of this. I was expecting a lot of bloating or joint pain, and the only thing I really have is a little tightness in my jaw. Any opinions would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by audi0xpl0de
    I've been on hgh for about a week and I actually started using 6iu, 3iu in am, 3iu in the pm, now I'm spliting 8iu. I haven't noticed any sides that everyone talks about when starting at a high level. Is this strange? I noticed the day after I first used it that my skin was tighter and I've actually dropped a % in bodyfat. I'm also using 100mcg of IGF-1 Long R3 at the same time if that makes a difference. I was just wondering what other people thought of this. I was expecting a lot of bloating or joint pain, and the only thing I really have is a little tightness in my jaw. Any opinions would be appreciated.

    How old are you?

  3. #3
    25 years old.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Not for nothin' but its only been a week. I'd give it some more time before the sides that are most commonly associated with GH arise.

    Considering you dropped a percentage of BF and your skin is tighter is dam good. I would have said it was mental until I saw your comment on the jaw pain. My jaw would bother me all the time when I was taking Serostim and is somewhat common.

    Give it a few more weeks and repost, lets see how you're doing.

  5. #5
    Ok, thanks. I wasn't sure whether or not to expect the sides right away or not. I know a lot of people said to start at like 1-2 iu's because of the sides, but I started higher just to see and didn't see any except for the jaw.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by audi0xpl0de
    25 years old.
    I'm only 24 myself and plan on taking GH this year mainly to try and knock out some tendon problems.

    Please keep us updated on your results as I would definitley like to see how it affects us younger guys in general.

    some people say GH is a waste of time and money for guys our age but, I don't believe that for one minute becuse I have seen what it can do for a few that I personally know.

    I have no experience as of yet.
    Last edited by fossilfuel7; 06-24-2006 at 11:56 PM. Reason: forgot

  7. #7
    Just an update, right now I'm 9 days into my cycle of IGF-1 Long R3 and HGH. I still haven't seen any bad sides such as bloating. I actually am leaner than I've ever been. I still have a little jaw discomfort and the only other thing is a little carpal in my hands. I have actually put on 8 pounds which is very good for me since it seems no matter what I ate I couldn't put on weight, and I've actually dropped 2.9% bf. I wasn't really expecting these kind of results so soon, but I'm not complaining. I've been injecting IGF into one side and HGH into the other side, and the little fat that I had has pretty much disappeared. I'm definitely on cloud nine and can't wait for more results.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I'd suggest that your weight gain is all water at this point. This additional water makes measuring subcutaneous fat a bit difficult - not to rain on your parade, but at 9 days, you're getting ahead of yourself.

    Think it through if you weighed say 200 pounds, you are reporting that you gained about 14 pounds of lean muscle in 9 days (you lost 6 pounds of fat (3%) but your weight went up 8 pounds), yeilding 14 pounds of lean muscle. Nope sorry.

    Get back to us in 12 weeks, things will have started to settle down by then.

    Quote Originally Posted by audi0xpl0de
    Just an update, right now I'm 9 days into my cycle of IGF-1 Long R3 and HGH. I still haven't seen any bad sides such as bloating. I actually am leaner than I've ever been. I still have a little jaw discomfort and the only other thing is a little carpal in my hands. I have actually put on 8 pounds which is very good for me since it seems no matter what I ate I couldn't put on weight, and I've actually dropped 2.9% bf. I wasn't really expecting these kind of results so soon, but I'm not complaining. I've been injecting IGF into one side and HGH into the other side, and the little fat that I had has pretty much disappeared. I'm definitely on cloud nine and can't wait for more results.
    Last edited by Triposinator; 06-29-2006 at 09:35 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Agreed, there's no way you could drop almost 3% BF and be up 8 lbs in 9 days... If so you've put on a ton of water!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    pla•ce'bo effect"

    Pronunciation: (plu-sē'bō), [key]
    a reaction to a placebo manifested by a lessening of symptoms or the production of anticipated side effects.

    This is common, it has happened to most of us. We think we found something
    that lets us down. Don't get any of us wrong we all wish you the best. You
    won't realize your exact progress for at least a month.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Those are some unreal gains and losses for 9 days, damn, you don't know how much we all wish it were lean mass you gained. Keep us updated, give it another 7 weeks or so and we'll see how your progress is going. No one is trying to discourage you, we just don't want you to be let down, when everything settles down.


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