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Thread: sound ok for post workout?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Plant City, Fl.

    sound ok for post workout?

    Currently trying to lose weight. 5'-9" 230 lbs 35 yo. weights 5 days/week.
    After workout I have a protein shake consist of:

    2 scoops optimim whey protein
    1 cup oats
    1 cup FF milk
    2 Tbsp honey

    Fat:8 g
    Carbs: 101g
    Pro: 66g

    Just wondering if this sounds good or should I change it up.
    Any suggestion would b great


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    That is fine, I dont see a big problem with it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Plant City, Fl.
    Thanks. Everthing I've been reading says to stick with a 2:1 ratio(carbs/pro). alot of ppl recommend dex but the oats and honey are more readliy avail around the house without needing to buy anything extra.
    Last edited by Intruder; 07-02-2006 at 06:53 PM.

  4. #4
    Water and milk? Yum. Looks a tad much. So a low and high GI shake eh..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Plant City, Fl.
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Water and milk? Yum. Looks a tad much. So a low and high GI shake eh..
    The water and milk is fine once you run it through the blender. As for GI I'm pretty sure you are talking about the carbs, but don't know the difference between low and high. Guess I will do some more reading

  6. #6
    Honey- High GI
    Oats- Low GI

    GI=Glycemic Index

    Although the actual GI values vary place to place where you'll find them, honey is high and oats are low. I was just wondering on the logic behind it, but I don't see it as a bad idea at all. People do dextrose and maltidextrin, a high and low GI (food) in their shakes and have success...albeit both are powder. I have done the skim milk/whey/oats PWO shake and must say I didn't really like it all that much.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Honey- High GI
    Oats- Low GI

    GI=Glycemic Index

    Although the actual GI values vary place to place where you'll find them, honey is high and oats are low. I was just wondering on the logic behind it, but I don't see it as a bad idea at all. People do dextrose and maltidextrin, a high and low GI (food) in their shakes and have success...albeit both are powder. I have done the skim milk/whey/oats PWO shake and must say I didn't really like it all that much.
    Good post, Im sure he will appreciate that.

    I know a lot of people who use oats in their PWO shake and dont do the whole high GI thing for insulin spikes. There are so many different approaches I think if you are hardcore and dedicated and workout for 10+ years you are going to look great with a sound nutritional plan/training whether you use high or low GI carbs PWO.

    I have done oats in a PWO shake before and as well didnt really like it. But if you are cutting I dont see anything WRONG with it. I dont think 2:1 carbs : protein is needed either. My brothers friend (great bodybuilder) when cutting uses 2 scopps whey protein and 1 scoop of weight gainer believe it or not, just to get some sugar in there but obviously its nowhere near 2:1.

    Gotta see what works for you first and foremost.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Plant City, Fl.
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Honey- High GI
    Oats- Low GI

    GI=Glycemic Index

    Although the actual GI values vary place to place where you'll find them, honey is high and oats are low. I was just wondering on the logic behind it, but I don't see it as a bad idea at all. People do dextrose and maltidextrin, a high and low GI (food) in their shakes and have success...albeit both are powder. I have done the skim milk/whey/oats PWO shake and must say I didn't really like it all that much.
    No logic behind it was just trying to stick with the 2:1 method. Thanks for the info. Would u say it is better to consume high or low GI carbs after workout?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Plant City, Fl.
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Good post, Im sure he will appreciate that.

    I know a lot of people who use oats in their PWO shake and dont do the whole high GI thing for insulin spikes. There are so many different approaches I think if you are hardcore and dedicated and workout for 10+ years you are going to look great with a sound nutritional plan/training whether you use high or low GI carbs PWO.

    I have done oats in a PWO shake before and as well didnt really like it. But if you are cutting I dont see anything WRONG with it. I dont think 2:1 carbs : protein is needed either. My brothers friend (great bodybuilder) when cutting uses 2 scopps whey protein and 1 scoop of weight gainer believe it or not, just to get some sugar in there but obviously its nowhere near 2:1.

    Gotta see what works for you first and foremost.
    Thanks bino thats what i'm trying to do now is just see what works best for me. I know everybody is different and what works for one may not work for others.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    Intruder, looks ok for PWO, just curious if you have a diet whipped up yet? i was just checkin back up man.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    No thanks on that pwo.

    I'd use dex/whey/water.


  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Plant City, Fl.
    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    Intruder, looks ok for PWO, just curious if you have a diet whipped up yet? i was just checkin back up man.
    Not yet nova. Been off from work all week but had some other things come up (3 yo getting tonsils removed) so I've been a little busy. still working on it. Thanks for checking up though

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Plant City, Fl.
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    No thanks on that pwo.

    I'd use dex/whey/water.

    C'mon try it its great.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Megamass 4000

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    No thanks on that pwo.

    I'd use dex/whey/water.

    This has what has worked best for me..

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Plant City, Fl.
    so I should be doing high GI carbs for pwo?

  17. #17
    Try both and see what works better..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Act as if...
    i like 2 banannas PWO myself... i read a article on them saying how good they are for you.... let me try to dig it up

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    No thanks on that pwo.

    I'd use dex/whey/water.


    But shouldnt you still use some slow digesting cabs (low GI) to help the whey digest a LITTLE (Yes I know you want quick absorbtion TO AN EXTENT PWO) slower and help basically not waste protein ingested?

  20. #20
    whey will be digested quickly either way. Whey is digested quickly by itself.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Intruder
    C'mon try it its great.
    Like I said, no thanks.


  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by daytrader
    i like 2 banannas PWO myself... i read a article on them saying how good they are for you.... let me try to dig it up
    Bananas are good for you. But I would limit how many you have in a day. Everything should be taken in moderation especially something with a lot of fructose, unless you are all out bulking and dont care.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2004
    no need for milk stick with water because milk make it harder to digest..thats what i do

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