ok dont get all wound up, I love UG labs, I have had great luck with UG labs ..P was my favorite for a good year... but I have a few complaints... and I am not really trashing anyone here just having fun...
complaint #1
10ml vials... what am I gonna do with 10ml of propinate or test suspension, seriously thats more vials to fill, more labels to print, more caps to crimp and it just pisses me off!!!
complaint #2
prop with more than 1 or 2% BA... ive made great smooth painless prop at 1%BA and 25% BB that was as smooth as silk and 0 pain whatsoever... I had one lab that sold me prop so painfull that by the start of week 2 I spent 2 hours a day in a hot tub just to relieve enough pain so I could go to the gym...
complaint #3
liquid orals that are globby... I recently bout 2 anavars a clomid and a nolvadex and all 4 were globby gooey junk... I heated them, I shook them, and they now just had globs, just smaller globs... I cut all of them with 50% everclear and figgured I could just do double the amount... still pretty globby... I emailed the guy and asked about the globs, and he proudly said he used a natural suspension method without using harsh nasty tasting chemicals... WTF... I like harsh chemicals, and the nastier tasting the better but globs, I cant deal with globs... I finally ate the anavar with a fork and lemme tell you it was hard to get a proper 50mg dose... LOL
ok I made my complaints so to be fair here are 3 kudos!!!
Kudos #1
50ml jugs at a reasonable price... this is why ..P had me at hello, they stopped doing this but at one time you could get 50ml vials for such a good price home brewing just seemed pointless, I browse through UG labs and if they do 50ml vials I am almost certain to try them at least once...
Kudos #2
Labs that do it all... when I find a lab that has anavar, masteron, test prop, clomid, viagra, hcg, gh, letrozole, winni caps, liquid winnie, water based winnie... you know the entire catalog of goodies... well I just love that. It reminds me of my first time in a foriegn pharmacy looking at rows and rows of pretty gleaming boxes and vials of juice... I love a UG lab that carries the full monte...
Kudos #3
well dosed products... I mean correctly dosed of course, but I really mean stuff that is dosed for real steroid users... who needs 50 mg winnie caps? I want 25mg caps so I can take 2 a day and keep blood levels more balanced... I love finding a good test 500 with 250mg of test E and 250mg of test C per ml... that means 2ml a week gives me a really good dose and if that test 500 comes in a 50ml vial... well thats just heaven on earth...
honorable mention
I love priority mail, western union, bubble wrap, fast T/A, and guys who answer emails...
Last rant...
E Gold... WTF
have fun with it guys, take time to let UG labs know what you love and what you hate... and dont forget to say thanks for the risks they take every day so we can be swoll...