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Thread: IGF1-LR3...10 days out till my comp log...

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Learnin from the best...
    Day 7

    630am---- 20min cardio @ 65%Hr, abs and calves
    800am---- 100mcg IGF shot IM all one shot ed
    830am---- 10oz turkey, and 75g of carbs from sweet poato, 1 cup brocoli
    11am ---- 10oz turkey
    130pm---- 10oz turkey, 75 gram carbs from sweet potato, 1 cup brocoli
    400pm---- 10oz turkey
    500pm---- train
    700pm---- 10oz turkey
    1000pm---- 10 oz turkey

    Welll i had another headache last night, but i had 4oz of O.J and it went away, i figured it is because my carbs are not consistant through out the day, and once i am depleted my head starts to pound.....I can deal with it till i start to load on thursday.....Had another great workout last night, and today is my last training day before i get to just keep my feet up and realx...i am really happy with benefits of it so far, and will add it in my pre comp everytime for sure...

    Tai...i dropped tren 8 days out, BP is still perfect at 120/78 girlfriend checks it nightly, and i am KUTE.....but hey you knew that already....

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    must be only about 4 days to your comp now webb?

    looking forward to seeing the pics mate
    1st place no problem

  3. #43
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    1st place is the only place i will allow.....4 days now, and gettin dial in for sure...cant wait now actually...was kinda excited last night...still cant sleep very much, but it is all worth it...

  4. #44
    How did you decide the timing of your IGF?

    Good luck!

  5. #45
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    i had a few people help me figure it out, and since i am dieting for a show i wanna take advantage of the few carbs i do have, so i dedcided to do it all in the am, since i have no carbs later on to ensure depletion, splitting the dose was not a good idea...

  6. #46
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    Day 8

    700am---- 100mcg IGF shot IM all one shot ed
    830am---- 10oz turkey, and 150g of carbs from sweet poato
    11am ---- 10oz turkey
    130pm---- 10oz turkey
    400pm---- 10oz turkey
    600pm---- 10oz turkey
    800pm---- 10oz turkey
    1000pm---- 10 oz turkey

    Well as you can see today is going to be a LONG carbs after breakfast, and i am going to be depleted and flat all day, but hey, i get to load tomorrow

    I had no sleep last night and i dont know why....excited for the comp, i guess...feel really good, lots of energy and no headache, thank goodness....did my shot this morningand since i am not doing cardio anymore i timed it a bit earlier so when i have my carb meal i can take advantage of them with the IGF....the only sad part is, is that i only have 2 shots left...

    I'll keep you guys posted, WEBB

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Day 9

    700am---- 100mcg IGF shot IM all one shot ed
    830am---- 10oz turkey, and 150g of carbs from sweet potato and oats
    11am ---- 10oz turkey, and 125g of carbs from sweet potato and oats
    130pm---- 10oz turkey, and 100g of carbs from sweet potato and oats
    400pm---- 10oz turkey, and 75g of carbs from sweet poato and oats
    700pm---- 10oz turkey, and 50g of carbs from sweet potato and oats
    1000pm---- 10oz turkey, and 50g of carbs from sweet potato

    Well i only have 2 days of IGF and dieting left till the show, and i can say IGf has made the difference i hoped it would it kept me full while my calories and carbs were low, i am still at 232lbs after depleting for 2 days, and i am loading today so i cant wait to see how well it helps with that also...i will update tonight before bed, and let you know how my first day of loading went with it...

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    go ninja go ninja go ninja!

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    Day 9

    700am---- 100mcg IGF shot IM all one shot ed
    830am---- 10oz turkey, and 150g of carbs from sweet potato and oats
    11am ---- 10oz turkey, and 125g of carbs from sweet potato and oats
    130pm---- 10oz turkey, and 100g of carbs from sweet potato and oats
    400pm---- 10oz turkey, and 75g of carbs from sweet poato and oats
    700pm---- 10oz turkey, and 50g of carbs from sweet potato and oats
    1000pm---- 10oz turkey, and 50g of carbs from sweet potato

    The carbs should be even throughout the day.Not in a ramp fashion like you posted.However told you to do that "on this board" should be shot in the head.I'm serious too.

    Good luck on the show!!Next show I hope you learn from all the dieting mistakes you made on this one.You might want to consider staying a little lean "off season" so you won't have to diet as hard,as it is very evident from the pic in your avatar.It's obvious you dieted hard right up to the last minute.Something more experienced guys know not to do.

    Like I said...GOOD LUCK!!


  10. #50
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    Pinnacle....i agree 100% that i should have stayed leaner in the off season like you mentioned, but i also went from 210lbs in november to 235lbs on stage in 25 pounds in 8 months is not that bad if yo uask me, so i think my off season diet worked ok....I also think the way i dieted down and got prepped for this show considering i oonly had 8 weeks in stead of 12, worked well and i didnt lose any muscle, and i know i am holding water and should be drier now, but that will come tonight....can you explain why i should have kept my cabs even all day instead of ramping...i did that because of insulin sensitivity....Also i disagree that i made all the mistakes...i would not change one thing, i did not over deplete, my sodium is perfect, i lost all the fat i need...i could be dryer, but that is my body type also....

    It is a learning process and i will continue to learn from others willing to help me...but there are not that many around...and the ones that are gracious to help me and offer three advice in no way deserve to be shot in the head...

  11. #51
    Hey man, it is the results that count - good luck!

  12. #52
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    Well here i am 2 days away, well i guess only one caus eit is getting late and i have one meal left and then i am going to bed.....i stopped my water at 8pm, and took 50mg diazide at 7pm...made my pee a lot for the first bit then i got a run of the runs....but i look vascular already, and feel better now....i applied my first coat of pro tan, and will apply another in a couple hours....then get up tomorrow, and at around 2 we are heading to the comp city and i am going to the hotel to just relax....and paint on more tannning...weigh ins are at 7pm, and i should be full and close to 235lbs....i will get up at 3am and take 50mg more of diazide, and try and sleep....sleep has been hard to find lately....i will be doing my 100mcg IGF tomorrow mornig to help load still, but i am stopping it saturday , so my journal is now complete....kinda sad...

    went to the grocery store and got my saturday night snacks, 40 bucks for....3 big bags chips, 12 diet pop with lime, can of baked beans in molasses, 6 bavarian creme doughnuts, 12 oatmeal cookies, oreo's, chocolate cake icing, and cherry pie filer....and some rice cakes, peanut butter and honey....

    i will not be on tomorrow, but i will update my pics and have a good result for you on sunday night when i get back.....thanks again to everyone for all your support, and you made it impossible to quit or cheat cause i knew i couldnt let anyone of my bro's this win will be dedicated to all of you here....

    A HUGE thanks goes to Mike_XXL, who pretty much single handedly pulled my head from my ass and got me squared away on everything.....Jayhova, your cardio ideas, and support were inspirational to say the least.... and all the members who wouldnt let me think about placing second....Thank you...

    WEBB...first place mens overall june 24th...

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    i just started reading this thread a few days ago and all i can say is its great...WEBB you are an inspiration to me and hopefully to all...thanks for the log bro and best of luck to you

  14. #54
    Join Date
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    Well i guess i will make one more entry into the journal....

    Day 10

    700am---- 100mcg IGF shot IM all one shot ed
    830am---- 10oz turkey, and 150g of carbs from sweet potato and oats
    11am ---- 10oz turkey, and 125g of carbs from sweet potato and oats
    100pm---- 10oz turkey, and 100g of carbs from sweet potato and oats
    200pm---- Travel to show
    400pm---- 10oz turkey, and 75g of carbs from sweet poato and oats
    700pm---- 10oz turkey, and 50g of carbs from sweet potato
    730pm---- weigh in at 235lbs...hopefully
    1000pm---- 10oz turkey, and 50g of carbs from sweet potato
    I will also have a few rice cakes and peanut butter with honey after weigh-ins to fill out even more...

    Well last night i dropped water at 8pm, took my diuretics at 7pm and 3am...and i peed all night...but i had the best sleep i have had in weeks....loading is great...i will load up again through the day and tonight also, then tomorrrow at 5am i am gonna try fat loading based on Mike-XXL's great advice....everything is right on schedule now, and i did my last injection of IGF this has made a huge difference, keeping me full and vascular...the headaches sucked, but if i wasnt on such a strict diet they wouldnt be an issue i am sure....i feel great and the energy has been as high as can be expected while dieting pre comp...

    I am glad this journal helped some people, and i am glad you think i am an inspiration, but i am just doing what i love with help from people who love it also....

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    Well here i am 2 days away, well i guess only one caus eit is getting late and i have one meal left and then i am going to bed.....i stopped my water at 8pm, and took 50mg diazide at 7pm...made my pee a lot for the first bit then i got a run of the runs....but i look vascular already, and feel better now....i applied my first coat of pro tan, and will apply another in a couple hours....then get up tomorrow, and at around 2 we are heading to the comp city and i am going to the hotel to just relax....and paint on more tannning...weigh ins are at 7pm, and i should be full and close to 235lbs....i will get up at 3am and take 50mg more of diazide, and try and sleep....sleep has been hard to find lately....i will be doing my 100mcg IGF tomorrow mornig to help load still, but i am stopping it saturday , so my journal is now complete....kinda sad...

    went to the grocery store and got my saturday night snacks, 40 bucks for....3 big bags chips, 12 diet pop with lime, can of baked beans in molasses, 6 bavarian creme doughnuts, 12 oatmeal cookies, oreo's, chocolate cake icing, and cherry pie filer....and some rice cakes, peanut butter and honey....

    i will not be on tomorrow, but i will update my pics and have a good result for you on sunday night when i get back.....thanks again to everyone for all your support, and you made it impossible to quit or cheat cause i knew i couldnt let anyone of my bro's this win will be dedicated to all of you here....

    A HUGE thanks goes to Mike_XXL, who pretty much single handedly pulled my head from my ass and got me squared away on everything.....Jayhova, your cardio ideas, and support were inspirational to say the least.... and all the members who wouldnt let me think about placing second....Thank you...

    WEBB...first place mens overall june 24th...
    and tai for helping w/ my tren doses! LOL good luck lil buddy

  16. #56
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    has the water started coming off your abs form the diuretic?? Good luck bro!!!

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    .can you explain why i should have kept my cabs even all day instead of ramping...i did that because of insulin sensitivity.....
    No need to explain .You have it all figured out,and are totally prepared for all your future shows.

    I see you held 10 pounds more than you expected 30 days ago.That truly is remarkable since you said you'd come in at you'll be 235..Impressive!!!

    Good luck on your future shows and life in general.


  18. #58
    Kill 'em!

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    hey webb
    whats the verdict?

    u got pics?

  21. #61
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    does anyone know the results

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby
    oh man where is he?

    has he been hospitalised after going out of control with his post comp binge eating

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    oh man where is he?

    has he been hospitalised after going out of control with his post comp binge eating
    I heard he bought a Pizza Hut and he has locked himself in there since the end of the show

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    for real does anyone know where he is

  25. #65

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