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Thread: Japan and premptive stirke

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    west of the rockies

    Japan and premptive stirke

    Japan's government is looking at it's constitution to try and determine if a premptive strike in self defense is legal for it to carry out. This is in regards to N.Korea. They seem to be very spun up about N. Korea...and the rising sun begins to rise again.

    Note: Be careful Kimmy ill Dung...the last 50 years has seen a pacifist Japan, but in the historical timeline of Japan 50 years is like a couple of hours. Kimmy is flirting with being hit with low grade tactical nukes...

  2. #2
    Japan should remember it's preemptive strikes on Pearl Harbor and realize war does not go the way one plans.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Someplace Civilized
    Quote Originally Posted by mcpeepants
    Japan should remember it's preemptive strikes on Pearl Harbor and realize war does not go the way one plans.
    Yea but this time we are their friend not foe

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    Yea but this time we are their friend not foe
    It doesn't matter that Japan friends with the US now. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor thinking it would gain navel dominance of the Pacific. That sure didn't happen. And I a preemptive strike on North Korea would be an act of war and North korea would be legally justified to shoots missles at Japan. War never goes the way people plan it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I dont like the idea. I dont think China would like to se Japan become more militaristic again. To much shit betwen those two

    N.Korea have had missiles capable of hitting japan for quite some time already, I dont know why they react now? This new missile is no more a threat to them than the earlier, shorter range versions.

  6. #6
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    The test in me would love it if Japan bombed that fuk. But I honestly believe that it would create alot of turmoil with China. That being said, if China refuses to help make the situation better, Japan should not have to sit back with its hands tied and do nothing. And if the UN does not do anything yet again, than I think that the US should pull out of the UN. They do nothing accept tie our hands anyway. 12 years of sanction for Sadaam, fukking foolish...........

  7. #7
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    The test in me would love it if Japan bombed that fuk. But I honestly believe that it would create alot of turmoil with China. That being said, if China refuses to help make the situation better, Japan should not have to sit back with its hands tied and do nothing. And if the UN does not do anything yet again, than I think that the US should pull out of the UN. They do nothing accept tie our hands anyway. 12 years of sanction for Sadaam, fukking foolish...........
    I think this is mostly because the UN is very limited in the actions it can take. I am all for a stronger UN with more authority. From what I understand when UN troops enter a country they have to obey any restrictions the country put upon them or something like that. Thats bullshit.

    Unfortunaly it seems its going in the wrong direction

  8. #8
    I think it`s great if japan Gett the N,K people free from a cazy man like Jing ding dong 2 or what his name was!!

    I wonder what the reaction will be IF Japan go to action!!
    I think the south area leaders will put their coffe and smoke in the neck and cough.
    And I wonder How tolerant the Big brother China and how loyal China is to Northkorea.
    I do NOT think North Korea is Alon.........If !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by The OutLord; 07-12-2006 at 10:28 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    I think this is mostly because the UN is very limited in the actions it can take. I am all for a stronger UN with more authority. From what I understand when UN troops enter a country they have to obey any restrictions the country put upon them or something like that. Thats bullshit.

    Unfortunaly it seems its going in the wrong direction

    I would never be for giving the U.N. more authority. A "world" government is not the answer. They are completely corrupt already..imagine if they had MORE power.

    I'm all for Japan arming up. I dont care who it pisses off. They are a big U.S. ally and they should be able to defend themselves.

    As far as hitting N. Korea, I dont think the time has come yet but soon.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I would never be for giving the U.N. more authority. A "world" government is not the answer. They are completely corrupt already..imagine if they had MORE power.

    I'm all for Japan arming up. I dont care who it pisses off. They are a big U.S. ally and they should be able to defend themselves.

    As far as hitting N. Korea, I dont think the time has come yet but soon.
    Amen brother!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Bandit County
    1- A world government could not function only if it a dictatorial fascist united state(mean all states united, not the US).

    2- NK is a paper tiger, actually they don't even have tiger to make tiger paper, neither they do have paper.

    IN a case of war, the population will rise, so they will have two fronts to fight on, against the good guys and against North Korean, If you believe that North Korean will fight, forget it, they will rise against the tyrany. Even many generals of the NK Army are in the pocket of the CIA....

    China cannot do much, they can pull some ties below the table, but every of their move can be dangerous and catastrophic to their economy, dont forget 95% of their economy is owned by UK and American interests. And alienating their main market of product goods and consumer is too risky for them.

    finally, the UN is a club, a club for gentlemen to come bitch and spend the money of the weathy nations.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    1- A world government could not function only if it a dictatorial fascist united state(mean all states united, not the US).

    2- NK is a paper tiger, actually they don't even have tiger to make tiger paper, neither they do have paper.

    IN a case of war, the population will rise, so they will have two fronts to fight on, against the good guys and against North Korean, If you believe that North Korean will fight, forget it, they will rise against the tyrany. Even many generals of the NK Army are in the pocket of the CIA....

    China cannot do much, they can pull some ties below the table, but every of their move can be dangerous and catastrophic to their economy, dont forget 95% of their economy is owned by UK and American interests. And alienating their main market of product goods and consumer is too risky for them.

    finally, the UN is a club, a club for gentlemen to come bitch and spend the money of the weathy nations.

    I agree.. Word with intelligence.
    Their Handcuffs is the allied capitalism and thay dont whant to lose it..Thay just borrow it Fore now untill The West world say no or yes!!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcpeepants
    It doesn't matter that Japan friends with the US now. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor thinking it would gain navel dominance of the Pacific. That sure didn't happen. And I a preemptive strike on North Korea would be an act of war and North korea would be legally justified to shoots missles at Japan. War never goes the way people plan it.

    Yet another factually inaccurate statement By MC..... You are on a roll. Most evidence from the time shows that the goal was to cripple the US Fleet long enough to gain control of Asia, not the entire pacific ocean. All of the resources that Japan needed to continue the war were located in Asia not the pacific. Japan realized that eventually the US would regain naval superiority, they were just buying time, not necessarily attempting to destroy the entire Navy. Where japan got screwed is that they severly underestimated the amount of time it would take the Us to rebuild and expand the fleet. Feel free to post your incorrect comments so that I may correct them.

  14. #14
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    We would never gone to war with Japan if we wouldn't have slapped an embargo on them........again the hypocritical US gets involved in another region it doesnt belong.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badgerman
    We would never gone to war with Japan if we wouldn't have slapped an embargo on them........again the hypocritical US gets involved in another region it doesnt belong.
    It must truely suck to be you..........

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    Guess who in this post is like a kanker sore...annoying, unpleasent, and absolutely worthless....come on guess...only one chance...

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    If you would READ a little.......Japan could never understand why we were upset about their incursions into China after what we did to the Indian population..........I believe it goes into some detail in "Flyboys"

    But you young bucks just know it all........the little pricks in the back of the class telling the world how it all is.....

  18. #18
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    Well, Hollywood has reportedly made a blockbuster movie for those of you who aren't old enough to "Remember Pearl Harbor" If it's historically accurate – as it is reported to be – then it will be all about the totally predictable reaction by the Japanese to President Roosevelt's crude oil embargo – tantamount to an act of war in those days – of July 24, 1941.

    (At the same time, Roosevelt also froze all Japanese assets in the United States which, if not an act war, is decidedly not making nice. You are probably old enough to remember when the Arab states slapped an oil embargo on us in 1973, in retaliation for our assistance to Israel, which was under attack by Egypt and Syria. And you probably remember that President Carter froze Iran's assets in the United States in retaliation for their taking our embassy and diplomats hostage. In the first instance, the Arabs were very unhappy with us, and in the second, we were very unhappy with the Iranians.)

    If you've seen the movie, or if you know your history, you're probably wondering what some historians have also wondered: When Roosevelt stood for re-election to an unprecedented third term in 1940, he promised American mothers on a stack of Bibles that he was never going to send American boys to fight "in any foreign wars"! Unless, of course, we were attacked. If not to provoke an attack on us and the Brits, then why did Roosevelt slap an oil embargo on Japan, a country that had no oil of its own and literally couldn't survive long – maybe six months – without it? And why did he do it when he did it?

    Furthermore, after imposing an oil embargo on Japan, why did Roosevelt keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands – a U.S. possession – rather than at Subic Bay in the Philippines, another U.S. possession about 5,000 miles to the west? Why is it that we "Remember Pearl Harbor," today, and don't "Remember Subic Bay"?

    Well, apparently Roosevelt slapped the embargo on when he did because Hitler had invaded the Soviet Union only a few weeks before, on June 22, 1941, and it already looked like the Wehrmacht would be in Moscow in a matter of weeks. Roosevelt and Churchill were frantic. Unless they did something – and did it quickly – the Soviet Union would soon go the way of Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, etc.

    (Of course, the Wehrmacht didn't get to Moscow by Christmas of 1941 and the reason is telling: Hitler, also having almost no oil of his own, made the capture of the Soviet oil fields in the Caucasus – not Moscow – his number one priority. By the time he captured the Soviet oil fields in the south, the snow was waist deep around Moscow in the north.)

    But, back to Japan in the summer of 1941. Japan – although allied with Germany, Italy and other European Axis Powers – had little interest in their European war. Nor had Japan committed in the Pacific any war-like acts against the British Empire.

    You see, Japan had been engaged in an all-out war on the Asian mainland since 1933, the year Roosevelt became U.S. president and Hitler came to power in Germany. By the fall of 1941, Japan's armies occupied a huge hunk of Asia, including Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and almost a third of China. But the Japanese were then – as they are today – resource poor. In particular, they were completely dependent on oil (and rubber) from Indonesia and Borneo and other possessions of the European colonial powers in the southwest Pacific and Indian oceans.

    About now you ought to get out your globe. Notice that smack dab in the middle, between Japan and all that oil (and rubber) they desperately need, are the Philippine Islands. And just to the west of them lies the Brit stronghold of Singapore on the Malay peninsula. With the British Pacific Fleet operating out of Singapore and the U.S. Pacific Fleet operating out of Subic Bay, there was no way the Japanese were going to get any oil (and rubber) past those fleets without a fight.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    west of the rockies


    you really are a sick your meds or what?? You're the armchair quarterback...second guessing everything after the fact is quite easy, you should have it mastered but you still screw it up...I think its time you go on my ignore really are too stupid, not ignorant, but stupid to read any longer.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    It must truely suck to be you..........
    It will truly suck to be you when you stand before God and He calls you a warmongering idiot.......

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teabagger
    you really are a sick your meds or what?? You're the armchair quarterback...second guessing everything after the fact is quite easy, you should have it mastered but you still screw it up...I think its time you go on my ignore really are too stupid, not ignorant, but stupid to read any longer.
    Oh yeah.....the Japs just bomb the US for the hell of really ARE ignorant if you can't see the underpinnings of every conflict........Haven't you learned anything from Hitler.....make the people believe the BIG LIE........

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    Yea but this time we are their friend not foe
    You think so???........Need to study up on what the Japanese really think of caucasians.....or Americans in general.......likes our money.......way different than friend..........reminds me of ............ISRAEL>......tsktsk .....sorry lipton

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    A little more WWII tidbits

    But Germany's war efforts were still dependent on oil resources, and it came from a variety of sources, some external to the German border. Before Rumania was invaded by the Germans, it was selling oil to Germany. Life magazine of February 19, 1940, has a picture of Rumanian oil being loaded into oil tank cars. The picture has a caption under it which reads, in part: "Oil for Germany moves in these tank cars of American Essolube and British Shell out of Creditui Minier yards near Ploesti (Rumania.) Notice that cars are marked for German-American Oil Co. and German Railways, consigned to Hamburg and Wuppertal in Germany. They were sent from Germany to speed up Rumanian oil shipments." This picture was taken after Germany had invaded Austria and Poland, yet American and British oil companies are transporting oil for the German government, (the tank cars in the picture are dearly marked "Essolube," and "Shell").

    And other sources supplied oil as well. When the German air force ran short of fuel, this was generously supplied from the great refinery belonging to the Standard Oil Company situated on the island of Aruba via Spanish tankers. This occurred during the war itself, yet these tankers were not sunk by American submarines.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badgerman
    It will truly suck to be you when you stand before God and He calls you a warmongering idiot.......
    Since when did you become a believer in God? You can hate all that you want, you are forever doomed to be on the wrong side of history.........

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    west of the rockies
    Quote Originally Posted by Badgerman
    Oh yeah.....the Japs just bomb the US for the hell of really ARE ignorant if you can't see the underpinnings of every conflict........Haven't you learned anything from Hitler.....make the people believe the BIG LIE........
    Actually I was responding to your many other posts...the one on Pearl Harbor really wasn't too bad, and probably not too far from the truth. The bottom line is I do believe Roosevelt lied about not getting involved in another war, but it turns out he did know what was good for the American people better than they knew themselves.

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by kdawg21
    Yet another factually inaccurate statement By MC..... You are on a roll. Most evidence from the time shows that the goal was to cripple the US Fleet long enough to gain control of Asia, not the entire pacific ocean. All of the resources that Japan needed to continue the war were located in Asia not the pacific. Japan realized that eventually the US would regain naval superiority, they were just buying time, not necessarily attempting to destroy the entire Navy. Where japan got screwed is that they severly underestimated the amount of time it would take the Us to rebuild and expand the fleet. Feel free to post your incorrect comments so that I may correct them.
    Our post aren't that different. All I should of posted was that Japan wouldn't be the dominant navy in the pacific for long. When japan hit pearl harbor, it made there navy the dominant one in the pacific for the time and they used this opportunity to expand there territorial ambition in korea, china, indochina, and the south pacific. They had most of there need resources except for oil which I think Japan was getting from the US at the time. Pearl Habor didn't cripple the US for long and the US rebuild and we know how history goes.

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