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Thread: me natty 20inch arm 2part

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by balu4e
    thank you bros for the comments. i really appreciate it. it is always good to hear something encouraging from people who train like hell and understand what you are doing.

    to superhuman. bro i don't know how is it possible for me to have 20'' at the same weight as yours. as i said my legs are 28 3/4. may be i just have found what excercises and rest work best for my arms and have used this fact. not to mention all the sacrifices which i have been doing(all the missed parties, discos, relationships meetings and so on). here is one even more interesting fact. one week before i turned 18(so i was still 17) i was like 224 and measured my arm at 18 7/8 at even higher bf%. so then i was even lighter than you and with bigger arm and higher bf. i just don't know. maybe my bones are lighter. have a look at my waist on the lat spreads...

    to sum up i would like to thank you bros for encouraging me once again. i will keep you informed about my shape. maybe i will post new pics after a few months.
    wow, that is very interesting. there are so many factors in bodybuilding, height, weight, bodyfat, bone structure, waist size, skin tone - It's crazy!!! well I would be interested to see you at 10% or lower. if you're arms don't loose much size I would be very impressed - but 20 in arms are huge either way, even if your bodyfat is a little high. just take some ripped fuel

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    New Jersey
    dude your thick as f@ck!!

    wats your routine like?

  3. #43
    I still don't see how you are 230. Im usually at 230 at 12% or maybe a lil less..and I'm not nearly your size

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by D9S0M
    dude your thick as f@ck!!

    wats your routine like?

    i am sure no one of you is going to like my training routine but here it is. I have been training twice a week. The first training is chest and back. The second one is legs and arms. Basically i do 2 (base)excercises per muscle group. Sometimes i add a 3rd one(isolating). I do about 3 working series per excercise. THe working series have to be hard as hell. The series as number are not a lot but they are very intensive. after the worm up i go directly to the weight i am using for my series. in my opinion the pyramids waste energy(pyramids of the this type for example bench press 50-130-200-220-240-265-x-x). i do like this 50-130-200-265(ten reps)-265(8reps)-200(as many as i can) for example. this is the option for the summer, otherwise my reps vary in the range 6-8. to sum up. not many series but very intensive. they are long ones. in off season period when the pauses are bigger i train at least 2 hours. they are hard because a lot of muscles are combined in one day. may it sounds strange to you? sometimes it sounds strange to me as well but it has been working for me during the years. thats why i still stick to it. if i see that i have success and the other guys with their programs don't gain anything, why should i change my routine? there are guys training much more often than me and gaining almost nothing. i think that this is also one of the reasons about my bf%. i mean if i train 4-5 times a week i suppose it would lower. but thats not the purpose. as i said at the moment i am focused on gaining mass. if you have any other questions or you haven't understood something, just ask.

  5. #45
    Well done mate, your a big boy. Everything you say makes perfect sence (about your size and weight I mean) as I also made great gains as a young natural bodybuilder. the heavyest i got naturally was 99Kg's (lb's ?) and at 175 cm tall (feet ?) I looked preety good. At the gym I was training at there were blokes about the same height and weight that were on the gear and I still made them look puney and weak. Yeah they were alot stronger than I was, but they still didn't look as good.
    That peak that I hit was at the age of 21 and it didn't matter what I did after that year Icouldn't get that heavy again (untill I started taking juice ofcoarse)
    So my advice to you would be if you want to compete in a natural comp. and still look huge for your weight class do it soon while your still young. Your natural test. levels are probabally at their peak at the moment, as they were with me at your age.
    Just keep on busting your balls in the gym thats the important thing, there's alot of jokers on these forums that inject buckets of chemistry, get bloated and think their achieving something but get gelous when a real worker comes along and makes them look stupid.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by card hunt
    Well done mate, your a big boy. Everything you say makes perfect sence (about your size and weight I mean) as I also made great gains as a young natural bodybuilder. the heavyest i got naturally was 99Kg's (lb's ?) and at 175 cm tall (feet ?) I looked preety good. At the gym I was training at there were blokes about the same height and weight that were on the gear and I still made them look puney and weak. Yeah they were alot stronger than I was, but they still didn't look as good.
    That peak that I hit was at the age of 21 and it didn't matter what I did after that year Icouldn't get that heavy again (untill I started taking juice ofcoarse)
    So my advice to you would be if you want to compete in a natural comp. and still look huge for your weight class do it soon while your still young. Your natural test. levels are probabally at their peak at the moment, as they were with me at your age.
    Just keep on busting your balls in the gym thats the important thing, there's alot of jokers on these forums that inject buckets of chemistry, get bloated and think their achieving something but get gelous when a real worker comes along and makes them look stupid.
    thanks bro! as i said i will try to reach about 115kg(253lb). i have gone upto 108-9kg(240) so i will have to add some kilograms i have never achieved. the thing is that now is the hardest period in my life. from september on i will sleep about 6 hours a day and eat at most 150grams of protein a day(unfortunately this things do not depend on me so i have to put up with this). that's shit but the case was the same last year. but even doing this shit i was getting better. i hope this year it would be a bit better but the conditions will be far away from the perfect ones. i won't give up no matter what i have to go through. i am gonna post new pics december or january(hopefully bigger on them ).

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