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Thread: Meddel East Need a Big fat Iron Curtain the world ever have seen

  1. #1

    Meddel East Need a Big fat Iron Curtain the world ever have seen

    Some Darth Vade Ide LOL

    Meddel East Need a Big fat Iron Curtain the world ever never have seen before.

    Israel Must determine what their Nation Is!!!!

    Bulldoze up Earth and Dig down a Big mine field 2 killometer wide and Long as fare as Israels border is no matter what!!!

    Inside of this Field ther will Rise 15 meter high and 15 meter wide concrete wall.
    Up on this wall ther is guard tower every 150 meter with electrical Gatling Cannons like the French Destroyer have to protect the ship from hostile Missile and other stuff!!
    This French Gatling Canon Fire 22 000 rounds per minute and Thats ALOT OF lead In the Air.
    In combination with the well-known Patriot anti missile system!!

    This concrete wall must have strategic doors IN and Out..!

    No can pass IN ore Out apart from a Extreme careful to look for Terrorists.
    all This doors Is tunnels In and out to Israel.
    Every tunnel is 200 meter long maid of Iron and concrete and Is Nuck Safe!!!!.
    every tunnel have Iron Doors With hyper sensitive technique that will shut the Iron door on a "Milli Second"!!!

    X-ray everything.. Trucks , cars , donkey and wood cart.
    Boomb dogs run free in the tunnuls when the Traffic have stoppt!!.
    If a vehicle expose from a dog ore somthing ells!!
    The floor will Go down like a elevator no matter where the vehicle is in the tunnel!!
    Down to a nother room for a close watch in a Boomb safe room!!

    But enyway after that it`s regular tull with identity controll!!.

    This typ of construction It`s not cheap but in the length it is cheap in compare to what a War can kost in lifes and equipment and Monye.!!!!!

    This doors and Tunnels must be big enough for a big Israel storm trooper diviton and panzer can go out....!! But it whont be necessary
    If thay dig a enormous airport 300 metter Under ground with Nuck safe Doors!!

    And after that...
    Darth Vader say!!
    -:Now i must masturbate.....!!

    Ore is it ok to what we have to day!!!!!

    I cant hold my self to not laugh but this is not impossible

    No Serious now....
    What do you think IS the best solution to make the Israel area safe???.
    That up ther was fantasy But what do you think...
    What is the best way...
    Ther must be a big F**KING wall of somthing!!!
    Last edited by The OutLord; 07-17-2006 at 01:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    lol are one fvcked up mutherfvcker......funny but fvcked up...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    west of the rockies
    You are out there bro...still in orbit, but waaaayyyy out there.

  4. #4
    Yea.. ha ha..

    al the way to finich I laugh in that text.... HA HA

    But enyway..

    What is In need!!!

    forget the text up ther ha ha ha.

    Serios now.

    What do Israel need to guarantee the peace and safety ????
    What is the condition??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Israel needs to take out Iran's nuclear reactor. Bush don't got no more balls.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by The OutLord
    What do Israel need to guarantee the peace and safety ????
    What is the condition??
    i dont think there is anything israel can do except cease to exist or try to destroy the people who want to destroy it.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac666
    i dont think there is anything israel can do except cease to exist or try to destroy the people who want to destroy it.
    Neither is a viable option. You forgot to add: "there is nothing Israel can do except" hope that Arab states will wake up and welcome themselves into the 21st century, where Israel can be an ally (militarily and economically) rather than a foe.

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