with a chancleta!!! the hottest footwear out!!!! find em at any corner store for 2.99!!! all of "those people" wear em they run around saying mira mira mira and have 30 babiesOriginally Posted by Carlos_E
now THATS a stereotype
or that all white people say "radical DUDE!!!!" "SWEET MUSTANG MANN"
or black people say "yo son gggggunot HOLLLLA"
or asian people are good at video games and computers
stereotypes are funny to me..i personally dont believe in them whatsoever but if someone of another race says "surfs up dudeee radicall!!" i laugh it off
a lot of my black friends like to do that and get a huge laugh out of it so i walk circles around htem in the gym with my shorts down to my knees hopefully any stereotype here is all in good fun with the bros.
edit: sorry i didnt read the second page..it was resolved...my fault disregard my postjust tryin to get everyone to play nice