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Thread: Too long IGF-1 usage?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Southern Cali

    Too long IGF-1 usage?

    I am currently on my 4th week of IGF-1 usage, but on my 18th week of my cycle. I was planning on discontinuing usage of the IGF-1 for 4 weeks, then starting it again when I reached my planned cycle end of 22wks, using it in PCT. Since this is my longest cycle to date, I was unsure as to the side effects that the long duration would cause, and now since I am beginning to tell my body is sending me the message that its time to get off, I plan to listen and I am going into PCT.

    However, I want to still run IGF throughout my PCT. I know it is recommended that I stick with the 4wks on / off protocol, but would there be any serious reason that I could not use it for another 4 weeks, so 8 weeks total?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Risk wise you would not have a problem in this Department,I ran it for 5 weeks and the fat still Blossomed.I have known people run it for 6 weeks with good results,it`s a question whether it will be cost effective as you get to a point when your receptors are saturated and the hormone yeilds it`s effectiveness.The 4 weeks on/off protocol is just crap with no scientific backing,that is spread on boards.So my Synopsis is evaluate your body if you go over 6 weeks.

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