What does that mean? You want a clean slate or are unhappy with the mods?Originally Posted by system admin
What does that mean? You want a clean slate or are unhappy with the mods?Originally Posted by system admin
Because we feel like we've been forced out and none of this was even brought up to us...most of us liked our mod positions not because of power but because we earned it. When I graduated from boot camp in the Marine Corps i wasn't happy because I learned how to kill people(partly) I was happy because of a title I earned. We figured after all the work we've put into the site we'd have some sort of warning or say in this. We were comfortable where we were at. A Hall of Famer is a player who's been retired. I'm 24 years old I dont know who's in the Hall of Fame at 24.
Stop instigating shit. Thanks!Originally Posted by BADASS323
Muscle Asylum Project Athlete
usfighter, you ARE a much respected member of this board. they cant take that from you, even though many of us feel you guys got fuked over..Originally Posted by USfighterFC
Originally Posted by Carlos_E
let the speculation begin lol
i think this is a sad day for all of us,and could do untold damage to a top board.
but hey he pays for it,time will tell.
Damn I feel sorry for all the Mods and want to say thanks to all fo you and I don't know if this board will ever be the same I'm in shock thinking this is just a bad dream.
Damn I thought that whole thing with the old mods leaving a while back was bad, but this I don't know. I wish things would just go back to the way they were a few days a ago and end it there. Swole good luck bro the board just took a huge loss there. Nark, Johan, Booz, Hova and the other mods if any of you leave I just want to let you know you've helped more people than you could have imagined even if you didn't directly your knowledge crossed their paths at some point. Good luck to everyone here Mods, Vets, Respected members and such b/c I see only bad in the future.
You are wrong and your smart enough to know why.
Originally Posted by system admin
Well Damn, Aint That Some Shit.
Let me get this right. The Mods are not banned, can still give advise, can report bad posts. We got some new blood. The ADMIN is ever changing &
will modify fourm for the best. I'd like to thank the Mods for the advice
they have given and hope they stick around. This NEW BLOOD will be a
good thing. Hope they stick around and not get depressed by "snitch"
talk. The rules have to be enforced to avoid legal issues.
ok so let me see if i got this straight...
Scout basically reporstes bad posts, and dumb sh!t that is going on to the new Admin's and they can edit, delete and ban...now the mods do not have those powers anymore, but are still just as respected, and can still keep the bored clean by reporting posts, and helping just by talking to members and telling them to calm down...
i like the idea of the admin being not known, cause this eliminates all favortism. ex. if i see USfighter calling a newbie names, i might not have said anything because we are friends, but now an admin can come in annonymos and and tell him to chill out, and not worry about ruining a friendship or becoming oustrisiezed by USFighter and others for trying to tell him to chill out...i dont like knowing who the scouts are cause it means everyone is now afraid of them as they are the ones who report everything...
I do like the new system, and i am here for the members still....i hope everyone stays and see's that this will be good, but i wish i would have know about it first so i could have had some input...
No disrespect Webb I understand how you feel, but lets just say someone was bashing you or someone or even worse making threats at someone and the "scouts" aren't around to tell to ADMIN then it's up to you a Mod and respected friend on the board to be reduced to a tattle tell instead of stepping up to the plate and making the desicion to stop the problem. Thats what I feel mods have earned was the power to make a desicion at the very moment it's needed. So when sources and porn are put up it can be delt with right away instead of waiting for it to be reported. As I said just my opinionOriginally Posted by WEBB
I think everyone is upset cause they feel as if the ADMINS have just replaced the mods.
But that could never be.
You see, people like Swole, USF, NARK, WEBB, Johan, ect. you guys arent just mods to us members. YOU ARE A LOT MORE!!!!!! You guys are who we look to, well respected people, and did a great job of keeping the order. Words couldnt express my gratitude to you all, and I seriously do HOPE you guys stay around.
And to Swole, best of luck to you man. You are an inspiration to a lot of us. Your drive and determination is like nothing I have ever seen. Good luck brother.
Also scouts being called snitches is dumb.
How many of us have opened a thread where some dipshit is all like has anyone heard of "Ihavemyheadinmyass labs", and most of us would be like, "bro read the rules man you best edit your post before you get the boot" yeahhh a lot of you are guilty I know I am now its just one less thing we have to do, More time for whoring![]()
I think it's just a shame to see people who've worked to get respect and power be ruduced to just respect, I mean respect can get you far but you need power to back that up. If a platoon commander suddenly lost all of his powers to his men but was able to keep his title as Sgt. it wouldn't do much for when the men got out of line. All he can do is hope they stop or he'll tell the general to come and yell at them. Mods were the platoon leaders and had respect and power to say stop it or you're gone now people can see them in a thread and say what now sucka
Wow, how interesting this board has become in the two days i have not been on.
***sits back w/ diet pepsi and popcorn***
***No source checks!!!***
That's probably one of the main reasons Swolecat left. He's a good guy, but he pushed people around alot. So now that his power is gone he can't bully others hence he figures it's the right time to leave the board.Originally Posted by 24labor
Originally Posted by muriloninja
I see your point, but it is not just up to scouts to report bad things like that, it is the responsibility of every member on the board to do it. i would expect you to report it just as i would report something like that happening to you...Originally Posted by 24labor
Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
we still need to report things like this, it is still up to everyone to keep the board clean not just scouts....and keep the whoring down![]()
Originally Posted by rake922
Swole never bullied anyone...he just had a way to tell people how it was and how he felt, and it kinda rubbed people th wrong way...and now if anyone bullies anyone here the admins can come in and tell them to chill out, and they reamain nameless and can just enforce the rules without hurting anyones felings
Originally Posted by WEBB
Which is why I do not understand why there are scouts in the first place. Going back to a previous post Webb...when you made the analogy about me I think that I would have to disagree with you. This would probably be on a personal level tho. If I flamed a member if you came to me and said, "I think you just need to relax some on this subject for your own good" I would honestly take it as a friend saying "chill out" for my own welfare. If some admin comes along who has one day on my 3 years being here and says " You've been warned next time action will be taken" I would literally tell him to blow it out ass his sideways. This is like a newbie telling me to keep my mouth shut.
Originally Posted by 24labor
the mods still have power, just not editing and delting and banning power...if anyone asks me a question and i give them an answer they get the right answer and thy respect that. i have respect and i also have power becaus eif some one is acting a fool i can ask them to stop still and if they dont ui can get them banned, or suspended just like everyone, but usually just asking them to chill out is enough.and that is still power, imo..
*applause*Originally Posted by 24labor
So are you admitting that a clean slate had to be created in order for people to no longer get embarrassed and put down? sure sounds like it....Originally Posted by WEBB
I guess the analogy woas kinda bad, if some mod camne up to you and told you to chill out, you might take it well. other mods might not take it as well, if ya know what i mean...for the firdst week or two i was a mod i was afrad to edit or say anything to certain members cause they are friends and i didnt wanna lose that...now i dont have to worry about saying anything, an Admin can come in and do it for me..
Originally Posted by WEBB
ASKING someone to chill out isnt power Webb. This person can just choose not to listen to you at all and flame you like everyone else. If you're saying I can report this guy and have him suspended than what exactly is so different from you being a regular member? To the senior AR members you have respect. To the influx of new faces that come into the board everyday you are just a guy with a blue name.
Don't forget ya'll, steroids are an ILLEGAL substance for the majority of the members on this board. I'm sure Brian has his reasons for what he is doing...after all, with such open discussion of steroids, sometimes it is easy to forget that we are ALL discussing and engaging in conversation that can put people in jail.
If he's paying admins to do their jobs and paying scouts to watch out for posts, I'm sure he is doing it to insure the safety of the board itself and the members of the board. Not to mention, this site is FREE! We have no right to bitch other than the emotional attachment to the mods, which of course is a big deal, but the only one with a vested interest who has PAID into this site is Brian.
My 2c's
no one should ever have been put down on this site, and it was happening a lot...can you drink winny, was a joke among members here, but what happens when some newb comes on here and actually wants the answer to that question, he gets utterly destroyed, by everyone, vets, mods and members. now with the new system there will be less of that cause when it happens it gets reported asap and is dealt with and the member feels welcome, and that is what matters...
Very gooid point....Originally Posted by USfighterFC
Thread Locked!
Originally Posted by Narkissos
Originally Posted by 24labor
Probably the best analogy I've seen.
"without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac
***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***
Originally Posted by Narkissos
that is funny
Ok so instead of paying the ones who do Mod and demoting the one who do not. You bring in paid 'Admins' and demote everyone?Originally Posted by system admin
Yo, Bajam...
Non of this affects your abilities here. You have said the same things 30 times over. Isnt it time to let others speak and stop pushing the bang wagon along? Your abrasive attitude is WHY there are Admin. Most mods or other Vets wouldnt tell you to chill out... However, an ADMIN who has no reason to NOT tell you to chill out can without feeling a relationship is being jeopordized.
I dont know anything about owning a site AT ALL...but if people werent doing what they were supposed to (the mods that werent moderating)Originally Posted by system admin
then maybe you should have dealt with the ones that werent moderating on a personal level...a few bad apples dont have to spoil it for everyone(losing QUALITY like SWOLE & anyone else that decides to leave)..I have only been here a few months & i know who's who & whats what. I am not sure how this will all pan out for US as members....and I dont know how it will pan out for the owners either...I know its a good board & that maybe there could have been a better way to handle it rather than drop a bomb on guys that have really dedicated themselves to this..I want to be here for a long time & learn all I can I wish I knew the REAL reasons for the change...losing good guys doesnt seem like change for the better...just my .02
Originally Posted by Narkissos
Originally Posted by BajanBastard
I have NO clue here, but maybe ALL powers had to be removed so that no one could damage this board during this change, BUT maybe and this is just my opinion, some of the former MODS might be asked to take their place back once the ones that were not helping and just abusing their powers are gone
Just a thought
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