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Thread: effects of metformin on those w/o diabetes II

  1. #1

    effects of metformin on those w/o diabetes II

    does anybody know how effective this compound is for weightloss ? how does it affect muscle catabolism / anabolism? I'm trying to dig up some good articles all I have is a blurb about it in one of my pharmacology textbooks....

    anybody use this and if so, how?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i havent got experience with metformin but do with avandia. avandia made me feel like sh!t tho, felt like shortof breath all the time due to retaining water around the lungs and heart. this seems to be a reular side effect of it but have'nt heard it about metformin. i was trying to use it to prevent bloodsugar going to high for prolonged period of time. offcourse wheni'm on slin this is no problem but when off or when dieting i now try a different route by taking all my hgh at once (5iu) in the AM with only some protein and maybe some fats. this has worked miracles to drop bf%. i also use chromium at 400mcg and 1gram of ala split up in two doses, AM and pwo.


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