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Thread: mixing gear

  1. #1

    mixing gear

    im starting my cycle tomorrow and i was wondering if this is good or bad. i am going to take 2cc of deca and 1cc of sust. can i put this in all at once? instead of putting each one in each glute? the reason that i ask is so i can get it over with in one shot. any input on this is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    yes thats fine to put it all in one syringe...but no more than 3cc's at a hit.IMO.

  3. #3
    happy to hear that. since im going to be injecting every three days. ive heard the same thing about no more than 3cc's, why is that?

  4. #4
    Depends on several fators. If you injectong virgin muscles smaller volumes should be prefered. Moreover the injection site plays a role. Glutes and quads can take 3cc no probs - bicpes, triceps, delts.. that is another story.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    West Coast
    The 3cc thing is a good rule of thumb to follow for glutes, although I've done 4cc's for glutes without a problem. That's just me though.

  6. #6
    Ive done 3cc in the glute lots of times no problems. I have also mixed test/deca and sust together with no problems.

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