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Thread: Gear and the law

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New York

    Gear and the law

    I am curious about the law on steroids. I live in New York which is a fairly liberal state. I also live right near the border to Canada- so there is a huge focus on drug trafficking,but it's basically the "hard" stuff that they look for. I have been told gear will get you a mere slap on the wrist and I've been told you can get jail for first time offenses- however; I know ALOT of people that use/used gear and no one has really been busted. (knock on wood) - any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Way out there

    It all depends

    Steroids are US DEA Schedule III, the posession of which without a valid prescription, carries a minimum $1000 fine and up to one year in jail. This is just the Federal portion of the law. Each state also has its own laws and penalties. If you get caught smugling AAS across the border, you will not get a slap on the wrist unless you consider $1000's of atty fees, probation, maybe jail, and a permanent criminal record as a slap. Careful.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New York
    Oh I'm not bringing ANYTHING over the border, I'm just wondering if the cops are out there actively seeking Gear like other drugs. You hear about busts all the time but never anything involving gear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Way out there

    If you are caught...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunns420
    Oh I'm not bringing ANYTHING over the border, I'm just wondering if the cops are out there actively seeking Gear like other drugs. You hear about busts all the time but never anything involving gear.
    It all depends on the arresting officer, the amount of gear, the temperment of the judge to whose docket you are assigned, and more. Never consent to a search....NEVER.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    falls in the same catagory as heroin and cocain. you don't want to get busted with it! CAREFUL!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Way out there

    Not the same

    Quote Originally Posted by getpumped24
    falls in the same catagory as heroin and cocain. you don't want to get busted with it! CAREFUL!!!
    Actually, Heroin is a Schedule I and Cocaine is a Schedule II (Roids are Schedule III). Very different legal implications but you don't want to get caught with any of it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunns420
    Oh I'm not bringing ANYTHING over the border, I'm just wondering if the cops are out there actively seeking Gear like other drugs. You hear about busts all the time but never anything involving gear.
    I dont know where you look but i know of a couple. big bust in NY this summer. NY is a hot spot

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    I got busted a few weeks ago. I posted a thread in the lounge.

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