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Thread: My freind just ran IGF-1LR3 for his first 3 wks, listen to the results!!

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Holy shit, whats this? Oh my God, somebody who actually uses this stuff and COMPETES, who believes it's possible? WTF!! Yeah, guess I am crazy. Wait wait wait......Rodge chimes in about it too, and he competes?? No way, NO WAY!!!! You mean guys with their actual contest pics for avatars are begging to differ against some of you, whats up with this? And do you fellas even know how much fake GH and IGF there is floating around out there?

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    Hell at 4 pounds a week, there is no reason we can't put on at least 100 pounds of permanent muscle just by using IGF 8 weeks on 8 weeks off all year.


    This is my 100th post!!!

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    That must be the problem SS, a whole bunch of people have used fake IGF. Because at 4 pounds of lean mass a week, eating whatever you want, this is an absolute must do for anyone. It makes aas look like a multi vitamen in comparison.

    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Holy shit, whats this? Oh my God, somebody who actually uses this stuff and COMPETES, who believes it's possible? WTF!! Yeah, guess I am crazy. Wait wait wait......Rodge chimes in about it too, and he competes?? No way, NO WAY!!!! You mean guys with their actual contest pics for avatars are begging to differ against some of you, whats up with this? And do you fellas even know how much fake GH and IGF there is floating around out there?

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Montreal, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    That must be the problem SS, a whole bunch of people have used fake IGF. Because at 4 pounds of lean mass a week, eating whatever you want, this is an absolute must do for anyone. It makes aas look like a multi vitamen in comparison.
    Are you saying I stated that 4lbs a week is a normal rate for IGF-1? I never said such a thing.

    Fake or ill-used IGF-1 though will yield very poor results.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by ss01
    Are you saying I stated that 4lbs a week is a normal rate for IGF-1? I never said such a thing.

    Fake or ill-used IGF-1 though will yield very poor results.

    I think he's talking about Stayinstacked(SS) and not you.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I was refering to StayingStacked - see the quote.

    However you did say, the gains are permanent and CAN'T be lost....

    I'd really like to understand how you concluded this?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    West Coast
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    I was refering to StayingStacked - see the quote.

    However you did say, the gains are permanent and CAN'T be lost....

    I'd really like to understand how you concluded this?
    From what I've been reading it's like fat cells. Fat cells never go away once they've been created. To be fat, though, you gotta store fat in them. I'm thinking once the muscle is gained, it's kept even if somebody doesnt' keep pumped?

  8. #48
    QUIT lifting(= catabolism)...and I gaurantee you will lose that muscle.

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Montreal, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    I was refering to StayingStacked - see the quote.

    However you did say, the gains are permanent and CAN'T be lost....

    I'd really like to understand how you concluded this?
    I have been reading and researching specifically on IGF-1 for the last 13 years, as well as actual human experimentation, of course. It should be noted that the new cells are myoblasts, pre-muscle cells, that will fuse with your existing muscle cells and donate their nucleii which are in fact myonucleii.

    A muscle's protein-repair engine is the myonucleii. The more of them in a cell, the bigger the cell and the greater the ability to regenerate protein. This explains the permanent gains from IGF-1 in that the number of myonucleii does not easily decrease, which gives a cell a new minimum size. Unless of course a person undergoes starvation, but that's not the case around these parts. When we take AAS, it's the myonucleii that get stimulated into overdrive.

    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7
    QUIT lifting(= catabolism)...and I gaurantee you will lose that muscle.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by ss01
    I have been reading and researching specifically on IGF-1 for the last 13 years, as well as actual human experimentation, of course. It should be noted that the new cells are myoblasts, pre-muscle cells, that will fuse with your existing muscle cells and donate their nucleii which are in fact myonucleii.

    A muscle's protein-repair engine is the myonucleii. The more of them in a cell, the bigger the cell and the greater the ability to regenerate protein. This explains the permanent gains from IGF-1 in that the number of myonucleii does not easily decrease, which gives a cell a new minimum size. Unless of course a person undergoes starvation, but that's not the case around these parts. When we take AAS, it's the myonucleii that get stimulated into overdrive.
    Well..since it seems you know a great bit about you think that it would have a better effect than GH for tendon issues??

    I of course realize it is more potent and can't take it as long..but would it be as beneficial or as effective in a quicker amount of time?

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Montreal, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7
    Well..since it seems you know a great bit about you think that it would have a better effect than GH for tendon issues??

    I of course realize it is more potent and can't take it as long..but would it be as beneficial or as effective in a quicker amount of time?
    As effective in a quicker amount of time = TRUE

    Especially if you are able to inject near / at the site of injury. If that's about an achilles tendon injury then you are able to do just that. It'll heal like fuggin' crazy bro.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    I was refering to StayingStacked - see the quote.

    However you did say, the gains are permanent and CAN'T be lost....

    I'd really like to understand how you concluded this?

    Any gains can be lost if you stop training, and most gains will be lost from AAS cycles once you come off, plain and simple. However, GH and IGF-1 are different, they actually promote new tissue growth so you'll keep alot of the gains and they'll help hold onto the gains made from running anabolics at the same time. Now to say that somebody is going to gain 4 lbs a week every week they run it is crazy. A first timer may experience that for awhile, but like anything else your body becomes used to it and progress slows down. It's also known that while taking IGF-1 or GH it's important to up your carbohydrate intake. I know guys running GH and IGF-1 who cut up on 600 grams of carbs/day. As much as we hate to admit it, if you run enough of IGF-1 or GH you can actually eat pretty leanient and continue to stay shredded. I know guys who will eat a pizza a week before a show. I'm not saying that eating cake and bullshit is the way to go, but my freind is no liar. He told me quote on quote "I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and eat shit like doghnuts or ice cream, and I'm still losing fat on the stuff"

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    It was crazy for you to say it would even happen in the first 3 weeks, with a dosage of 60mcg. Plain and simple....that's bullsh!t

    BTW nice to read a post without all the hyperbole

    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    Now to say that somebody is going to gain 4 lbs a week every week they run it is crazy.

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