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Thread: keeping muscle on a clen/t3 cycle

  1. #1

    keeping muscle on a clen/t3 cycle

    whats up guys. ive used clen/t3 a few times. once, with no aas. then, along w/ winny/test e/ and eq. i just go done with a deca/dbol/sust cycle and want to lose some fat. now, when i did clen/t3 w/out aas, i lost alot of muscle-BUT, my diet wasnt in check, and i was doing about 80% cardio-20% lifting. i didnt know much back then, and thought id keep muscle-WRONG. i lost everything i had gained pretty much. heres my question: with a good diet, can u keep muscle(or keep muscle loss to a minimum) while taking clen/t3 WITHOUT aas???

  2. #2
    oops..shouldve posted in the aas forum

  3. #3
    IGF-1 would help


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by mikehawk82
    whats up guys. ive used clen/t3 a few times. once, with no aas. then, along w/ winny/test e/ and eq. i just go done with a deca/dbol/sust cycle and want to lose some fat. now, when i did clen/t3 w/out aas, i lost alot of muscle-BUT, my diet wasnt in check, and i was doing about 80% cardio-20% lifting. i didnt know much back then, and thought id keep muscle-WRONG. i lost everything i had gained pretty much. heres my question: with a good diet, can u keep muscle(or keep muscle loss to a minimum) while taking clen/t3 WITHOUT aas???

    If your diet was 100% and you were using a low t3 dose with your clen then sure you could maintain your muscle. Personally I always take my t3 with test. I also run about 100mcg a day though, which I definitly wouldn't do if I wasn't on cycle.

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