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Thread: shooting 3g sust before holiday

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    London Baby

    shooting 3g sust before holiday

    just a random idea

    ok so i have short cycle planned for when i get back from hol
    4 weks tren/prop

    a mate suggested shooting some long acting test b4 holiday (1 week) to keep me anticatabolic while i'm out clubbing/drinking (milk thistle on standbye )
    as drinking/ not eating properly and no gym can really eat at your muscle

    then starting the 4 weeker when i return

    any opinions on this......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    3g of Sust? Seems like a waste. Not to mention thats a f*cking ton of testosterone.

    I'd say wait and hit it hard when you get back.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    Wow, maybe Marcus should chime in on this one.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    London Baby
    well my hol isnt for 3 weeks
    so i can trake a gram a week until my hol

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    I thought you meant shoot 3 grams in one week....what have your doses of test been like before?

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If you have a planned short cycle i would not start some test before the short cycle begins especailly just to help you through the holiday, you should be priming the body before you start a 4 weeker and that also means staying clean, this is how the short cycles work so good priming and staying AAS free and taking advantage of the anabolic window,

    Personaly i wouldnt be drinking and i would be finding a gym also i would try my best to find the right diet while i am on holiday, depends whats more important to you, but NO i wouldnt start some gear before the 4 weeker, it wouldnt be a 4 weeker then and you wont take advantage of the prime and window of the start of the cycle, thats what it is all about.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    some where in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    well my hol isnt for 3 weeks
    so i can trake a gram a week until my hol

    This depneds On the the person AND LIKE i READ AT FIRST IT DID SEEMS AS IF YOU MENT 3g AT ONCE .... But like any thing I myself Love to bridge .. But thats me ... but i would suggest no higher than 1g per week that will raise levels high even though you are running sus ... Since you want to bridge this the best advise Is to run 1000mg week 1 week 2 750mg week 3 500mg every week break the mg dose into 2 shots so week 1 would be 500mg 3 days later 500mg like that this way by week 4 on holiday test levels will be stable this way when you get back your sus blood level will be good to jump into your short cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Yeah thought you meant 3g in one week bro. You're going to feel like shit and your workouts are going to be hell after a binge holiday like that. If anything, stay clean between now and then, afterwards give yourself time to get back into the swing of lifting, eating, sleeping... then hit the 4 week cycle. If you're only running 4 weeks you want to maximize that period of time, right? So make sure your body is primed and ready for it... I try to go clean with diet, alcohol, sleep, etc... It's incredible how much better my gains and general feeling of well-being are when I do it right...

  9. #9
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    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    If you have a planned short cycle i would not start some test before the short cycle begins especailly just to help you through the holiday, you should be priming the body before you start a 4 weeker and that also means staying clean, this is how the short cycles work so good priming and staying AAS free and taking advantage of the anabolic window,

    Personaly i wouldnt be drinking and i would be finding a gym also i would try my best to find the right diet while i am on holiday, depends whats more important to you, but NO i wouldnt start some gear before the 4 weeker, it wouldnt be a 4 weeker then and you wont take advantage of the prime and window of the start of the cycle, thats what it is all about.
    hmmm - yeah thought that would be yout answer marcus

    but yeah i see what your saying

    i'm already priming my body with low carbs and have been for about 3 weeks

    also planning on low carbs for a week when i get back before i start my cycle

    damn - i was looking forward to getting home from the gym and banging in some sust - but ive waited 13 weeks suppose another few wont hurt

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    London Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    This depneds On the the person AND LIKE i READ AT FIRST IT DID SEEMS AS IF YOU MENT 3g AT ONCE .... But like any thing I myself Love to bridge .. But thats me ... but i would suggest no higher than 1g per week that will raise levels high even though you are running sus ... Since you want to bridge this the best advise Is to run 1000mg week 1 week 2 750mg week 3 500mg every week break the mg dose into 2 shots so week 1 would be 500mg 3 days later 500mg like that this way by week 4 on holiday test levels will be stable this way when you get back your sus blood level will be good to jump into your short cycle

    what i was thinking was the sust wouldnt really have kicked in until i got back and then i would hit it with a 4 weeker

    although i would be worried that i would be desentising my body to test so the 4 weeker may not be as effective when i got back....

    i dunno

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    hey mate, cant ya just wait 2-3 wks and den start ur cycle? coz dat would give u sometime with priming

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