i was wanting to know what would b a better stack
stacking prop 50mg ed 1-5 and then again 12-14 with test e 1-12weeks 500mg
Sus 1-12or14 500mg
i will also run eq and possiblely winstrol??
i was wanting to know what would b a better stack
stacking prop 50mg ed 1-5 and then again 12-14 with test e 1-12weeks 500mg
Sus 1-12or14 500mg
i will also run eq and possiblely winstrol??
I love this comboOriginally Posted by anabolicvenom
what do u like about it? and what do u think about running winny at the end of this cycle?Originally Posted by Kale
well if you do the sust you need to inject eod IMHO.
weeks 1-12 test E 500mg
weeks 1-12 Eq 400mg
weeks 1-5 prop 50mg ed
weeks 12-14 prop 50mg ED
weeks 12-14 winnie 50mg ed
oook i know how to take it.. thats not the question tho. and running the bold part doesnt look good to me! u didnt even put the test e in there?Originally Posted by cantspeak
i'm not running eq lower than 600mg a week! and i'm going to shoot it eod
sorry dude i wasnt trying to insult your intelligence or anything. I was just typing as i was thinking about it
no prob bro. i just need to know if sust would basically be the same as running prop and e
I dont like sust, I prefer dealing with single ester compounds and I have had great results fro prop/test E. Winny at the end is fine as well. You can actually run it right up to the day before PCT if you wantOriginally Posted by anabolicvenom
so basically something like this??Originally Posted by Kale
test e 1-12weeks 500mg
prop 1-5 and 12-14 50mg ed
eq 1-12 weeks 200mg eod
winstol ?-14 50mg ed??
and what anti e during cycle?
start the winny at week 9. Anti E I always use Arimidex at 0.25mg ED, wasy better than Nolvadex and not as harsh as LetroOriginally Posted by anabolicvenom
Kale what do u suggest for pct? i hate clomid.Originally Posted by Kale
and what should i use for mg with winstrol? i've never takin it b4
Sorry, didnt read through the entire thing. This, like all my posts is just my opinion, but I think sust is a huge waste. I dont know why people would ever use it. I never have and never would. Whats the point in using 4 esters at once? Its generally more expensive and really I just dont see the point at all. Prop is by far my favourite and dont use any other type of test.
well im not KALE, but im about to run winnie for the first time as well, and from what ive read on here and other boards is to run it ED more even blood levels
I used sust for my first cycle i really didnt know any better as far as esters and such but i got a great price on it at the time. if i were to do it again id run it eod
Run winny at least 50mg ed. And preferrably split it twice daily. For PCT if you hate clomid why not try Anthony Roberts PCT? Its a sticky in the PCT forum. I ran a variation of it for my last PCT and it was amazing.Originally Posted by anabolicvenom
so use winny for 6weeks @ 50mg ed. what kind of gains would i see with winstrol?
Bino did you run the HCG? I think I want to try his PCT minus the HCG because I hear HCG needs to be refrigarated and I can't do that unfortunately.
Yes I used HCG. I did not use aromasin though but I used letro, and infact I also had clomid in there. So it wasn't Anthony Roberts' PCT but I used some of his ideas.Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR
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