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There are products available (often online) that bleach the skin and can lighten it by a shade or two. These products generally contain hydroquinone, but cosmetic skin lighteners containing this substance are now completely banned in the UK.
Although hydroquinone can be successful in lightening skin, it is also quite strong and can cause side effects such as skin peeling. We wouldn't recommend the use of such products, especially on the genital area, as their safety is not proven and they could potentially do a lot of damage.
Have you thought about why you would want to change the colour of the skin on or around your vagina? It's natural for the skin on your vulva to be darker than the skin on the rest of your body and it's important to remember that vaginal lips come in all shapes, colours and sizes, and differ from woman to woman. The way they look can depend on the colour of your skin and the outer lips (labia) are often a different colour to the inner lips.
It's not unusual to question your appearance as you may not want to appear different to others, but the reality is that most people feel the same way. There is no standard appearance, in the same way that people have different coloured eyes, hair and skin. Your body is unique - it belongs to you.