Test e- Strenght gain 6 Weight gain 9 keeping your gains 7
Test e- Strenght gain 6 Weight gain 9 keeping your gains 7
So when is this chart coming out??? Its been a while now!!
Maybe these suggestions is already out there,
*the appr. time for the juice to "kick in".
*juice that is prefered (before others) used as a bridge.
*optimal needle size for each juice.
great thread ^^^^
WHEN? WHEN? Whhhheeeennnn?
.................................................. ...............................................
Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
Really.....I was thinking about this the other day.
looks great
would someone post a link to the finalised chart...
Make it a printer friendly page please.
Add PCT start times.
Acne sides.
Effect on appetite
thought halo would be more than a 6 for strength?
i know is an old thread,but this is the thing that interest me so i will post here,instead of making a duplicate one!!
i am looking at that chart:
and also that one:
in the second chart CF is strentgh gain & CM weight gain..so it seems that HALO,which is the king for strentgh,produce the same strentgh gain(4.5) with winny..which is a lie!!
i would like to hear some true opinions from members who realy have used,not from members who "have heard from friends" about different drugs
how is winny compare to anavar for strentgh gain?
this is pretty cool never saw this b4 i must be blind lol.
Wtf...this a old thread...I guess I should read the dates first...
Winstrol tablets - 2,5 for strength??? That's a joke! In reality, Winstrol is a pretty strong steroid. So far I have used T-bol, Deca, Winstrol and Anavar, and Winstrol is by far the strongest, mg per mg.
30 mg Winstrol produced approximately the same strength increase like 60 mg Anavar for me. The pace was something like 4 kg (9 lbs) on bench press per week.
However, the side effects (hellish joint pain, oily skin like smeared by honey, big red cysts on the face) were unbearable. Hence I prefer Anavar that is a very comfortable steroid with zero visible side effects. In fact, my skin dried out and IMPROVED when on Anavar - which is something that really stunned me. When someone describes Winstrol as a "mildly androgenic steroid", I must laugh. This stuff is at least two classes above Anavar in terms of androgenicity (T-bol being somewhere in between, closer to Anavar).
Last edited by Steroidman99; 01-05-2010 at 04:12 AM.
well friend,that's what i am talking about!!and that's a man who knows about what he is talking about!!from his experience,not from what he have heard!i have never used this drug(winny) because of that stupid charts!!because if you look at those charts winstrol is insanly weak!!and i haven't seen any reason to try,but now i want to now from your's experience!thanks man..happy to hear that!!thank you very much!
and another thing that i haven't seen it till now..everybody say about winny that it gives you hardness,"some" strentgh,it dry you out a bit,but nobody in this forum don't say how winny works in the body,unfortunely!!like when you talk about equipose,and it's effect on endurence,by increasing the production of rbc..what does in the body winny it seems that nobody knows,beside the incresed in nitrogen retention what other thing winny does in the body??many say that it helps with stamina also.ok,but how?by which path?
and also @ Steroidman99,how much will you give to winny for strentgh?maybe you will say some numbers for anavar,tbol,deca,primo,parabolan,halo etc also..to strentgh & weight gain..your's personal opinion please!thank you very much!!
My experience with steroids is limited and will stay limited, because I am very sensitive to androgenic side effects. I don't plan to take anything harsher than Equipoise. If I at least took Dianabol, I would have a much better idea about the relative strength of Winstrol, but I can compare it to only three other steroids.
However, as for strength gains, the fact is that my experience with Winstrol overcame my expectations. I actually used 30 mg Winstrol with 30 mg Turinabol, but Turinabol contributed very little to my results (as I saw later during my colosally disappointing Turinabol cycle), so virtually all the gains can be attributed to Winstrol.
I looked at my old notes and I see that I added 8 kg (17,5 lbs) on bench press within mere 1 week on the top of the 5-week cycle. The total strength increase on bench press was 20 kg (44 lbs) after 5 weeks. However, I must add that it was my first big steroid cycle and the effect would be probably very marked with most steroids.
Size gains were negligible and thus disappointing, but I eventually reconciled with that the growth on DHT-derived steroids takes time. I also observed some nice cutting effect, but considering that I had 20% body fat, it wasn't too impressive.
My second cycle with 30-50 mg Winstrol/day+25 mg Turinabol/day for 6 weeks was somewhat less effective (ca. -25%) , but I felt strangely tired then, and I even caught a hard flu in the end, so I can't make any serious conclusions from it. (Well, I started with 50-75 mg Turinabol/day, and because I saw virtually nothing after 3 weeks, I dropped Turinabol, added Winstrol and things suddenly changed dramatically.)
If you want to see, what is Winstrol capable of, here you have photos of a young man, who did three 6-week cycles with 50 mg Winstrol/day:
You should know, however, that Winstrol is not the healthiest steroid. It is extremely harsh on blood lipids, so a frequent, prolonged use can be risky. I ran it twice and I will never run it again. In any case, my cholesterol and especially liver values were perfectly O.K. six months after the end of my second Winstrol cycle.
My experience with Anavar is much better. In fact, Anavar is so laughably little androgenic that 80 mg Anavar is much milder than 30 mg Winstrol (at least in me). I took 80 mg Anavar/day for one week, and I felt only little discomfort in mood and slight itching of oil glands on my face.
I am currently running 60-65 mg Anavar/day (steroid powder in sunflower oil), 5th week, and I feel that this dose is optimal for me. Anavar definitively works slower than Winstrol (the improvement in bench press is very linear and constant, ca. 3,5 kg/week), and it seems that increasing the dosage doesn't help. I saw absolutely no difference in effectiveness between 60-65 mg/day and 80 mg/day, and maybe even a lower dose would do the same. But I feel fine. Too fast an improvement isn't necessarily good, because tendons can't sometimes keep up with the rapid strength gains.
Hopefully, this is my last oral cycle in a row. I wouldn't want to run orals more than once a year.
Last edited by Steroidman99; 01-05-2010 at 05:43 PM.
hey great post bro!thanks!so i understand that you have used oral winstrol,not the injectable one,no?i also have ask a friend who have use anavar,winstrol & turinabol .he say that for strentgh,turinabol was the strongest of all!!so..who the ****s knows!!i will try it my self to see which one works best for me..till then maybe we will hear more opinions from the members of the forum!!
i have talk today with another friend of mine who have used winny tablests(50mg) from balkan pharmaceutical,and he have gain around 5-7kgs at bench press in 1 week,with just 1 pill of winny/day(50mg)!also he have noted very very good definition,with striations,and a reduce in subqutaneus water!
as a beginner i would like to see more in depth on amount and to take and combos for maybe strength and size (powerlifting) versus (bodybuilding) cause i get alot of bodybuilding advice for steroids but not for powerlifting. And also which injectables should be cut with flax seed and which should not.
i also think that those charts are not good!!and because of them you may understand wrong a drug!!i am also interested more on a chart for athletic & powerlifting drugs like winny,anavar,turinabol,primo,tren etc
i have a question to the users of this forum!! can you use steroids like test suspension or winstrol under the skin and not intra-musculary? i don't see any reason not to!!because they are water-base solution!!but i can see 1 beneffits of that also..we know that when you use a drug under skin it peak up it's level in longer time then intra-musculary.so it's half-life would be longer..
Mods,, it be nice if threads that are over a certain age to be deleted. Especially outdated ones.
Was this ever updated?
Damn, I was all excited until I realized this was a 12 year old thread
Most of these are great idea. I don't think we should shy away from aromatization rating of each steroid. If a newb doesn't understand what that means, they still need to know about it and ask (or just look up) what that means.
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