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Thread: Feeling Flat

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Guess?4 superbowls,0 wins
    True story SS, Ill ask my buddy who is doing my diet about it...


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    The reason i like fruit in the diet is because fructose is utalized by the body to restore liver glucogen levels. Your body only produces T4 thyroid, which is later converted to T3 (active thyroid) in your liver, however if the liver glucogen levels are low the conversion is greatly reduced, net result low T3 equals lower metabolism which in turn equals less bofy fat loss...i keep my fruit in till 3-4 weeks out of the show...XXL

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Ohh and i agree with whoever said get off these boards and stick to your trainer, too many opinion, and opinions are like a$$holes everybody has one...reading to much of this stuff will only fack you up Bro...if you are unhappy with the results and you only followed your trainer, then you get a new one next time...but if you listne to him and everybody else including me, you will not know what you did wrong...i know all the stuff i say and do, WORKS, but you must follow it all not bits and pieces, i know all these guys here have very valid points, and i am sure their approuches work as well as mine, but need to be followed to a tee, not some here and some form there, shiat like that never works...good luck Bro!

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Guess?4 superbowls,0 wins
    if i remember correctly my buddy was saying that with proper BCAA dosage the carbs can be low and muscle loss should be at a minimum, especially with a cardioless prep...


  5. #45
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
    I would much rather recomend a piece of fruit then a bagel, bagel is extremely high glycimic and will go through you faster then the fruit in my opinion...XXL
    BINGO!! Yes, fruits will actually help hold you over on hunger as long as the right fruit choices are made (I would stick to blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and maybe grapefruit) THey are all low glycemic and will keep insulin levles steady causing no spike in hunger and helping hold you over. Fruits are obviously very important from a helath aspect as for keeping yoru immune system strong and providing important anti-oxidants. There is no reason a pre-comp diet should be restricted to the point where you are not getting all the nutritents your body needs to function at 100% long as everything is planeed correctly. Not to discredit you I**, you obivously know your stuff as well and look like what you do works for you, but you may want to try fruits out next time and experiement a little, you can always learn more, dont be close-minded (not saying that you are)

  6. #46
    I agree with both of you, as I have much to learn and am always up for new things.. recently I've changed to a majority of my calories coming from carb sources and love it.. I will integrate it into my contest prep at the end of next year which I'm almost positive will have fruits in the AM coming up to the show to see how I respond.. Gotta try many different approaches to find the one in which works best for you..
    Everyday is a learning process for me personally.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    I agree with both of you, as I have much to learn and am always up for new things.. recently I've changed to a majority of my calories coming from carb sources and love it.. I will integrate it into my contest prep at the end of next year which I'm almost positive will have fruits in the AM coming up to the show to see how I respond.. Gotta try many different approaches to find the one in which works best for you..
    Everyday is a learning process for me personally.
    Well said Bro, class response...XXL

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