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Thread: fiber: 25-30g or 1g per 100 kcal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cincinnati, OH

    fiber: 25-30g or 1g per 100 kcal

    Depending on which board or what literature you read, you will see two different schools of thought, among others, on fiber intake. The most popular recommendation is 25-30g of fiber for everyone. I have trouble accepting that as a male, 220 lbs., regular weightlifter, consuming about 4800 calories a day, that I should consume the same amount of fiber as a female, 110 lbs., aerobics fiend, consuming 2000 calories a day. Shouldn't fiber intake be based on size and physical goals?

    Another school of thought recommends 1g of fiber per every 100 kcal consumed. This recommendation seems to be less overgeneralized, but I still have trouble with it. If this recommendation is right, when I'm on a mass-gain phase- consuming about 4800 calories- I should have 48g of fiber and when I'm on a cutting phase- consuming about 2200 calories- I should only get 22g of fiber. That doesn't seem like enough fiber on a cut phase. To express this point further, I'll use my wife as an example. On her normal diet, she conumes about 2000 calories. So, that would only be 20g of fiber. Moreover, when she's cutting she probably only consumes about 1200 - 1500 calories. That's only 12-15g of fiber!

    If someone can address these both of these issues and provide some insight I would be grateful.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    i agree, with a greater volume of food it is reasonable that a greater amount of fiber would be needed to aid it's passage through the digestive tract. Personally, the oats and broccoli in my diet give me more than enough fiber.

  3. #3
    If you're eating a proper diet then fiber shouldn't even be an issue.. I haven't even even calculated it but when I consume say 3000 calories I'm probably at around 100g fiber or so.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    Hard to say how much you need fiji. But supplementing with some seeds is almost always a good idea. Not only for the digestive track but for all the health benifits A half mouthfull of seeds before a couple of your carb meals lower the gi of the meal, makes you more full and keeps stomach happy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cincinnati, OH
    My diet is 100% clean. I'm on a cut phase getting about 2600 calories a day. I am getting about 40g of fiber a day. I bumped my fiber up gradually, but I'm still having 3-4 bowell movements a day. Also, I have read a lot of articles stating that too much fiber can cause a depletion of nutrients. I'm just wondering if I am getting too much.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up
    fibers can prohibit absorption of minerals so you should not take your vitamin supplements along with a high fiber meal or a fiber supplement. Other than that I dont se any reason to worry about nutrients.

    IMO when it comes to fibers there is no such thing as to much

  7. #7
    The FDA actually suggest a much lower amount than Most other countries take within a day, American's have extremely low fiber diets because of our unhealthy eating habits of processed foods etc...

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