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Thread: M1A and M1P stack?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    M1A and M1P stack?

    Has anyone stacked M1A with M1P out there. I heard M1A is pretty good and M1P is not that great for most, but I tried a couple searches and didn't find anyone who stacked the two. Please let me know your results.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I guess no has tried stacking the two so I will post my experience over the next three weeks. I am 240 pounds with 20% body fat. I have been lifting consistent and hard for a year and a half. I have vary limited experience with gear. I tried a sust cycle and got test flue and hurt my back so I discontinued the cycle after 3 weeks. I tried a trenadrol cycle and got no gains. Trenadrol only made me a little more aggressive. I am 5 days in on this stack and am vary excited. I already am noticing a harder appearance and have added more than usual reps on my three lift days. I read someone saying M1A lowered there libido. So far this stack has dramatically increased my libido. My mood has also been better than normal. I am going on a hike in the mountains today I will see if it improves my endurance.
    Last edited by jw1095; 09-04-2006 at 08:59 PM.

  3. #3
    well i hope they are both not methylated cause if they are you should never stack them. since they both start with an M (M1A AND M1P) most lickly they are methylated so forget about it. unless im wrong and they are not methylated

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    First of all I didn't come up with this stack. The site I bought this at suggested it. M1P is 17-hydroxy-6-alpha-methyl-ethletiocholan-3,20 dione and M1A is methyl-1-etiocholenolol epietiocholanolone. M1A has 350mgs of Milk thistle hawthorne berry complex I assume for liver protection. It is only a twenty five day cycle. I am not trying to kill my liver, but if I am being honest I am willing to take the risk. If you think any steroids are completely harmless for the liver you are wrong. I am not a doctor but what I have learned says all steroids are hard on the liver. A injectable still passes through the liver just at a different time and rate. Even though it will pass through the liver slower when you inject 1000mgs a week you have to be stressing the liver. But I am going to get blood work soon and I will post what my doctor tells me. If you have a suggestion on supplements to further protect my liver please share your suggestion.
    Last edited by jw1095; 09-04-2006 at 09:03 PM.

  5. #5
    M1P is actually a mild methylated product. But it really doesn't give any gains or pumps in the gym. You can seriously take 3x the suggested dosage and still not feel anything.

    That exact stack is the one that gave my gyno so I would take an AI with it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I started taking a ES3 by scifit before bed. The guy at the sup shop told me it is the strongest AI he has. I am two workouts into a new split and am deffinetly stronger. I don't think this stack did anything much for my endurence , but I am getting stronger way quiker than normal. I am taking one M1P and a M1A three times a day 8 hours apart. I also have gained 7 pounds. I am vary hungry and seem to be holding a little water so I am not sure how clean the weight is.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I'm not trying to be rude here, but at 20% bodyfat I would think a good fatburner would be more appropriate. If you are trying to gain weight on this cycle then you may need to switch your goals around. If you are using it to preserve muscle on a cutting diet then go for it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I was expecting someone to make such a comment. I am not dieting or planning on dieting any time real soon. I dieted for three months and made no real progress. I am trying to get stronger. I do a fair amount of cardio. I hike in the mountains or ride my bike on one of the trails around where I live. Sometimes I jog on the tread mill. I do at least a hour twice a week. Hikes ussualy take 3-4 hours. I make shure I get enough fruit, vegatables and protien, but I don't stay away from anything in perticular. At the moment I just want to get stronger. I will worry about cut when I feel ready. If I try to force that when I am not ready I will not succeed.

  9. #9
    Your body will be more gyno prone at a higher BF%. I would take ldex or letro.

    Good luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Yah I am noticing this. I am buying letro today.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I am almost done with this stack. I got letro a week ago and am using 1.25mgs a day. I gained a fare amont of strength. I finally moved up my bench. My bench had not moved in four months. I am satisfied with these products used together. I got more results than I did on trenadrol.

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