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Thread: holly sh!!!T

  1. #1

    Unhappy holly sh!!!T

    I wasnt checking my weight very acurate but last week i was 178 and now i weighted my self this morning and it was 170!!!!!. that scared the shit out of me. Im not feeling weeker and i dont feel flat. i actually see my self very lean and just about the same in the gym. im keeping my carbs as low as around 160...should i bump it up to atleast 190-200? because 10 lb in one week sux!

    im scared lol i havent weight this low for ever. i was planing on coming in the competition at around the weight im at right now. cause i started cutting at 182-184 lb 8% and im 5'8.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Bro in the first week of dieting when ever you lower your carbs your body will tend to drop a lot of water. so trust me, you did nt loose 8 to 10 lbs of fat, most was water.

  3. #3
    yea i know. but the first week i loss about normal 3 this week which is my secon about with strick diet i went from 178 to freeken its getting to my head. i thought i was looking really good. my legs are getting riped my abs were showing alot more withn the first week and getting better. my back...everything was working well and im not feeling flat or week.

    so when i was weight 184 it was a whole lot of water.. that last show i came in at 160 lean.. i wanted to come in to this one at 170 shreded

  4. #4
    sh**t atleast 165 cause i defently gained alot of weight this year.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    i think its in your sound to be on track bro. how far out are you?

  6. #6
    its nov im worried ALOT

  7. #7
    I was lean at 180 + ....i was 8% bf my

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    is that show in tarrytown NY??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    lean @ 180 is different than SHREDDED at 170 bro... figure you have 6 weeks to tweak & get dialed in...I think you will be fine.

  10. #10
    well Im not shredded and im 170 leaner than before but not you said it looks like im on track but i dont want to loose more weight.

  11. #11
    no the show is not in NY

  12. #12
    any thoughts anybody?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    If your strenght isnt going down and you arent feeling flat then you've already answered your own question. Don't be obsessed with the weight issue. I was 175 at 8% and competed at 154 shredded. I thought I was gonna get to 165 and be in perfect shape. It just doesnt happen like that. Especially in your second show.

  14. #14
    so you think im gonna be even lighter than 160 which i competed last??....Im defenetly gonna look alot more moscular i hope.

  15. #15
    ok one thing im really happy about. i just took my bf with the same guy that always does it. im down to 5.8%...started at 8% so that made me really happy. with i guess i can keep droping a bit more and mantain. cause i dont want to peek to early.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    If you think you are going to peak too early then maybe you should have a carb up day or two to restore your glycogen and slow down your weightloss.

  17. #17
    ok i figured that last night and i desided to add a lil more carbs..insted of my intake of oatmeal being 1/4 of a cup now its a 1/2 of cup.
    would tha be enought or what exactly do you mean by carb up day. i was thinking of just adding thoes carbs carbs which gives me a amount of 200 plus...insted of 160 carbs. and then about 3 weeks go down to 160 what do you think? or just have a really carbs up day or two and keep doing what i was doing??

  18. #18
    that would give me a diet of about 214g of carbs 72g of fat (fat from oatmeal and flax oil) and 300g of protein.

    that gives me a diet of about 2704 kcl.

    hows that sound to slow down a bit.

    before it was 160gm of carbs 45 of fat and 300 of protein.
    giving me a diet of about 2245 kcl

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    See how you respond to the increased calorie intake. you may have to slightly increase your cardio to avoid gaining fat. It's a tough call and you dont want to go too high or too low.

  20. #20
    bro its confusing..cause im doing really good. so what im gonna do is follow your advice. today and tomorow im going to follow the above diet and then back down to my normal one again. i think that the safest way in order to avoid fat. dont you think??? because i have not done on bit of cardio since i started dieting. i was planing on doing cardion about 4 weeks out on the steper. (after lifting about 20 min..because i wake up to early for work).

  21. #21

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I would say that is probably the safest strategy...if you cant play with calories with cardio then doing it with food is the only way obviously. See if you fill out and take your bodyfat again at the end of the week and adjust your cals accordingly. I know this is all confusing...this is why I work closely with another trainer to monitor my progress and advise me on my calorie intake and expenditure.

  23. #23
    today at work to former (girls) competitors told me that they could see it in my face and arms!!!..phukin sux man.. im gonna keep eating about 214gm of carbs for this week and then check my bf again and see what happens. i might do a lil bit of cardio. hopefully i fill up again.
    AND IM STILL GETTING STRONGER EVERY WORK OUT. LATLY MY WORK OUTS KICK ASS lifting more weight and feeling really pumped. i dont know. well see what happen. so IM GONNA EAT FOR THIS WEEK A TOTAL AMOUNT OF 459 kcl a day...that dosnt sound to much so i hope my bf stays down. by next thursday I will check my bf again.

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