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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Playing w/ tits
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    its a prescrip drug non rec
    Don't worry it will get locked too (cause of the sniffing thing and **** thing) What's the big deal if she sniffs it anyway, half the chics (or more) are on adderall and use the shlt out of it. I don't know how the can do like xyz+ mg ()at a time I would be fuked up

    [edited: Nark]
    Last edited by goodcents; 09-13-2006 at 11:40 AM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    I feel like the big cities have every type of drug problem.

    Just certain areas have a bit more of this, or that.

    The higher end drugs, are reserved for the closet druggies.

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Pitt/New Jersey/No source
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Don't worry it will get locked too (cause of the sniffing thing and **** thing) What's the big deal if she sniffs it anyway, half the chics (or more) are on adderall and use the shlt out of it. I don't know how the can do like ***+ mg at a time I would be fuked up

    Yea its going to get locked when you discuss your dosages and experiences that shit isnt needed you should edit that.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    What you describe is a problem with her... once an addict, always an addict.. it's in the personnality..

    sorry you are in this situation, but it's time for her to get help from someone else...

    time for a new girlfriend.. remember you can't fix everyone..
    The answer to your every question


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    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Playing w/ tits
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
    Yea its going to get locked when you discuss your dosages and experiences that shit isnt needed you should edit that.
    Didn't think of it that way, but you have to delete your response to get rid of quote

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    my daughter is a jr in wife has to hold her adderal and dispense it to her one at a time, for study and class days only. she was abusing them.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    SO what happened Tai? Let us know

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    Don't worry it will get locked too (cause of the sniffing thing and crank thing) What's the big deal if she sniffs it anyway, half the chics (or more) are on adderall and use the shlt out of it. I don't know how the can do like xyz+ mg ()at a time I would be fuked up
    They build up tolerance..and can take more and more

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    and for all you people on adderral.

    Side effects include:
    * an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of the throat; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; or hives);

    * an irregular heartbeat or very high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision); or

    * hallucinations, abnormal behavior, or confusion.

    * restlessness or tremor;

    * anxiety or nervousness;

    * headache or dizziness;

    * insomnia;

    * dryness of the mouth or an unpleasant taste in the mouth;

    * diarrhea or constipation

    * impotence or changes in sex drive.

    Now lets look at crystal meth.

    · an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of your throat; swelling of your lips, tongue, or face; or hives);
    · an irregular heartbeat or very high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision); or
    · hallucinations, abnormal behavior, or confusion.
    · restlessness or tremor,
    · nervousness or anxiety,
    · headache or dizziness,
    · insomnia,
    · dry mouth or an unpleasant taste in your mouth,
    · diarrhea or constipation, or
    · impotence or changes in your sex drive.

    Notice any similarities?? Adderral is a dextroamphetamine, highly addictive just like any other dexamp drug. That shit will FVCK you up and make your ADHD ADD worse than it was before. Of course your alert when your on it and can concentrate, its basically speed. Come off it for a week and see how you feel then.
    Gee im' so glad i take ritalin and not adderal. (Totally joking )

    U have just listed possible side effects though and none of the benefits.

    * less trouble finishing work
    * less fidgeting or squirming
    * better control of emotions
    * less impatience and impulsiveness
    * better relationship with family and friends
    * increased self-esteem.
    Last edited by Mizfit; 09-13-2006 at 05:04 PM.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    "Individuals with ADHD have difficulty concentrating, and can be hyperactive or impulsive. They also have lower levels of a brain chemical called dopamine.

    Dopamine helps people control their behavior. So having the right level of dopamine in the brain is important. Ritalin increases dopamine levels, enabling ADHD's to focus, filter out distractions, and make decisions based on reason rather than emotion."

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    and for all you people on adderral.

    Side effects include:
    * an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of the throat; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; or hives);

    * an irregular heartbeat or very high blood pressure (severe headache, blurred vision); or

    * hallucinations, abnormal behavior, or confusion.

    * restlessness or tremor;

    * anxiety or nervousness;

    * headache or dizziness;

    * insomnia;

    * dryness of the mouth or an unpleasant taste in the mouth;

    * diarrhea or constipation

    * impotence or changes in sex drive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    U have just listed possible side effects though and none of the benefits.

    * less trouble finishing work
    * less fidgeting or squirming
    * better control of emotions
    * less impatience and impulsiveness
    * better relationship with family and friends
    * increased self-esteem.
    i dont get it. it seems the pros contradict the cons

    from the pros miz listed it sounds like adderall might be good for me. is there anything milder that does the same? anything OTC?

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    dude youve had nothing but problems with this basket case of a girl friend. cut your losses and lose this wacko.

    or hide your shit somewhere else.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
    i take pyrotinol/huperazine combo it works wonders
    i guess you mean pyritinol/huperzine.. where do you get yours at?

    and does anyone know if something like ginko biloba or focus factor can help you stay focused, cause this semester it seems like i cant pay attention not matter how hard i try!

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    on an another note ive been taking dextramphetamine and ephedrine in the mornings and OMG im wired till atleast 1pm. i love it but i didnt know those bad affects of it. feck!!

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    i dont get it. it seems the pros contradict the cons

    from the pros miz listed it sounds like adderall might be good for me. is there anything milder that does the same? anything OTC?

    I agree with Bo that their are some negatives (for me the postives far outweight any of them.. before ritalin my legs were moving a mile a minute, even when i sat in traffic and focuisng on other cars was difficult - never mind the postive effects it has had on my work life.. Night and day.)

    - but the hardest thing about assessing whether there are more pros than cons is the fact that the drugs uses for this disorder are highly over used and it's diffifuclt to decifer who has ADHd and who doesn't.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    i dont get it. it seems the pros contradict the cons

    from the pros miz listed it sounds like adderall might be good for me. is there anything milder that does the same? anything OTC?
    Gingko Biloba

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    "Individuals with ADHD have difficulty concentrating, and can be hyperactive or impulsive. They also have lower levels of a brain chemical called dopamine.

    Dopamine helps people control their behavior. So having the right level of dopamine in the brain is important. Ritalin increases dopamine levels, enabling ADHD's to focus, filter out distractions, and make decisions based on reason rather than emotion."
    Well the fact is different patients respond differently *at first*.
    Dopamine is not linked to the alertness receptors, dopamine is the "feel good center/relax center"
    More importantly adderral fvkcs with Norepinephrine (adrenaline) This is where the the real problems come in.
    This is from my head but you can research it to validate my facts.
    Adrenaline increase alertness, heart rate, and effects receptors in your muscles. When adrenaline levels rise your muscles relax even as your adrenal glands dump more adrenaline into your bloodstream. Adrenaline also makes you more sensitive to enviromental stimuli thus making it easier to concentrate.
    One property ALL amphetamine salts have that you wont learn in a doctors office is sigma cell receptor site growth. A lot of drugs shut down receptors sites when abused. Amphetamines increase sigma receptors by 30%.
    So your saying wtf does that mean?
    Ill put it this way. Sigma receptors are a rapid advancing area of study for neuropharmacology. Not a lot is known yet. But what is know is this.
    More sigma receptors=more response to drug. To add to the problem amphetamine salts like adderral sensitize your adrenal glands irreversibly.

    The normal person in the event of a stimuli dumps an extremely small amount of norepinephrine (adrenaline) from thier adrenal glands into their blood supply. With adderral, through sigma receptor growth in the body, your adrenal glands are triggered to release more and more adrenaline over time as receptors increase and the actual glands become more sensitive.

    This is the number one factor for addiction besides psychological (doctors say dextroamphetamines *arent physically addictive* which according to the receptor concept is true do to the increased growth BUT this is where shit gets really FVCKED UP.

    When you STOP taking the meds this is exactly what happens in your body.
    Same as test crash concepts after a cycle, only problem here is theres NO pct to get your dopamine receptor activity back. Dopamine in a major way counters a lot of the psychotic sides affects of adrenaline when both levels are increased and stable. But when dopamine levels crash AND adrenaline after you come off the meds first off you go into a state of depression with supressed dopamine levels, if they fall really low you'll experience severe hallucinations, a shut down of the harmone adrenaline leads to psychotic behavior, confusion, shakes, paranioa, anxiety, etc.
    Your dopamine levels slowly rise over time and sometimes they level out again.

    BUT if you are on any amphetamine salt for too long dopamine production will come to a permanent suppression.
    Your body in an adderal free state is now highly unstable. Because this is the important part to realize. Adrenaline is "triggered" naturally by stimuli, its not a slowly draining outlet like dopamine receptors.
    So when your off adderral external stimuli cause your adrenal glands to fire off and overreact to stimuli.
    Because levels dont go up and stay up. They shoot up drastically and crash causing spurts of paranioa and anxiety. This is when your off adderral.

    I wish i could explain it clearer but from what I know it leaves you off way worse than before you started the adderral. WAY WORSE.
    So anyone who doesnt plan on taking adderral for the rest of thier life *STAY THE FVCK AWAY FROM IT*
    A lot of people will stay on adderral for MANY MANY years and the side effects you think you'll grow to tolerate get worse too. Longterm exposure to MOST drugs causes side effects to get worse, you dont grow tolerance to the sides, you grow tolerance to high.
    The tolerance to the sides is all mental because you learn to live with them.

    All im saying is adderral completely rewires your body so when you do come off it you become an anxious, depressed overlyreactive person.

    The longer you take it the worse you'll be when you come off. NOt to mention the stress it puts on your heart.
    There are imo a lot of presciption meds which are actually worse than some street drugs, and a lot of the reason why thier legal is because thier complex. Look at the chemical structure of street drugs, thier simple, because of this effects are easier to understand, but all these pharmaceuticals are never ending branches of amines to carbons to hydrogen to benzo branches to this and that and they learn about the effects through administration to human guniea pigs.

    You know if you give a rat an unlimited supply of adderral he'll eventually start admininstering it to himself (by drinking it from his water)
    IT suppresses his appetite and he takes more and more and eats less and after a short amount of time with an unlimited supply he will either starve to death or od.

    This is why they end many rat tests after the 4 week mark. Because the scientists arent as stupid as you think. They cant report false facts but they sure as hell can manipulate them. Just some food for thought.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 09-13-2006 at 08:42 PM.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    I agree with Bo that their are some negatives (for me the postives far outweight any of them.. before ritalin my legs were moving a mile a minute, even when i sat in traffic and focuisng on other cars was difficult - never mind the postive effects it has had on my work life.. Night and day.)

    - but the hardest thing about assessing whether there are more pros than cons is the fact that the drugs uses for this disorder are highly over used and it's diffifuclt to decifer who has ADHd and who doesn't.
    i know for a fact i have a mild case of ADD or ADHD but being that i never had any social problems and always been average in school i never felt the need to tell anyone and get meds... but the older i get the more i see that im a very anxious person but nothing extreme.. it sucks..i definietly need a lil help with these
    * less trouble finishing work
    * less fidgeting or squirming
    * better control of emotions
    * less impatience and impulsiveness
    * better relationship with family and friends

    i had a serious problem with xanax a few years back and i think it made things worse.. i dont know.. never even talked to anybody about this but i think im gonna start researching it..

    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Gingko Biloba
    gonna look into these. thanks miz..

  19. #59
    I think she has ninja stealing skillz, to fast for you eyes to notice.

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Well the fact is different patients respond differently *at first*.
    Dopamine is not linked to the alertness receptors, dopamine is the "feel good center/relax center"
    More importantly adderral fvkcs with Norepinephrine (adrenaline) This is where the the real problems come in.
    This is from my head but you can research it to validate my facts.
    Adrenaline increase alertness, heart rate, and effects receptors in your muscles. When adrenaline levels rise your muscles relax even as your adrenal glands dump more adrenaline into your bloodstream. Adrenaline also makes you more sensitive to enviromental stimuli thus making it easier to concentrate.
    One property ALL amphetamine salts have that you wont learn in a doctors office is sigma cell receptor site growth. A lot of drugs shut down receptors sites when abused. Amphetamines increase sigma receptors by 30%.
    So your saying wtf does that mean?
    Ill put it this way. Sigma receptors are a rapid advancing area of study for neuropharmacology. Not a lot is known yet. But what is know is this.
    More sigma receptors=more response to drug. To add to the problem amphetamine salts like adderral sensitize your adrenal glands irreversibly.

    The normal person in the event of a stimuli dumps an extremely small amount of norepinephrine (adrenaline) from thier adrenal glands into their blood supply. With adderral, through sigma receptor growth in the body, your adrenal glands are triggered to release more and more adrenaline over time as receptors increase and the actual glands become more sensitive.

    This is the number one factor for addiction besides psychological (doctors say dextroamphetamines *arent physically addictive* which according to the receptor concept is true do to the increased growth BUT this is where shit gets really FVCKED UP.

    When you STOP taking the meds this is exactly what happens in your body.
    Same as test crash concepts after a cycle, only problem here is theres NO pct to get your dopamine receptor activity back. Dopamine in a major way counters a lot of the psychotic sides affects of adrenaline when both levels are increased and stable. But when dopamine levels crash AND adrenaline after you come off the meds first off you go into a state of depression with supressed dopamine levels, if they fall really low you'll experience severe hallucinations, a shut down of the harmone adrenaline leads to psychotic behavior, confusion, shakes, paranioa, anxiety, etc.
    Your dopamine levels slowly rise over time and sometimes they level out again.

    BUT if you are on any amphetamine salt for too long dopamine production will come to a permanent suppression.
    Your body in an adderal free state is now highly unstable. Because this is the important part to realize. Adrenaline is "triggered" naturally by stimuli, its not a slowly draining outlet like dopamine receptors.
    So when your off adderral external stimuli cause your adrenal glands to fire off and overreact to stimuli.
    Because levels dont go up and stay up. They shoot up drastically and crash causing spurts of paranioa and anxiety. This is when your off adderral.

    I wish i could explain it clearer but from what I know it leaves you off way worse than before you started the adderral. WAY WORSE.
    So anyone who doesnt plan on taking adderral for the rest of thier life *STAY THE FVCK AWAY FROM IT*
    A lot of people will stay on adderral for MANY MANY years and the side effects you think you'll grow to tolerate get worse too. Longterm exposure to MOST drugs causes side effects to get worse, you dont grow tolerance to the sides, you grow tolerance to high.
    The tolerance to the sides is all mental because you learn to live with them.

    All im saying is adderral completely rewires your body so when you do come off it you become an anxious, depressed overlyreactive person.

    The longer you take it the worse you'll be when you come off. NOt to mention the stress it puts on your heart.
    There are imo a lot of presciption meds which are actually worse than some street drugs, and a lot of the reason why thier legal is because thier complex. Look at the chemical structure of street drugs, thier simple, because of this effects are easier to understand, but all these pharmaceuticals are never ending branches of amines to carbons to hydrogen to benzo branches to this and that and they learn about the effects through administration to human guniea pigs.

    You know if you give a rat an unlimited supply of adderral he'll eventually start admininstering it to himself (by drinking it from his water)
    IT suppresses his appetite and he takes more and more and eats less and after a short amount of time with an unlimited supply he will either starve to death or od.

    This is why they end many rat tests after the 4 week mark. Because the scientists arent as stupid as you think. They cant report false facts but they sure as hell can manipulate them. Just some food for thought.

    Done my research over the last few yrs and know exactly where your coming from.

    i have even heard the rat thing. i admit my method of adminstering the ritlain is slighlty different than what many doctors agree with . I don't want to build up a tolerance and i'm well aware that the one negative i do get is aggression. I chose to take weekends off , pretty much every weekend and if i notice any aggressive behaviour on my part (best way to desribe it is irriated), I take 5 days off. My dose hasn't gone up like most people i have heard speak out about their disorder and my adhd symptoms have been alivated due to ritalins. The breaks i take are managemable and faciliate me for taking the meidcation long term.

  21. #61
    Join Date
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    New Joisey
    And i want people to realize ADD, ADHD, Bi-polar manic depressive disorder, Dissociate identiy disorder, NONE of these disease existed before the the DSM I.
    (the book about diagnosing disorders)
    All disorders are merely labels. I use to meet people in class who said they had ADD and had a hard time paying attention.
    I noticed though a lot of times the label of thier disorder actually becomes an excuse to perpetuate the actual symptoms of the disorder.
    Somone who has NO social experience is classified as being Socially Phobic. Thier put on paxil or w/e and woow talking becomes a little bit easier.
    But still the chance exists you ask them to go give a public speach they'll say i have Social Anxiety Disorder, i cant do it. You ask them to go approach a girl they say i have social anxiety disorder i cant do it.

    Point being, the drug is making them feel better, but because of this it will actually lessen thier motivation to talk to people because they dont feel bad anymore just as much as it makes it easier to talk to people because they do feel good. Both effects counter each other. The med doesnt make them come out of thier shell, it makes them feel better being in thier shell.
    And when they have to talk to people they dont realize its the *experience* thier lacking that put them on the meds to begin, and taking the meds doesnt give you the *experience* or *skill* to hold engaging conversations. Suffering through one akward conversation after another does. I have a lot of shit to say about meds and disorders but Im going to save it till i actually get my phd.

  22. #62
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    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Done my research over the last few yrs and know exactly where your coming from.

    i have even heard the rat thing. i admit my method of adminstering the ritlain is slighlty different than what many doctors agree with . I don't want to build up a tolerance and i'm well aware that the one negative i do get is aggression. I chose to take weekends off , pretty much every weekend and if i notice any aggressive behaviour on my part (best way to desribe it is irriated), I take 5 days off. My dose hasn't gone up like most people i have heard speak out about their disorder and my adhd symptoms have been alivated due to ritalins. The breaks i take are managemable and faciliate me for taking the meidcation long term.
    OK again you know whats best for you, hopefully you are as responsible as you seem and can take a realistic look at how much your meds are truley benefiting you.

    I speak with some bias because coming off speed I had methamphetamine psychosis full throttle, look it up if your curious. I was put on anti-psychotics anti-schizos, benzo's and paxil.

    My first 3 months I was a walking zombie. The drugs stopped the hallucinations till my neuros somewhat balance out but after time I ran straight into a brick wall, I decreased my meds, switched my meds, lower dosages, raised dosages, and eventually i said f it and i flushed them. Spent a week throwing up. The next 6 months were hell. But now I feel more mentally clear and stable than probaly my whole life. Again my position is extremely different from most but i just want people to do thorough research before going on a meds, by not asking people who have been on the med for a year but by researching the actual chemistry of the drug, lab tests on it, and people who have been on it for a longterm as well as people who have stopped.
    Ok thats the end of my rant, but goodluck with that Mizfit. If i could say anything to you it would be to just suggest coming off the ritalin for 6 months at some point and just see how you feel, you'll never now really untill you try. (unless you already have)

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    And i want people to realize ADD, ADHD, Bi-polar manic depressive disorder, Dissociate identiy disorder, NONE of these disease existed before the the DSM I.
    (the book about diagnosing disorders)
    All disorders are merely labels. I use to meet people in class who said they had ADD and had a hard time paying attention.
    I noticed though a lot of times the label of thier disorder actually becomes an excuse to perpetuate the actual symptoms of the disorder.
    Somone who has NO social experience is classified as being Socially Phobic. Thier put on paxil or w/e and woow talking becomes a little bit easier.
    But still the chance exists you ask them to go give a public speach they'll say i have Social Anxiety Disorder, i cant do it. You ask them to go approach a girl they say i have social anxiety disorder i cant do it.

    Point being, the drug is making them feel better, but because of this it will actually lessen thier motivation to talk to people because they dont feel bad anymore just as much as it makes it easier to talk to people because they do feel good. Both effects counter each other. The med doesnt make them come out of thier shell, it makes them feel better being in thier shell.
    And when they have to talk to people they dont realize its the *experience* thier lacking that put them on the meds to begin, and taking the meds doesnt give you the *experience* or *skill* to hold engaging conversations. Suffering through one akward conversation after another does. I have a lot of shit to say about meds and disorders but Im going to save it till i actually get my phd.

    Everyone has such different experiences. ADHd though is not a crutch or an excuse not to succeeed.

    Ritain doesnt make me more social nor doe it make me any smarter - helps me to collect my thoughts, stop sqirming and has given me the ability to focus rather than being distracted 2 times a second.

    I admit i have adhd here - in a forum where i know very few personaly, but it s not something i really talk much about in my every day lifes. I don't want my cowrkers, boss, fiends who are not close to know that I have it. ( Not because i wanna keep secrets, but because i know their is a stimga attached)

  24. #64
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    OK again you know whats best for you, hopefully you are as responsible as you seem and can take a realistic look at how much your meds are truley benefiting you.

    I speak with some bias because coming off speed I had methamphetamine psychosis full throttle, look it up if your curious. I was put on anti-psychotics anti-schizos, benzo's and paxil.

    My first 3 months I was a walking zombie. The drugs stopped the hallucinations till my neuros somewhat balance out but after time I ran straight into a brick wall, I decreased my meds, switched my meds, lower dosages, raised dosages, and eventually i said f it and i flushed them. Spent a week throwing up. The next 6 months were hell. But now I feel more mentally clear and stable than probaly my whole life. Again my position is extremely different from most but i just want people to do thorough research before going on a meds, by not asking people who have been on the med for a year but by researching the actual chemistry of the drug, lab tests on it, and people who have been on it for a longterm as well as people who have stopped.
    Ok thats the end of my rant, but goodluck with that Mizfit. If i could say anything to you it would be to just suggest coming off the ridalin for 6 months at some point and just see how you feel, you'll never now really untill you try. (unless you already have)

    Let me guess. zyprexia or seoquil? Those things r mega powerful meds - glad u made it through.

    6 month break - no i havent. I have only been taking it for close to 2 full years as an adult, but was also on it as a child. I take 5 day breaks here and there and the attributes of my personlaity i deem as cute come out more and more - but i can't function in the office like that.

  25. #65
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    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Everyone has such different experiences. ADHd though is not a crutch or an excuse not to succeeed.

    Ritain doesnt make me more social nor doe it make me any smarter - helps me to collect my thoughts, stop sqirming and has given me the ability to focus rather than being distracted 2 times a second.

    I admit i have adhd here - in a forum where i know very few personaly, but it s not something i really talk much about in my every day lifes. I don't want my cowrkers, boss, fiends who are not close to know that I have it. ( Not because i wanna keep secrets, but because i know their is a stimga attached)
    Im just curious, when did you realize you had a problem and went to get help for it? How bad was it where you actually got up and said *uck this im goin to see a doctor? Or did one of your friends recommend it?

  26. #66
    Join Date
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    Bubba Army
    Mizfit or jangles.....

    i daydream ALOT and have slight short term problems remembering things. is that ADD? im not anxious or make quick irrational decisions im a very calm laid back person, BUT my brother has ADD (genetic maybe?) and doesnt take anything for it.

    am i a candidate? ive talked this over with a friend who has AADD and says i should see a doc? what do yall think.

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Im just curious, when did you realize you had a problem and went to get help for it? How bad was it where you actually got up and said *uck this im goin to see a doctor? Or did one of your friends recommend it?
    It was a rude awakening.

    Had a perforance review at work. The things that were written almsot made me cry. All the little quriky things i did that i assumed no one noticed, were there in front of me on paper and were now affecting my raise.

    The words day dreamer, lack of focus, doen't pay attention, constnalty moving around, has trouble finishing tasks.. The list went on.. (I really didn't think anyone had noitced)

    In my personal life i was also having trouble with relationships because of my lack of attention, it was assumed i just didnt care - and was farthest from the truth.. i would just get distracted and interupt before it was my turn..

    I went home that night nd showed my sister my review and i asked her advice about going to talk to my docotor - she said good idea.

    I went in and they made some basic analyis and sent me to a Neropshycitirst for further testing.

  28. #68
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    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Let me guess. zyprexia or seoquil? Those things r mega powerful meds - glad u made it through.

    6 month break - no i havent. I have only been taking it for close to 2 full years as an adult, but was also on it as a child. I take 5 day breaks here and there and the attributes of my personlaity i deem as cute come out more and more - but i can't function in the office like that.
    Yeh at first Thorazine (spelln? go look it up, zyprexas cake compared to this drug) which basically put me in a coma, than I was weened off and put on Zyprexa and Paxil. The thorazine was the worst, the Zyprexa allowed me barely function. Paxil killed my memory, my sex drive, and overall sucked but it did make thing bearable somewhat at the time.

  29. #69
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    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1
    Mizfit or jangles.....

    i daydream ALOT and have slight short term problems remembering things. is that ADD? im not anxious or make quick irrational decisions im a very calm laid back person, BUT my brother has ADD (genetic maybe?) and doesnt take anything for it.

    am i a candidate? ive talked this over with a friend who has AADD and says i should see a doc? what do yall think.
    I don't think that would be enough to make u a candidate.

    The issues have to be constant, not isolated.

  30. #70
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    i mean its more of a focus thing. i always have so much on my mind its hard to concintrate. honestly i love the way dextro makes me feel. i know thats bad.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Yeh at first Thorazine (spelln? go look it up, zyprexas cake compared to this drug) which basically put me in a coma, than I was weened off and put on Zyprexa and Paxil. The thorazine was the worst, the Zyprexa allowed me barely function. Paxil killed my memory, my sex drive, and overall sucked but it did make thing bearable somewhat at the time.
    I've done my reseach into alot of these things.

    Never been on an antidepresant, but the first person i seen about my poor sleep - decided to prescribe me Zyprexia and it made me wanna die. That stuff made me sit in my room and cry for hours. - I switched doctors very quickly.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    It was a rude awakening.

    Had a perforance review at work. The things that were written almsot made me cry. All the little quriky things i did that i assumed no one noticed, were there in front of me on paper and were now affecting my raise.

    The words day dreamer, lack of focus, doen't pay attention, constnalty moving around, has trouble finishing tasks.. The list went on.. (I really didn't think anyone had noitced)

    In my personal life i was also having trouble with relationships because of my lack of attention, it was assumed i just didnt care - and was farthest from the truth.. i would just get distracted and interupt before it was my turn..

    I went home that night nd showed my sister my review and i asked her advice about going to talk to my docotor - she said good idea.

    I went in and they made some basic analyis and sent me to a Neropshycitirst for further testing.
    It sounds like you have a really active imagination, like your really creative. But if it was such a problem as it seems hopefully the meds will help alleviate all that BS and make you happier.
    Im not one of those people who doesnt believe in peope having real issues. I just believe a lot of people are misdiagnosed. But it seems like you may have a doctor who actually knows what hes doing. Good for you.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1
    i mean its more of a focus thing. i always have so much on my mind its hard to concintrate. honestly i love the way dextro makes me feel. i know thats bad.
    See i dont get a high from ritalin - it brings me down to a mangeable level. I don't feel like superwman on it - I feel like a regular person.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    I've done my reseach into alot of these things.

    Never been on an antidepresant, but the first person i seen about my poor sleep - decided to prescribe me Zyprexia and it made me wanna die. That stuff made me sit in my room and cry for hours. - I switched doctors very quickly.
    hah!!! that stuff is death in a pill without a doubt. i was too zoned out to think period, but i could wiggle my toes at least.

  35. #75
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    right now im in detox for opiod addiction and valium is great for sleep my doc gave me

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    It sounds like you have a really active imagination, like your really creative. But if it was such a problem as it seems hopefully the meds will help alleviate all that BS and make you happier.
    Im not one of those people who doesnt believe in peope having real issues. I just believe a lot of people are misdiagnosed. But it seems like you may have a doctor who actually knows what hes doing. Good for you.
    The doctor i have been seeing for 2 years.. is awesome. He is a Neropsychitrist.

    Took the time to evaluate me, asks the right questions, doesn't pressure me into taking extra prescriptions - prefers me to take less, and has actually truly moniotred my progress over the last 2 yrs.

    I have a twin who doesnt have ADHD - best reward is when i hear her tell ppl how rprud of me she is. - I smarted up and alot of that has to do with the fact i finally feel calm. (well as calm as a woman can get)

  37. #77
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    Toronto Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    hah!!! that stuff is death in a pill without a doubt. i was too zoned out to think period, but i could wiggle my toes at least.
    was your experiences with all this what got you into psychology?

    It was what's cause me to research each and everything i put into my body.

  38. #78
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    The doctor i have been seeing for 2 years.. is awesome. He is a Neropsychitrist.

    Took the time to evaluate me, asks the right questions, doesn't pressure me into taking extra prescriptions - prefers me to take less, and has actually truly moniotred my progress over the last 2 yrs.

    I have a twin who doesnt have ADHD - best reward is when i hear her tell ppl how rprud of me she is. - I smarted up and alot of that has to do with the fact i finally feel calm. (well as calm as a woman can get)
    You go girl

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    was your experiences with all this what got you into psychology?

    It was what's cause me to research each and everything i put into my body.
    Yeh because I was put in certain environments in my life where I was able to witness firsthand how painful mental illness's can really be how they literally can't compare to even the worst physical forms of death, like being burned alive.

    So ever since I was younger and experienced that pain I just kinda made it a goal to do whatever i could with my life to prevent anyone from ever having to experience it.

    And just the way psychology has changed my life in general its the least i can do to return the favor.

  40. #80
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    The doctor i have been seeing for 2 years.. is awesome. He is a Neropsychitrist.

    Took the time to evaluate me, asks the right questions, doesn't pressure me into taking extra prescriptions - prefers me to take less, and has actually truly moniotred my progress over the last 2 yrs.

    I have a twin who doesnt have ADHD - best reward is when i hear her tell ppl how rprud of me she is. - I smarted up and alot of that has to do with the fact i finally feel calm. (well as calm as a woman can get)
    yeh we def dont have docs like that where i come from, or ones ive met at least. one of them actually drew a diagram of my receptors one time to verbally explain (verbatim) why my "brain was fried". i mean wtf kinda doctor says some shit like that?
    and im not sure id say im proud of you because i really dont know you but i can def say im happy for you.

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