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Thread: Review on Targex Unbiased

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Review on Targex Unbiased

    Ok, so heres my review on Targex, let me state first that i am in no way biased against SteroidPeptides and certainly am not affiliated with any other sponsors. The guys that know me here know that im a straightforward honest guy....

    Well my wife used Targex applying it to the target fat loss areas twice per day and used 2 bottles which lasted about a month or more...

    I must say that Targex appears to be a waste of money at this point. She did not lose any weight (granted i know this isnt exactly a weight-loss product but a localized fat loss target product)....And at BEST she MAYBE lost below half an inch on her obliques...and thats a huge MAYBE....

    My wife has been on a strict diet regimen for months now, along with cardio 6 days a week, weight training 3 -4 days a week, and she didnt really see benefit from using this product...but thats not to say that their other products arent good....

    I think the only way id ever see use of the product would be in the final weeks of a contest prep...if it does indeed reduce fat locally....

    thanks for reading....


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Nice post.!

  3. #3
    Weird, because the studies done on it have shown it to be very effective in women, and (less) effective in men. But here, on, the woman who used it (your wife) didn't get results from it, but the man who used it did:

  4. #4
    I can't say if it worked for me or not, because I only used it for about 2 weeks, then I went on a cruise and didn't bring it. I'll start using it again now, though, and see what it does.

  5. #5
    TargeX is not meant for overall bodyWEIGHT LOSS but for localized fat loss, I'd say if you expect to lose POUNDS off using TargeX then you will be dissapointed. If bodyweight fat loss if your goal then Clen, T3, Yohimbine, Ephedra, DNP and cardio 5 days per week early in the morning on an empty stomach with a carbohydrate intake of no more than 250 grams daily and a high protein intake of 2grams per lb ( LEAN bodyweight ) will help.


    Last edited by Carlito B; 09-15-2006 at 08:02 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    i hav just purchased some from a company in the states a good freind of mine is sending it over to the UK for me i will use half off season then the other half of the order pre-contest i will post up my results when i have finished

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Great post. so hard to find unbias opinions anymore. many times guys will get free stuff if they support someones product.

  8. #8
    Well, TargeX has been around for around 2 years now. It may be new on this board but it was introduced to the UG boards and at first it was given for free to a few members for a trial once feedback was received and it was good of course TargeX was launched in large quantities so I am confident in this product and i back it up 110% and put my reputation on the line for it.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    so what was the feedback ie - dose, duration etc etc...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    Weird, because the studies done on it have shown it to be very effective in women, and (less) effective in men.
    Can you give your citations, please? I am interested in learning about this- also, what is the theory behind the product? If there is "local fat loss", but no weight loss, then wouldn't that require a gain some place else?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by vermin
    Can you give your citations, please? I am interested in learning about this- also, what is the theory behind the product? If there is "local fat loss", but no weight loss, then wouldn't that require a gain some place else?
    Here ya go:

    Steroids. 2005 Jul;70(8):538-42. Epub 2005 Apr 12

    Glycyrrhetinic acid, the active principle of licorice, can reduce the thickness of subcutaneous thigh fat through topical application.

    Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences-Endocrinology, University of Padua, Via Ospedale 105, 35100 Padua, Italy. [email protected]
    Cortisol is involved in the distribution and deposition of fat, and its action is regulated by the activity of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Glycyrrhetinic acid, the active principle of licorice root, blocks 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1, thus reducing the availability of cortisol at the level of adipocytes. We evaluated the effect of topical application of a cream containing glycyrrhetinic acid in the thickness of fat at the level of the thigh. Eighteen healthy women (age range 20-33 years) with normal BMI were randomly allocated to treatment, at the level of the dominant thigh, with a cream containing 2.5% glycyrrhetinic acid (n=9) or with a placebo cream containing the excipients alone (n=9). Before and after 1 month of treatment both the circumference and the thickness of the superficial fat layer of the thighs (by ultrasound analysis) were measured. The circumference and the thickness of the superficial fat layer were significantly reduced in comparison to the controlateral untreated thigh and to control subjects treated with the placebo cream. No changes were observed in blood pressure, plasma renin activity, plasma aldosterone or cortisol. The effect of glycyrrhetinic acid on the thickness of subcutaneous fat was likely related to a block of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 at the level of fat cells; therefore, glycyrrhetinic acid could be effectively used in the reduction of unwanted local fat accumulation.
    PMID: 15894038 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
    Last edited by Property of; 09-15-2006 at 06:57 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Do you think this product would work well for love handles on men?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    TargeX is not meant for overall bodyWEIGHT LOSS but for localized fat loss, I'd say if you expect to lose POUNDS off using TargeX then you will be dissapointed. If bodyweight fat loss if your goal then Clen, T3, Yohimbine, Ephedra, DNP and cardio 5 days per week early in the morning on an empty stomach with a carbohydrate intake of no more than 250 grams daily and a high protein intake of 2grams per lb ( LEAN bodyweight ) will help.


    Agreed, she was using it for additional benefits like targeting the oblique area, along with that she was on a low carb diet, cardio 5-6 days a wk, weight training for 4 days a week to lose the bodyfat.....doesnt mean i wont give it a shot for the final wks of my contest prep next year tho....CD

  14. #14
    I just ordered some last night for use in the oblique area. I hope I don't come to regret the purchase. :-(

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I hope so too man! were out 90 bucks....

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