Ok, so heres my review on Targex, let me state first that i am in no way biased against SteroidPeptides and certainly am not affiliated with any other sponsors. The guys that know me here know that im a straightforward honest guy....
Well my wife used Targex applying it to the target fat loss areas twice per day and used 2 bottles which lasted about a month or more...
I must say that Targex appears to be a waste of money at this point. She did not lose any weight (granted i know this isnt exactly a weight-loss product but a localized fat loss target product)....And at BEST she MAYBE lost below half an inch on her obliques...and thats a huge MAYBE....
My wife has been on a strict diet regimen for months now, along with cardio 6 days a week, weight training 3 -4 days a week, and she didnt really see benefit from using this product...but thats not to say that their other products arent good....
I think the only way id ever see use of the product would be in the final weeks of a contest prep...if it does indeed reduce fat locally....
thanks for reading....