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Thread: HGH, without working out

  1. #1

    HGH, without working out

    Okay, I have worked out for about 10 years and about 6 months ago, I started taking growth hormone at 3iu/day. To be completely honest, my workouts have suffered and I barely ever go to the gym (once/twice per week). I am just getting back into it after my child is a little older and my business is well developed now, but I honestly cannot believe that I can say without a doubt I am in better shape now than before. Everyone I know has noticed how lean I have become and veins have never really been visible before. Also, I was taking prop and eq. During those 6 months on growth, I went on probably two months of working out pretty hard in the middle but that it is.

    I am in my late twenties and I can't believe how well this works. My diet is shit (a few protein shakes per day, but I eat chicken wings, fried food, white bread, carbs from sugar, etc.). What the ****? Is this normal? It seems like I should be a fat pig now and the ****ed up thing is that when I did go to the gym the other day, my strength in nearly the same. I have to say HGH is the most amazing thing I have ever come across and it really is like a magic formula. I hope my insides are okay because there has to be some negatives to this...

    On the other hand, my friend who is 51 is taking HGH and she used to be a bodybuilder but has fallen off. After seeing my diet and exercise routine, she asked what in the hell I doing to stay in shape. I told her about HGH and she has been on now for 2 months at only .5 iu / day, 5 on 1 off. She rarely exercises but has gotten ZERO benefits that she notices.

    A couple of general questions:

    1) Is .5 too little

    2) I started working out last week like a maniac so I can't wait to see my results in a few months.

    3) Any other stories that are similar, thoughts on growth, advice...I just thank God for this stuff!

    Late Bish

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Protien shakes have lots of calories. I add egg whites with mine. Watch
    what you eat. Don't think chicken wings are gonna hurt. However, if
    you clean up your diet you can get some fantastic results.

    I'm 55 and GH has done me fine for over a year and a half. If your lady
    friend is an ex BB and getting blood work done I don't see why she
    can't increase dose. Low dose GH will help more than you think.

  3. #3

    Blood work

    She is not getting bloodwork. I know, pretty irresponsible...but that is why she is using such a low dose - in the grand scheme of things, 1.5 iu/day 5 ON 2 OFF isn't that high anyways, correct? Again, a nebulous unqualified question, but I just want her to experience these results.

    Later, Brian

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    HGH ultimatly increases IGF values but they take time to build up. I would have her up in to 1iu. Tell her to be patient because results take time. Most people start reaping benifits around the fourth month.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    albuquerque, nm
    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    HGH ultimatly increases IGF values but they take time to build up. I would have her up in to 1iu. Tell her to be patient because results take time. Most people start reaping benifits around the fourth month.
    I agree. She could be doing 1-1.5 iu/day and be good.

  7. #7
    Bump - anyone?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hotel California
    Quote Originally Posted by bishop23
    She is not getting bloodwork. I know, pretty irresponsible...but that is why she is using such a low dose - in the grand scheme of things, 1.5 iu/day 5 ON 2 OFF isn't that high anyways, correct? Again, a nebulous unqualified question, but I just want her to experience these results.

    Later, Brian
    Unless she will get blood work done I would back off.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    IN your walls
    maby you got realy good gentics.

  10. #10
    I was always a skinny kid in highschool and filled out in college naturally...then I played in the minors and dabbled in sauce and really received it well - I always took lower dosages but got much better results while not dieting as well as others. BUT, as I said, to me HGH is the magic potion. It is un-EFFING-REAL...there is no way anything comes close.

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