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Thread: Getting Extremely Moody on cycle!

  1. #1

    Getting Extremely Moody on cycle!

    I notice myself getting very moody sometimes and I know it but its hard to control it. Does this happen to anyone else? Its like one minute im happy, then i over analyze a situation and get pissed and then im happy again a few minutes later. I dont get it. Is there something I can take ? Currently on eq/test/clen/t3/winny

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    some where in the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by The Magician
    I notice myself getting very moody sometimes and I know it but its hard to control it. Does this happen to anyone else? Its like one minute im happy, then i over analyze a situation and get pissed and then im happy again a few minutes later. I dont get it. Is there something I can take ? Currently on eq/test/clen/t3/winny

    what kind of doses are you taking / how long you been on this cycle?

    what are your stats ......? there could be a few reasons but if you are thinking roid rage thats a myth

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    what kind of doses are you taking / how long you been on this cycle?

    what are your stats ......? there could be a few reasons but if you are thinking roid rage thats a myth

    on week #10
    600mg/wk test e
    600 mg/wk eq
    winny 50 mg ed
    ramping clen/t3

    i started at 302... down to 284 currently. not sure bf%

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    if you cant control shouldnt be on gear. personally, I think its more myth than anything. Gear is all about control, emotions & the use(or abuse) of gear. keep yourself in check or you will run into problems man.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by The Magician[B
    ]I notice myself getting very moody sometimes and I know it but its hard to control it. Does this happen to anyone else? Its like one minute im happy, then i over analyze a situation and get pissed and then im happy again a few minutes later.[/B] I dont get it. Is there something I can take ? Currently on eq/test/clen/t3/winny

    Sounds to me like you have "emotions".

  6. #6
    It's all in the head. Yeap, good old Placebo. You're getting great results thus far, you should be as happy as ever, save your mood swings for PCT when you begin to lose those hard earned gains.

  7. #7
    maybe its just the change in metabolism or something. i know roid rage doesnt exist.. someone mentioned 4ad keeps you "happy" but i have yet to find anything on that... so i thought i would ask. thx

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    lol i never heard of aggression from any of those compenents..

    shit like that will fux w/ serotonin levels and cause moody issues but ur just bing a bitch.. get ahold of it

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    lol i never heard of aggression from any of those compenents..

    shit like that will fux w/ serotonin levels and cause moody issues but ur just bing a bitch.. get ahold of it
    Tren screws with serotonin levels ?? Damnn, i thought the only drug that does that is a Psilocybe mushroom lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Spyder
    Tren screws with serotonin levels ?? Damnn, i thought the only drug that does that is a Psilocybe mushroom lol
    bah BigKLG said something bout high androgens messing w/ them

    i have read stuff on that before.. thats why women are nice

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    bah BigKLG said something bout high androgens messing w/ them

    i have read stuff on that before.. thats why women are nice
    I am yet to meet a woman that is nice! lol

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Millers Crossing
    the only time i find myself getting moody is right at the beginning of cycle when my body has to deal with a drastic change in hormone levels... or at the end when i come off... i am like a chick with pms sometimes when i change to different compounds i also get this. i find it also depends on what i am taking. i took methyltest tabs at the beginning of this cycle so yeah, i was a little moody, you just have to learn to control it.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Parkland, Florida


    I've done only one cycle and never had a bad attitude. I did however notice that I was a bit more forward when it came to speaking my mind. Kinda like after having a few cocktails. Not in a rude way but in a more self assurance kinda way.

    Im no Dr. but I do know for sure that steriods or any other chemical we add to our bodies will have an effect on our minds. There is NO WAY you can argue that. NO WAY.

    With that said, I do believe you when you say your having mood swings and I do not think you are being a panzy for it. Your obviously on here trying to figure out what you can do about it. I do not have any answers for you, sorry. Everyone reacts differently to al types of drugs. I did not have a good reaction personally on my first cycle and I took a conservative 200mg Test cyp. and 200mg deca once a week. 8th week is when problems arised.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I get moody on my current cycle but its not the gear i can just be a real a$$hole sometimes.

  15. #15
    adding hormones to your body will effect your mood peroid!!!

    I may never get upset in traffic but on Test/anadrol/tren I find myself getting a little short tempered...

    If someone eye ****s me ( you know the tough guy look a jackass will shoot you ) I generally just keep walking and avoid fights becasue fights lead to going to jail... if I am on cycle I will stare them back down until they look away...

    off cycle I may be fine with normal sex, but on cycle I want some freaky marathon sex...

    its all perfectly normal... Testosterone along with muscle growth effects sex drive and agression... its a scientific fact!

    so yes there is a such thing as roid rage... dont think you can do all that test and not feel any added agression... and stuff like halotestin is used by MMA fighters exclusivley to add agression...

    I noticed that years ago I would get really angry over little BS stuff on cycle, but it dosent seem to effect me as much now...

    i know a few pro BBs here in vegas and many of them take a valium or zanex every day... after they have worked out of course..

    mood swings during PCT can be rough too... again its just hormonal and will pass with time..

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Boston, Ma
    ehh when im on test i feel better then ever.. the only reason I may rage is because now I am positive I can kick someones ass... thats where this roid rage bullshit comes from..

    little pricks taking everyones shit, they do a cycle and start putting on some size.. they think their shit doesnt stink and they try to take on the world...

    to those guys I say...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by IIIIIIIIIIII
    ehh when im on test i feel better then ever.. the only reason I may rage is because now I am positive I can kick someones ass... thats where this roid rage bullshit comes from..

    little pricks taking everyones shit, they do a cycle and start putting on some size.. they think their shit doesnt stink and they try to take on the world...

    to those guys I say...

    You wanna fight?

    Lets go, I'll beat you allz up.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    i dont care what anyone says....i have alot shorter fuse now and i never used to get angry

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Boston, Ma
    so u ask for advice.. yet dont care.. so in reality you just wanted to boast that you think your the shit..

    well congrats.... ur my hero!!

  20. #20
    I notice that my mood is different on roids and I only do 250 mg of test a week. It`s nothing I can`t control or anything, I just get more cranky and raise my voice more than I would usually do. I get irritated easy and stuff. I wonder what would happen if I did, lets say 500 mg of test and 100mg of tren a week.
    Even though I`ve never had any sort of "anger problem" I do have my moms temper and she is known to be quite a fire cracker, that doesn`t help

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    hey IIIIIIII .... i didnt ask the question but its nice to know you look up to me

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    lol i never heard of aggression from any of those compenents..


    shit like that will fux w/ serotonin levels and cause moody issues but ur just bing a bitch.. get ahold of it
    hell yeah these 2, i was nutty, i mean i didnt get too crazy but every little thing irritated me

    but unstable blood levels kill me, im at a higher dose than i have ever been before, highest ive even been is 900mg a week and now im at ~2.5 grams a week but im feeling much better i think its cause of the more stable blood levels from more frequent injections

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine
    hell yeah these 2, i was nutty, i mean i didnt get too crazy but every little thing irritated me

    but unstable blood levels kill me, im at a higher dose than i have ever been before, highest ive even been is 900mg a week and now im at ~2.5 grams a week but im feeling much better i think its cause of the more stable blood levels from more frequent injections
    900mg a week lol funny number

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Boston, Ma
    opps sorry Cdial.. haha.. i really thought this kid just came to boast lol...

    opps. :-(

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    900mg a week lol funny number
    dont worry ill eventually work up to 900mg every 5-6 hours like you

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