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Thread: HGH Confusion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Over There

    HGH Confusion

    I just ordered my first cycle of HGH, It's been a while since I visited the Boards and decided to do some more reading on dosages today,, But now I'm reading of people not seeing any results from HGH and some seeing great results from it.. Do I need to take something else with the HGH ,or do I take it alone....Do I take 2iu's or 10 a day, or every other day...

    Please help my ignorance, I don't want to waste the HGH by not using it correctly..I'm looking to mostly lose the BF and tighten up...

    I was going to do a Winnie /Test stack that someone recommended me to do, But I have a short Temper now and don't want to chance the side affect of Rage.Or is that a bunch of misunderstanding too....

    Sorry for buggin with this,But I want to make sure I'm on the right path..

    Thank You

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Out of my mind
    Your goals for the hgh will dictate the dose. Stats are necessary to dial it in even better. Also remember that aas does not make you angrier or have a shorter fuse. If you think that it does then I'm sure those are the results you will get. Bottom line, when on cycle (or off), think and act responsibly.

    I read it on here that If someone is an ***hole off cycle, they're one on cycle too. People that can't control this give aas a bad name. Do your cycle, grow, hit your goals and that is better than kicking someones ass.

    Just my .02.

  3. #3
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    Over There
    Quote Originally Posted by spicyer
    Your goals for the hgh will dictate the dose. Stats are necessary to dial it in even better.
    6'5.5" 312# approx 25% BF

    Thanks For being Honest

    Big Al

  4. #4
    Nothing against you...but I know people who tell me "I have a short temper" which means I am already looking to kick someone's ass at the drop of a hat. If you are sauced up, you may find yourself in situations that would've probably happened anyways BUT saying "****ing juice is making me pissed." Relax a little.

    Short tempers = not thinking. For instance, I have been training in JJ (Jiu-Jitsu) for 14 years and I would be able to kill you within 8 seconds if you attacked me or my family...but if some half-wit with a short temper was making noise at a bar, I would leave it alone.

    If he came at me, I would put him in an arm-bar and break it or choke him until he passed out.

    My point is this: people who claim they have short tempers need to strengthen their minds and anabolic steroids, hormones, supplements, etc. (I don't care if you are on HALOTEST) shouldn't change your mind about the action you take if provoked. Let your anger out in the gym if you can't hold it in.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGAL73
    6'5.5" 312# approx 25% BF

    Thanks For being Honest

    Big Al
    WOW! Yeah let's not get you pissed. When you get down to under 15% bf you are going to look like a monster or a more ripped monster. Personally I would use the hgh, starting at 2 iu's increasing by .5 iu's every two weeks up to 4 or 5 per day. This will assist in recovery and fat loss. Your diet must be in check and your going to need to make cardio your new best friend. I've done it and it absolutely will work and you're gonna love the new you. AAS should be saved until fat loss goal is achieved. PM me if you want an example of diet that I used to drop 10% bf in 4 months. Good luck!

  6. #6
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    How old are you? GH's effects are minamal when ran alone, it compliments AAS real well. Any cycle history, how long have been training and what are your primary goals.

  7. #7
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    Over There
    Bishop.... IDidn't mean to come off sounding like a hard ass,, I used to do lots of Boxing and wrestling in school.. I had to keep my mind clear when competeing,So I can definetly control my Temper enough so that I don't start fighting at the drop of a hat..Plus I own a bar,And You know how all the drunks want to fight the biggest guy in the bar.That's always me,I can't do it or I lose my business....I was just worried about the Juice pushing me over the edge,I have never done any before,And from always hearing about Rage, I was worried that it was uncontrolable...I probably listened to the bad publicity too much without researching more closely myself..That's my fault...

    As to BigGuns question....I'm 32 going to be 33 in December..I started training 3 days a week with a PT last Oct, until April of this year. Took 2 weeks off then started lifting at a local Gym 5 days a week with one of my Bouncers.(Didn't see much with the trainer) ..I started to see great muscle gain whe we started 5 days a week Doing the Max-OT workout...I do Cardio also 5 days a week in the Mornings after a small egg beater breakfast....

    Have never done any sort of cylces before.And My goals are to get to about 15% or less.I have Very large bone structure and hide my wieght very well.(at least I'm told that).. ..Hey If they say so I'll take it .LOL....

    I called my cantact today and asked about what I should take with HGH. He said Winny and Test....Is this correct ?? I just want to be positive..

    Thanks For the replies..It's much appreciated

    Big Al

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by bishop23
    I would be able to kill you within 8 seconds if you attacked me or my family...

  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    As for the rage, its mind over matter. I have issues also, but when I started using ( I waited to 30 cuz of the anger problem) it makes you think twice abvout acting out. You dont want to do something stupid then have it blamed on the AAS. But anyway, for fat lose you could try GH at a high dosage with some t3 or t4. They work real well together. To be totaly honest though, AAS,t3 and GH are great. You wont have to go to crazy with dosages either. At your age GH is nice, I will use it until the day I die ($$$$ willing), the general well being, skin tone , ect is well worth it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Bro GH is not a magic potion. If I were you I would really dial in on my diet and lose as much BF naturally as I could. There are plenty of other ways (and cheaper may I add) to lose BF. You can run a simple ECA stack, Clen/T3 Combo, or even some IGF. I would worry most about your diet/cardio and make sure it's on point.

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