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Thread: Hell Yeah!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Scotty, beam me up

    Hell Yeah!!

    the right wing coallition beat the social democrats in the election in sweden yesterday

    The era of Göran Persson is over. After 12 years as prime minister his days are over I cant say I am disatisfied with the job he has done. He is a awsome politician and no one can beat him in debates. But the social democrats where lacking in inovation and had no plan to deal with the present problems.

    The party I voted for didnt do so well though But they are atleast part of the alliance. To bad that they are the only party in sweden that want to build new reactors.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Getting madcow treatments
    From what I read in that article, I like him.(cut taxes and reform the welfare)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    From what I read in that article, I like him.(cut taxes and reform the welfare)
    Yes, but by cutting taxes Sweden's semi-socialist status may be in jeapordy. This may mean that EVERYONE will have to work now..........

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    well the tax cuts are going to be small. The alliance has acctualy promised a whole lot of increased funding to healthcare and public schools.

    The main income tax and sales tax will be left more or less the way it is.

    The main platform they have is:
    Simplify and make it cheaper for companies to hire people.
    Reduce the fee employers have to pay for employees.
    Cut down on unemployment cash for people unemployed over 300 days(from 80% of former salary down to 65%).
    Get rid of real estate tax.
    Increase number of teachers and special teachers in public schools
    To change the laws so teacher can enforce harder rules.

    The biggest alliance party has tried to win elections time after time on lowering taxes. But they never succeded so now they have changed strategy completely and moved alot more towards the center.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by johan

    The main platform they have is:
    Simplify and make it cheaper for companies to hire people.In what ways?
    Reduce the fee employers have to pay for employees. What type of fees?
    Cut down on unemployment cash for people unemployed over 300 days(from 80% of former salary down to 65%). Wow that was a pretty lucrative social program, 80% after being unemplyed over 300 days?

    The biggest alliance party has tried to win elections time after time on lowering taxes. But they never succeded so now they have changed strategy completely and moved alot more towards the center.
    All parties make promises, lets see which promises turn into excuses once in power

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I have never bothered to look into it but we have alot of regulations and fees that makes it hard for small companies to hire people. A employee in sweden cost the employeer morethan twice as much as the employee earns in salaries because of fees and taxes and stuff.

    In sweden you get 80% indefenetly when unemployed. You have to activly search for new jobs through the national employment office otherwise you lose the unemployment cash. But that system doesnt realy work properly. People cheat and some just dont bother to search for new jobs and still get money.

    Those that can not work because of injury or similar also get 80% for atleast a year(not to keen on the exact rules) all they need is to be declared unable to work by a physcisian. Some get it permanent, retire early and get 70-80% for life. One of the alliance parties want to lower those two down to 65% aswell after like 200 days but it was meet with very much opposition. Im not sure where I stand there, those that realy are unable to work I have no problem paying for with my taxes. But there is plenty of cheating going on there aswell.

    It costs alot of money offcourse. In sweden the "official" unemployment is 6% but the real unemployment(if counting those that have retired early and those that are involved in employment office activities) is more like 10%.

    the unemployment cash has a roof though. People with higher salaries doesnt get 80%. But most regular workes fall below the roof.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    other things we have here are:

    if you have to buy medicine for over 130-140$ during a year the goverment pays everything above that sum. You just get a card and pic up the medicine you need(only things prescribed offcourse) free of charge.

    Free healthcare obviously.

    Free education at all levels. Its illegal for universities to take fees as far as I know.

    We might get free dental care soon. Not sure what the alliances position on that was. Its going to get cheaper atleast.

    college and university students get 300$ each month and can borrow another 650-700$ each month. Just about all students in sweden lives on this and along with the free education we dont need to work to get through university. Offcourse many do work aswell to get some extra cash because its not much to live on.

    One parent can stay home with a newlyborn kid for either 12 or 15 months(cant remember) and get 80% of the regular salary. Male or female can choose to stay home and split those months in whatever way they choose betwen eachother.

    Very cheap daycare for kids over that age(a bit of a problem with that now though, to many kids and to few daycare centers).

    If you are disabled you have the right to a personal assistant that will clean, cook and take care of you free of charge.

    Those things along with the pensions to everyone over 65(unless they choose to work longer offcourse), generous support for those that are unemployed and those that are unable to work adds up to quite a tidy sum.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Wow that is a very affluent and interesting social program. How are tax rates and debt?
    Students study for free+get money? Thats ludicrous, absurd I tell you.
    No wonder their is a mass exodus for Sweden. Hmmmm Im going to have to locate the nearest Swedish embassy or consulate. The blondes and social programs have me sold. From now on foward I shall be known as Mattias. Stockholm here I come

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    Wow that is a very affluent and interesting social program. How are tax rates and debt?
    Students study for free+get money? Thats ludicrous, absurd I tell you.
    No wonder their is a mass exodus for Sweden. Hmmmm Im going to have to locate the nearest Swedish embassy or consulate. The blondes and social programs have me sold. From now on foward I shall be known as Mattias. Stockholm here I come
    Income tax is 30%, if you earn over a certain ammount everything over that ammount is taxed by 50%. We also have a 25% sales tax and all kinds of other taxes and fees I am not to aware about. Like the real estate tax(you pay a ammount each year depending on how much your house is worth).

    The swedish economy is very strong so its not a unsucessfull system.

    I like studying and getting paid for it Offcourse you have to pass 75% of classes to continue to get money and loans. If you dont manage that you get nothing.

    But yeah you dont need to be a genious to understand why we get so many immigrants...

  10. #10
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Income tax is 30%, if you earn over a certain ammount everything over that ammount is taxed by 50%. We also have a 25% sales tax and all kinds of other taxes and fees I am not to aware about. Like the real estate tax(you pay a ammount each year depending on how much your house is worth).

    The swedish economy is very strong so its not a unsucessfull system.

    I like studying and getting paid for it Offcourse you have to pass 75% of classes to continue to get money and loans. If you dont manage that you get nothing.

    But yeah you dont need to be a genious to understand why we get so many immigrants...
    Sweden is taxed to hell the same as Australia to support all the lazy bastards who wont go and get a job. We call them Dole Bluggers !! The dole is a slang word for welfare and a Blugger is a slang word for somebody who milks the system. Social Security states are a joke IMO, they encourage people to cheat and not work for a living

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Sweden is taxed to hell the same as Australia to support all the lazy bastards who wont go and get a job. We call them Dole Bluggers !! The dole is a slang word for welfare and a Blugger is a slang word for somebody who milks the system. Social Security states are a joke IMO, they encourage people to cheat and not work for a living
    cheating and beeing lazy has never been a problem before in sweden. Im not sure how big of a problem it is now either. But I support a solid wellfare system despite cheaters. If someone loses there jobb or gets injuries working they should not be forced to sell there house or car just to make ends meet.

    But I do support the suggestion the party I voted for presented. That those that recive social security should have to do community service otherwise they dont get money. Its a very resonable suggestion.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I can say this though. It has become a bigger problem since the mass imigration started.

  13. #13
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    cheating and beeing lazy has never been a problem before in sweden. Im not sure how big of a problem it is now either. But I support a solid wellfare system despite cheaters. If someone loses there jobb or gets injuries working they should not be forced to sell there house or car just to make ends meet.

    But I do support the suggestion the party I voted for presented. That those that recive social security should have to do community service otherwise they dont get money. Its a very resonable suggestion.
    They have made it a lot harder in Australia now as well. Back in the 80's my sister in law at the time and her bf, surfed there way around australia on welfare.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    They have made it a lot harder in Australia now as well. Back in the 80's my sister in law at the time and her bf, surfed there way around australia on welfare.
    Its probably because of a change in work ethics. Todays generation doesnt seem to take pride in work and supporting themself in the same way as people did in the 50's and 60's when the wellfare systems where put into place.

    Its sad if the lazyness of people nowdays will ruin a system made to support those that need help. For every person leaching the system there is one person that needs the help that gets the cold shoulder. ****ing leaches

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Income tax is 30%, if you earn over a certain ammount everything over that ammount is taxed by 50%. We also have a 25% sales tax and all kinds of other taxes and fees I am not to aware about. Like the real estate tax(you pay a ammount each year depending on how much your house is worth).

    The swedish economy is very strong so its not a unsucessfull system.

    I like studying and getting paid for it Offcourse you have to pass 75% of classes to continue to get money and loans. If you dont manage that you get nothing.

    But yeah you dont need to be a genious to understand why we get so many immigrants...
    25% Sales tax!!!!!Thats insane!!Income tax seems fair. I believe you mean property tax for real estate tax?

    Going to school and getting paid? Id have my post-doctorate by now.

    "Thats Post-Doctorate Prada for you bi#ch!"

    Well passing 75% is a synch. If I fail over 20% of classes Id get kicked out anyways, my CGPA would be way to low.

    BTW: I was reading in the paper yesterday that the former socialists were in power for all but 9 years since 1936. Found it interesting

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