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Thread: beginners 1st cycle

  1. #1

    Thumbs down beginners 1st cycle

    hi, i was just wondering what would be ideal to use in a beginners first cycle. i have never used anything other than nitro tech and cell tech and havent found the results i am looking for. i lose all of my gains as soon as i come off of the product. if anyone could give me any answers it would be greatly appreciated. i am 20 yrs. old 5'8 145 lbs. thanks

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    the states
    REad the beginers 1st cycle thread, its a sticky at the top of the page in red.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    If you cant keep gains from that stuff how would you keep them from aas?

    Your diet and training are the key to makeing /keeping gains.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by LmbrJak
    If you cant keep gains from that stuff how would you keep them from aas?

    Your diet and training are the key to makeing /keeping gains.

    Muscle Growth = 70% diet and 30% training
    get the 2 inorder and you will see what we're talkin about

    but i dont agree with recommending AAS, your 20 so train hard and eat right for a few more years and build a nice base then if your still considering AAS then do a shitload of research(enuf so you dont have to ask newbie questions)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MattY_D

    Muscle Growth = 70% diet and 30% training
    get the 2 inorder and you will see what we're talkin about

    but i dont agree with recommending AAS, your 20 so train hard and eat right for a few more years and build a nice base then if your still considering AAS then do a shitload of research(enuf so you dont have to ask newbie questions)
    I agree 100%, since i've learned to eat i've made significant gains. Also i dont think many people would advise towards a 20yr old at 145lbs to run a cycle, much more room to grow. My old lifting partner went from 5'8" 175 to 210lbs 9% in a year and a half with a VERY strict diet, so it can be done.

  7. #7
    so no recomended products to use for a first cycle huh? and of course everybody has to start somewhere, i figured i'd ask ppl who have experience about what to use before i went and jumped off the deep end. isnt that usually how you do it, by getting info from experienced people? but i do agree, i will get my diet in order and lift but just to prep. so i will be ready when the time comes can someone give me info on what to use during my first cycle? thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Yes you need to start somewhere, and that is DIET AND TRAINING.

    Before you can jump into the deep end you need to learn how to swim, that is diet and training.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    tesla posted a great read for you to learn about a first cycle. Theres TONS of info on first cycles and how to put a cycle together. but test e ONLY is a first cycle recommended by most, im only telling you this so that incase you dont listen and u do do a cycle you do it with the right stuff although its strongly advised that you dont

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Somewhere in Time
    Test Enan 500mg 1-12 wks or dbol wks 1-4 40mg and Test Enan 500mg wks 1-12. There are tons of novice cycles on here.

  11. #11
    thank you guys, i will not be starting my first cycle until i am ready and i am a few years far from ready but would like to have a good plan so i appreciate it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Way out there

    Diet and Heavy Movements

    I'm an ecto and have found that my most effective programs include at minimum(all very heavy with proper warm-ups):
    Clean and Press
    Push Press
    Dips (weighted unless you cannot yet do 3 sets of 10 with your body weight)
    Pull ups (weighted as above)
    Squats, squats, squats (I hate lunges)
    Heavy and strict barbell curls

    When I'm fatigued, at teh end of my free-weight workout, I like to hit the machines, yes heavy, until I'm spent. My theory is that there is les chance of injury on the machines when you are tired and your form is lacking.
    Also, PWO is of absolute necessity. Carbs 66%/ Protien 33%. MAybe some *****3's (fish oil and flax) and cottage cheese before bed as it seems to be a slow release protien to feed you muscles as you sleep.

    PS: get a good workout log and KEEP it updated. Change your workout every 1 to 1 and 1/2 months but I see no reason to ever drop the exercises I posted above.

    The bros are here to help but you really need a base to start AAS. DO you research and ask questions but see how far and how fast you can gain naturally. You will be surprised how quickly you'll gain with proper training and diet (No fast food, etc......) PM me if you want some advise and check out Doc Susts German Block training (3x3). I used it to maintain post cycle gains and lost some weight but kept about 85% of my cycle gains just doing those three exercises Doc mentions.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Yeah man your only 145 pounds? you got alot of growing to do before you need to worry about drugs man. I suggest you make your way over the supplement and diet forums before this one

  14. #14
    thanks, yes i know but is it possible that i am a hard gainer? i mean my diet is not what it should be at all as far as protein intake goes but is veryhard to gain anymore. most weight put on ever was 160 lbs. at 16 yrs. old. but thank you guys for the info it is very helpful

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cbr900rr
    thanks, yes i know but is it possible that i am a hard gainer? i mean my diet is not what it should be at all as far as protein intake goes but is veryhard to gain anymore. most weight put on ever was 160 lbs. at 16 yrs. old. but thank you guys for the info it is very helpful
    type ur diet out and post it up, u stunt ur cbr900rr?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    my mind
    go with Test 750mgs per week split into 2 shots monday and thursday

    then do nolva or what ever the hell u want and take it every other day 5mgs

    then do pct after 14 weeks (2weeks after last shot)

    and also i would go with sust prop or any short ester test... long ester sucks meh bawlls!... also if you do want to go with a long ester test ide get dbol (man that shit rocks)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Beefyman
    go with Test 750mgs per week split into 2 shots monday and thursday

    then do nolva or what ever the hell u want and take it every other day 5mgs

    then do pct after 14 weeks (2weeks after last shot)

    and also i would go with sust prop or any short ester test... long ester sucks meh bawlls!... also if you do want to go with a long ester test ide get dbol (man that shit rocks)
    ur joking right?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New York
    you're telling this 20 year old 145lb kid to run 750mg of Test and Sustanon? You're joking right?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Beefyman
    go with Test 750mgs per week split into 2 shots monday and thursday

    then do nolva or what ever the hell u want and take it every other day 5mgs

    then do pct after 14 weeks (2weeks after last shot)

    and also i would go with sust prop or any short ester test... long ester sucks meh bawlls!... also if you do want to go with a long ester test ide get dbol (man that shit rocks)
    plz dont give sarcastic advice to someone who dosnt know what they are doing

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