juiceon, before I write a book I want to know on which amount of sust you are talking about and how many times you inject it / week
Something else I just found while looking for those graphs. Written by Stew Meat. Now I know this doesnt answer your question but you will understand when I get the time to explain all this in fine detail. Once again I am not saying sustanon should not be used period, it does have its uses. Just not in the newbie 250mgs or 500mgs / wk of test cycle.
The problem with Sustonon/Omnas is that they contain both long and short esters. If you injected only a long ester such as isocaparate, there woudl be a steady release from the time of injection and throughout the lifespan of the ester... However, you inject omna or sustonon,, which contain various esters.... you get bouncing hormone levels in a "W" fashion. The prop will inflate your hormone levels for 2 days then it drops. You inject again, and the levels shoot up, then trough 2 days later. Even though it contains 250mg of testosterone, that testosterone is bound by esters. It will take at least 4 weeks before most of the esters can be broken down. That means that that 500mg/wk injection can be divided by 4 (roughly) and yeild an average of 125mg per week... So the first week you start an Omna/Sust cycle, you are only getting a very small amout of testosterone that is mostly going to be from the prop because the rest is bound by long acting esters. So for example, on Monday, you may have 30mg circulating, unbound test, Tuesday 25mg circulating, Wednesday 20mg circulating, Thursday 10mg circulating, Then Friday after another injection, 35mg circulating... Up and down... Then eventually, after 5-6weeks, levels of the long releasing esters will accumilate and at 8 weeks when you stop your cycle, you have a moderately high level of androgens in your system that may take months to return to normal. You have no idea when exactly to start clomid therapy... If Omna is injected EOD, it is more effective but one woudl eventually accumilate an extremely high level of testosterone which will have an indefinate lifespan in the body.
However, enthanate is started on Monday and Friday and an even flow/release of hormone is acheived. The life of Enthanate is 10 days at 200mg/wk or 14 days at 600mg/wk... Enthanate is very predictable and clomid therapy can start 1.5-2 weeks after the last injection. This is why you don't see many experienced users use Sustonon or Omna, they use enthanate/cypionate or prop...... You will see better results.
As you may have guessed, I'm not a fan of Omna/Sust... and the markup on sustonon is unbelieveable.... the reason, newbies think that 4 esters are better than one. Some think that there are seperate receptors for each ester. So it sells... so sources are free to jack up the prices and profit from people's lack of education of steroids.
You will not get more bloated from one ester as opposed to another and you will NOT see better gains from one ester over another. It is only a matter of the amount of testosterone in your system. One 1400mg injection of enthanate is like injecting 100mg of pure testosterone per day, but one 1400mg injection of propinate is like injecting 500mg per day of pure testosterone. Enthate takes 2 weeks to clear and propinate takes 3 days to clear. But it the EXACT same testosterone. You will NOT experience difference in gains with one ester as opposed to another just as one bottle of distilled water is not different from another brand. Its all the same thing. The only differences lies within release times.
It does not depend on "who you are." One person will NOT respond better to any one particular ester.