Thanks for answering my question. I really appreciate it. Should I start a cutting cycle now or just diet to lose the fat and add some clen?
Thanks for answering my question. I really appreciate it. Should I start a cutting cycle now or just diet to lose the fat and add some clen?
what is the most effective way to take letrozole? pills? and how can i get my hands on it w/o a perscription? if that question is taboo here, please email me ASAP, im hurtin...
Last edited by arentz00; 08-27-2006 at 08:38 PM.
Great Info
Bino my brother, you are the man... keep up the hard work![]()
I would suggest cutting for sure, not only may it help with this situation but you will feel better in general most likely. As for using the clen, just makea thread about it and read up about it to find out if its right for you.Originally Posted by coach669
Easiest thing to do would be order from the site sponsor. No script required if you are using it for research purposes.Originally Posted by arentz00
Thanks my friend. I am waitin on your contest pics...Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
Hey Guy'S
Is the Letro Legal ? and can it be sent to Germany without Problems. ?
How do u consume It i.m or oral?
Thanks all
My suggestion is to pot this question in the AR-R forum. It is the site sponsor and they sell letro legally. Whether or not they ship to Germany I am not sure but it would be best to ask them directly.Originally Posted by Bigdane
Click on the link above for that forum.
I wanna know if anyone has issues like this...
Basicly I must be the most gyno-prone guy EVER. I ran 15mg Pheraplex for 4 days, thought my nips were puffy, so ran 10mg Nolva ED for another 5 days, they definately were getting bigger, so I went straight to PCT.
This time around, I've been on 15mg Phera for about 10 days, running .50mg Letro ED, as well as 1g B6 ED... guess what. My gyno has gotten worse.
Who has ever heard of someone on only 15mg Phera Plex getting gyno while running .50mg Letro? My nipples aren't horrible, but would be more than I'd care to have if they got any worse, so at this point, I'm calling it quits... going natural until I get my glands out... which will probably be years from now.![]()
hey bino, long time no talk. this thread is becoming one for the record books.
i just read that adex will not be enough to stop deca caused gyno. what do u recomend taking to prevent such a cruel fate?
thanks again tit doctor.
Can you take letro for a 13 week cycle... everyday? at .25mg per day
Would it be better to take letro in the morning or at night? Does it even matter really?
Hey man I am very prone as well. I can get gyno symptoms even running letro sometimes. I jut up the dose and lower it again from day to day depending on how I feel. Once you use it a fair number of times you can really tell when you need a certain amount. just always keep it on hand and be ready bro.Originally Posted by speakerman
Hey bro, just go with letro and even throw in some cabergoline if you want to. That would be a great combo.Originally Posted by castertroy
Yes you CAN but its obviously not going to be the best thing to do. Just be sure to get blood work done part way thru to make sure lipids are in check and keep calcium intake high as well to help with bone strength/density.Originally Posted by ProUser910
Not going to make a difference bro. If you are using nolva i suggest you do nolva at night and letro in the morning so they are split. Other than that dont worry man, can take it anytime.Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR
i guess i'll only need the letro then, instead of runnning adex and letro. also, running test sust at 500/week , will that be enough to keep my sexdrive up when running letro? and is adex good enough when running test and eq?Originally Posted by C_Bino
thanks again, i'm just covering my a$$ this time.
p.s. i heard finasteride(dht blocker) has a chance of causing gyno, true?
C-bino-I was on a Tren/Prop/winny cycle and developed gyno when my letro was taken away from me. Only a lump with swelling around the nipple(no actual breast tissue or fat). Since I couldnt get more letro, I went on masteron 65mgs ed (b/C it suposed to have anti-estrogenic/progesterone activity) and Nolva 60 mgs ed. The gyno is gone, atleast to the eye. Cant see it any more. The lumps is shrinking as well, not complety gone, though.
Question: Would it be a good idea to still have the surgery to remove the glands? (I am afraid my glands will be hyper-sensitve with future cycling now)
Hey bro good stuff, glad to hear that. Ya nolva will work with 60mg ed over an extended period of time, not as well as letro imo but if its all you can get it's good enough.Originally Posted by vitor
I have talked to a gynecomastia sugeon via e-mail and it is apprently not possible to ever stop gyno 100%. Even if the gland is removed. But I have heard on other occassions that it will stop it completely. I mean everyone is gonna have different opinions and what nto so its hard to say.
But I will say that even if you do get the gland removed it would be a good idea to still run AI's or SERM's during cycle because estrogen has other effects on the body aside from binding to receptors in the breasts.
Bino - thank you for your Post it is what I have spent all day trying to research on the net. I signed up after reading a tonne of the AR site.
I am 40 now and started taking M1T about 2 years ago. I had been working out 5 days a week for a few years when I broke both my arms jumping my dirt bike. A year later I was back for corrective surgery (re broke my arm) so I wanted to fast track my training before summer to get back to where I was.
I have a question. I live in Canada and am not familiar with Novvadex / Tamox, Clomid / Clomi. I have been using M1T in short 2 week cycles on and off taking a month or two off between bottles. After reading your post I know that I have or had Gyno off and on during this time. When I told my source about my sore nipples he recommended DIM (Diindolymethane) which I took 100mg 3x / day then increased to 200mg 3x/day during an PC. I didnt really feel that it was fixing the problem so I asked about 6oxo and started taking that. Seems to help however I have only done 3, 2 week cycles of M1T this year and always (all year) seem to have sore nipples. I often feel lumps but not at the moment, right now my nipples are sore / sensitive and a little puffy. My doctor is a body builder, he sent me for blood tests before and after cycles and everything was well within normal levels (LH Test and a few others).
When on M1T for two week cycles I don't notice any other side effects that are a problem. I am not lethargic, my sex drive is always high but even higher on cycle, I am always hungry even wake up in the middle of the night starving. I do find it hard to sleep the first few days and at the end of the two weeks I do get a few pimples under my skin usually under my jaw and I also find I have less patience but my workouts ROCK!!!
Back to my question,
I want to start another 2 or 3 week cycle of M1T next week. What else would you recomend I take prior, during and post? I'm not sure I can get Tamox or Clomi in Canada or from my Doc. will 6oxo or DIM help me or do I need to take something else?
I really appreciate your advice! Thanks,
Hey bro, have you been doing PCT at all for these cycles? You DEFINITELY 110% should be. M1T is a steroid and will shutdown your natural testosterone production. You need to run a PCT regimine each time you come off. I would suggest just go with the simple nolva/clomid PCT if you want. Check out the stickies in the PCT forum.
Also you can get nolva and clomid from the site sponsor. I am from Canada as well and have ordered from the site sponsor many times.
The role of sex steroids in the regulation of insulin sensitivity and serum lipid concentrations during male puberty: a prospective study with a P450-aromatase inhibitor.Originally Posted by C_Bino
Wickman S, Saukkonen T, Dunkel L.
Hospital for Children and Adolescents, University of Helsinki, PL281, FIN-00029 HUS, Helsinki, Finland. [email protected]
OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to study the sex steroid-mediated changes in serum insulin and lipid concentrations in boys during puberty. DESIGN AND METHODS: We treated boys with constitutional delay of puberty either with testosterone plus placebo or with testosterone plus an aromatase inhibitor, letrozole, which inhibits the conversion of androgens to oestrogens. We demonstrated previously that during treatment with testosterone plus letrozole the increase in testosterone concentration was more than 5-fold higher than during treatment with testosterone plus placebo. The concentrations of 17beta-oestradiol, IGF-I and IGF-binding protein-3 increased during testosterone-plus-placebo treatment, but during testosterone-plus-letrozole treatment the concentrations remained unchanged. These divergent changes in the two groups enabled us to study the effects of sex steroids and GH on insulin sensitivity and lipid concentrations. RESULTS: The insulin concentration in the testosterone-plus-placebo-treated group did not change. In contrast, in the testosterone-plus-letrozole-treated group, the concentration decreased during letrozole treatment, indicating improved insulin sensitivity. Changes in insulin and IGF-I concentrations within 12 and 18 months were correlated. In the testosterone-plus-placebo-treated group, the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration did not change but in the testosterone-plus-letrozole-treated group the concentration decreased. The concentrations of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-cholesterol) and triglycerides did not change in either of the groups. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that androgens do not directly alter insulin sensitivity in boys during puberty. In contrast, the observations suggest tight regulation of glucose--insulin homeostasis by GH in boys at this stage. Furthermore, our findings indicate that sex steroids do not significantly participate in the regulation of serum concentrations of LDL-cholesterol or triglycerides in boys during early and mid-puberty.
*There you have it: no exogenous test, but LDL remained unchanged with letrozole in boys.
I just got through reading the post. My situation is this:
I am not taking any testosterone boosters nor have I for quite some time. I want to take Letro followed by Nolva to try and get rid of some of the gyno that I can feel has built up over the last year (time since I last cycled). If I order the Letro and the Nolva, will it be harmful if I haven't cycled in such a long time? Would I need to take something else as well to make sure it works properly?
Last edited by dustin.knoblauch; 09-10-2006 at 07:59 PM.
Thanks for the response.Originally Posted by C_Bino
By the way, I yust startet to think about that I have a family member with breast cancer, and she gets descibed femera and nolva for the next 5 years. I am going to try your gyno removel with letro and see if I can get rit of completely. If not I will go under the knife to remove those glands for good.
Letro in between cycle is not a bad idea anyway, when you see how much it can increase your natrual testosterone levels.
No I havent been doing any PCT. After the cycle I wait 2 weeks and start another cycle for 2 weeks. Its only after being off for more than 2 weeks that I get the symptoms. I will follow the PCT guidelines listed in the PCT forum this time. Thanks!
I have a freind who has gyno from Deca that he did years ago - is it reversable with Tamox, Clomi or Letro?
Will 6oxo or DIM work at all or do I have to get Tamox and Clomid?
Is there anything else like Tansdermal 4ad or Hawthorne berry extract that works as well but might be easier to find here in Canada?
I have had gyno since I was 12 years old just due to puberty. I was curious as to if Letro would reverse gyno even if it wasn't steroid induced. I am now 23 and I would like to start a stack of Deca and D-bol but would like to clear up this gyno first if at all possible. Thanks.
I have a gyno and I will want to do your cycle with femara that you posted
I will want to do it just before a cycle of stéroides is this that it's possible or not ?
I will want to do as that :
Day 1: .50mg Letro
Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
Day 5: 2.5mg Letro
Day 6: 2.5mg Letro*
Day 7: 2.5mg Letro*
Day 8: 2.5mg Letro*
Day 9: 2.5mg Letro*
Day 10: 2.5mg Letro*
Day 11: 2.5mg Letro*
Day 12: 2.5mg Letro*
Day 13: 2.5mg Letro*
Day 14: 2.5mg Letro*
Day 15: 2.5mg Letro*
Day 16: 2.0mg Letro
Day 17: 1.5mg Letro
Day 18: 1.0mg Letro
Day 19: .50mg Letro
Day 20: .25mg Letro
Day 21: .25mg Letro with my steroids cycle
Day 22: .25mg Letro with my steroids cycle
Day 23: .25mg Letro with my steroids cycle
Day 24: .25mg Letro with my steroids cycle
... (and I continue as that on 13 weeks, the length of my cycle)
* : I continue even on time that the gyno disappears ...
I wanted to know if this that I have just written is possible to do or not and have counsels on this cycle ...
Thanks a lot
Hey Bino can AXIS-HT give me gyno? I have been trying to research it on the web without a lot of success. Any help would be appreciated.
bino, i ended a cycle about 9 months ago. during the cycle i began to have sore nipples and at the end felt a small lump. i ended the cycle and the gyno remained there. i went to the docter and was told that the lump would go away by itself but would take about a year and a half. since then the lump has gotten a larger than before but the nipple isnt sore like before. is the docter correct about it going away? and if i do waite could this lump turn into anything dangerous? its not noticble and dosnt bother me but do not want it to turn into anything serious. thanks for any info you may have. SF
if you have gyno and do not do anything to reverse the gyno. could say a lump ever turn into anything serious. and if you waite a long time before you try to reverse it is it harder to get rid of? SF
bumpitybumpOriginally Posted by krypticquone
I have a slight case of gyno before my mega-H cycle, and i am using letro for revearsal while on cycle.
Okay, i started using your no. 3 option .25 to 2.5 mg and i am on day 6 of using 2.5 mg.
I do not see too much difference and was wondering, when should i call it quits before tapering down and pct?
I'm a newbie and all the confusion is almost gone just from this thread. thanks "master"
Hello all,
I got gyno in middle of my cycle because of HCG (500iux2 per week), letro get ride of that. There was a lump that completely disappeared, yeah it was gone.
When i was near the end of my cycle, last 4 weeks i took hcg again 500iu e5d 2x per week. I was lowering the letrozole by 0.5mg ~e5d along that there was test prop 50mg eod and anavar 50mg ed. After 3weeks lowering the dosage i got a rebound at 1mg of letrozole.
How did i decrease the dosage?
2.5mg letro ed many months
2mg letro for 12days
1.5mg letro 3days
1mg letro 9days
The next day i took 2.5mg
The problem is that i got the gyno when i was tapering off gears(letro too) to begin the pct with nolva/clomid/IGF1 Lr3.
The fact is i m not sure what caused the gyno.
Is it the letro rebound? Is it the HCG? Is it the ratio estrogens/testosterone that messed with me when i stopped to use testosterone?
I got gyno in middle of my cycle because of HCG (500iux2 per week), letro get ride of that. There was a lump that completely disappeared, yeah it was gone.
shrunked! It s back now that i begin my PCT.
I am actually doing a PCT not very healty so i want advice from all and C_Bino, impatiently.
I kept the letro in PCT cuz i want to shrunk the gyno again.
letro 2.5ed at night before bed. Nolva the morning, clomid throughout the day.
day1 300mg clomid - day1 Nolva 80mg - day1-28 IGF1-LR3 40/50mcg
day2 250mg clomid - day2-7 Nolva 40mg -
day3-12 200/150mg clomid - day8-35 Nolva 20mg
day13-23 100/50mg clomid
Plz, i need to be enligthen about my situation. Thank you.
BTW i did my research, i found a study saying that letro can become ineffective after a long time of use.
I did have gyno surgery almost a year ago and maybe you (C_Bino or any informed cat) can help me for a moment with a personal recurring concern of mine that I'm having with symptoms again. I've followed all the posted protocol as in using Letro, Vit.B-6, Bromo, and Dostinex on a daily basis but it seams that the Tren in my cycle is making it impossible to overcome the "coning" out growth and extra tissue development of the areola area, once again.
I'll dump the Tren for now and go with straight Test for now and see if this helps because of what seems to be an insurmountable proness to progesterone sides. I realize more than 200gm of B-6 can be toxic, so increasing that is not an option.
If I brought the Letro up to a full 2.5, the hope is to neurtalize the problem all together. Does this sound appropriate?
I'll also share that I'm on 60mg 2 x daily of oxycontin and tabs of percocet as needed daily for extreme pain from recently (last Easter) shatering my tibial plateu into 30 pieces.
Should I just count my blessings that it's not worse due to the heavy loads of Narcs?
Is letro allowed in scandinavia, because i live in norway. dont want any problems with the police.
Well firstly I would never suggest just taking letro e5d. It should be taken ed in my experience and that is what may have caused the gyno again. Also HCG has been known to possibly cause gyno. But like i have outlined in the original post you SHOULD use nolva after you finish tapering you letro. Did you do that?Originally Posted by (d_b)
Only on day 6 bro? Well for some people it will take 60 days. Just wait a lil while, 6 days is nothing.Originally Posted by rappinlarry
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