Bro I wasn't trying to be a dickhead when I said that...I'm 6'2/6'3" so I know where you're coming from. But I also know what I looked like at 200 lbs. We're just looking out for you bro.
Honestly, my opinion would be to up your dosages for this reason: YOu started the test/eq at week 3 and 4. You're only in wk 5. So you should have plenty of time to experience the larger dosages.
Test @ 500 mg Week "4-16" (13 wks)
Eq @ 500 mg Week "3-15" (12 wks)
I left the EQ in there becuase I don't think you will be opening yourself up for any more serious side effects. Plus you already started. We like to recommend test only to most for their first, but I'm sure you'll be fine.
And coming from someone with a bodytype like you, START EATING MORE!!! You can thank me later.