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Thread: First Cycle round 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    First Cycle round 2

    Ok I wanted to do just one AS...but tren only first cycle is stupid...please dont remind me...take a look at the current plan
    week 1-5 tren a 75mg eod
    week 3-13 eq 300mg ew
    week 4-14 test cyp 250mg ew
    14-18 nolva treatment
    15-20 clomid treatment

    Dosages are all on the low end I understand. Will this be enough test and eq however...I would like some results but I figured go light on first round. Do I need to be split the test and eq into two dosages during the week?

    The first bottle of tren was very dark and made me sore for 2-3 days...the second bottle(same label....little bit bigger bottle) is almost clear and no pain...I have some results starting now however...I'm in week 5. I think the first stuff was old maybe or just plain bunk? So I got the right AS's to continue a real cycle.

    I'm 6'4'' 205lbs 16%bf

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    are you trying to use tren and eq on ur first cycle, whats ur work out history

  3. #3
    first cycle?

    run Test (cyp or e) @ 400-500 mg/week (split into 2 shots weekly)

    and if you already have the eq and really want to use it, run it along with the test at 400 mg week (split into 2 shots & yes you can mix it with the test)

    Week 1-12 Test @ 400-500mg/week
    Week 2-11 EQ @ 300-400mg/week


    save the tren for cycle #2 or #3


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Dallas, TX
    all great compounds. be patient (but still grow) doing it like this:
    1st cycle: 500mg test 10weeks
    2nd cycle: 500mg test
    400mg eq run both for 12-14 weeks
    3rd cycle 500-750mg test 16-20 weeks
    400-600mg eq " "
    50mg tren (ED) wk 1-6

    you might get slightly different opinions but all in all with the right ancillary drugs those 3 cycles should be your over plan. you would make consistent solid gains if proper diet is in place. be patient and build upon each cycle. from my experience (and many others) it will also result in more muscle gained.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    What gains have you achieved on "week 5" of such a low dosed cycle?

  6. #6
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    not a lot of gains what-so-ever...but there is some more definition in my biceps. (girlfriend noticed diffrence....placebo's for all right?) Even on a first cycle it sounds like I should increase the dosages? I can get more of anything but would it be bad to run test for only 7 or 8 weeks at 400mg/w or better to do the 250 mg/w for ten weeks. Is 250 just not enough for real gains? If I shortened the duration of the test I would also increase the EQ per week and thus shorting it's timespan also.
    I work out every day.
    Before cycle I worked out 4-5 times a week ...hard(yes I know what that means)...for a year and a half
    before that 3-4 times a week with some off peroids over 5 years

  7. #7
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    Oct 2006
    with the long half lives of cyp and eq do I really need bi-weekly injections? If so no prob...just need more darts...easy....but If just a myth then forget it? Research has said both

  8. #8
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    Sep 2002
    205 lbs. @ 6'4"....Bro you should know better.

    So you're in week 5, which means the tren is done right???

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    who told you to run this cycle??sorry mate but it aint good,the timings are all off and this bein your 1st i would advise test only..............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    and eq at those doses are going to yeild nothing dont waste ur money
    anything lower then 500 mg for eq beginner or not is to low IMO

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    205 lbs. @ 6'4"....Bro you should know better.

    Thats what I was thinking. At 6'4'' weighing only 205lbs with 16% BF, You are no where near ready for AAS. You have no muscle on your frame. Do you lift weights?

  12. #12
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by TampaMan
    not a lot of gains what-so-ever...
    maybe ur not eating 6'4 205 16% man u should be alot bigger before juice. i guarantee u have diet issues. most people would suggest being around 10% when u cycle although i wasnt im beginning to see why. you at 10% is 190lbs. im not flaming jus pointing something out 190lbs at 6'4'' you gotta learn how to eat otherwise your spending alot of money on gear and supps that you should be spending on food. until you realize that your not going to grow. again no flame intended but you need to know that. so my advice is take the money you plan on spending on future cycles and invest in food and structure a diet and post it up and let everyone critique it for you. you'll see much better gains. not to mention for a first cycle thats alot of compounds im on test e and dbol two weeks in and already up 12 lbs....u dont need a ton of juice to grow in ur case you dont need any....jmo

  13. #13
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    My legs are tiny....I have had dislocating platellas since I was about 10. In turn my legs have never been run on, nor can they be...physical therapy suggested highly strengthing my hip a**uctors and VMO quad(inside one). I'm have good mass up top...but little on bottom...I bench about 260, can curl 50's, shoulder press 180 for sets. squat only about 220 max. So yes I do lift weights...But my legs need serious work. I had been working them out hard for the past 1.5 with a physical therapist and personal trainer...but not much results...
    I'm going to continue AS either way for now...I'm sure you all know this...tren was a poor attempt at a kickstart and yes it's done. Should I increase test for now or just finish as planned and plan better next time?

    I know diet is more important than anything else I could be putting into my body. I have been eating about 4 protein rich homemade meals a day, and 2 protein shakes...I'm afraid I dont get enough "good carbs" however(not many carbs period).

    Thanks for the help BTW is much appriciated...

  14. #14
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    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by TampaMan
    My legs are tiny....I have had dislocating platellas since I was about 10. In turn my legs have never been run on, nor can they be...physical therapy suggested highly strengthing my hip a**uctors and VMO quad(inside one). I'm have good mass up top...but little on bottom...I bench about 260, can curl 50's, shoulder press 180 for sets. squat only about 220 max. So yes I do lift weights...But my legs need serious work. I had been working them out hard for the past 1.5 with a physical therapist and personal trainer...but not much results...
    I'm going to continue AS either way for now...I'm sure you all know this...tren was a poor attempt at a kickstart and yes it's done. Should I increase test for now or just finish as planned and plan better next time?

    I know diet is more important than anything else I could be putting into my body. I have been eating about 4 protein rich homemade meals a day, and 2 protein shakes...I'm afraid I dont get enough "good carbs" however(not many carbs period).

    Thanks for the help BTW is much appriciated...
    Bro I wasn't trying to be a dickhead when I said that...I'm 6'2/6'3" so I know where you're coming from. But I also know what I looked like at 200 lbs. We're just looking out for you bro.

    Honestly, my opinion would be to up your dosages for this reason: YOu started the test/eq at week 3 and 4. You're only in wk 5. So you should have plenty of time to experience the larger dosages.

    Test @ 500 mg Week "4-16" (13 wks)
    Eq @ 500 mg Week "3-15" (12 wks)

    I left the EQ in there becuase I don't think you will be opening yourself up for any more serious side effects. Plus you already started. We like to recommend test only to most for their first, but I'm sure you'll be fine.

    And coming from someone with a bodytype like you, START EATING MORE!!! You can thank me later.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Bro I wasn't trying to be a dickhead when I said that...I'm 6'2/6'3" so I know where you're coming from. But I also know what I looked like at 200 lbs. We're just looking out for you bro.

    Honestly, my opinion would be to up your dosages for this reason: YOu started the test/eq at week 3 and 4. You're only in wk 5. So you should have plenty of time to experience the larger dosages.

    Test @ 500 mg Week "4-16" (13 wks)
    Eq @ 500 mg Week "3-15" (12 wks)

    I left the EQ in there becuase I don't think you will be opening yourself up for any more serious side effects. Plus you already started. We like to recommend test only to most for their first, but I'm sure you'll be fine.

    And coming from someone with a bodytype like you, START EATING MORE!!! You can thank me later.

    I don't think upping his dosages is what he needs. Personally i think he should stop his cycle all together. He should have his diet down & training years before cycleing. He shouldnt be just now getting it right while on cycle!

  16. #16
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    Thanks for answering the question Flgator...If i'm going to do it, might as well do it right...we all cant be Perfect Hellmask...if so I wouldnt be doing this to begin with...would you?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by TampaMan
    Thanks for answering the question Flgator...If i'm going to do it, might as well do it right...we all cant be Perfect Hellmask...if so I wouldnt be doing this to begin with...would you?

    I wouldn't be cycling if I was in your shoes.

  18. #18
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    Everyone I have talked to said it was time that knows me..personal trainer...friends w/experience, relatives w/vast knowledge(old body builders) even the Physical Therapist couldnt tell me it was a horrible idea(although due to moral issues could not condone it). You dont know me or my diet or my training habbits...sorry I dont look good enough for you on paper;-(

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by TampaMan
    Everyone I have talked to said it was time that knows me..personal trainer...friends w/experience, relatives w/vast knowledge(old body builders) even the Physical Therapist couldnt tell me it was a horrible idea(although due to moral issues could not condone it). You dont know me or my diet or my training habbits...sorry I dont look good enough for you on paper;-(

    Bro....Your 6'4'' 205 with 16% BF! That should throw up red flags itself. I was 6'4'' 244lbs with 18% Bf when I was 18yrs old. Lets get real. But it's your decision and your health/life. Go ahead. But when the cycle is done and you still look like an average everyday person, just remember I warned you.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by TampaMan
    Everyone I have talked to said it was time that knows me..personal trainer...friends w/experience, relatives w/vast knowledge(old body builders) even the Physical Therapist couldnt tell me it was a horrible idea(although due to moral issues could not condone it). You dont know me or my diet or my training habbits...sorry I dont look good enough for you on paper;-(
    Don't get pissy. Your stats don't lie. And we all have a right to say what we did becuase we know what we looked like at 200 lbs. It has nothing to do with "looking good on paper."

    You know he's right, so don't piss and moan. I said what I did becuase if you're too stubborn to stop, you might as well make an educated decision.

  21. #21
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    your girlfriends house
    I partially see your point TampaMan but understand what if you ask you will get all kinds of opinions....think of it as positive critizism...I feel you being that I'm 6'6''....I started taking when I was 210-215...however I was only 6.7% body I'm up between 230 and 235....goal is to be 245 off the sauce.....and Tren in your first cycle seems like a bad idea to me

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Thats what I was thinking. At 6'4'' weighing only 205lbs with 16% BF, You are no where near ready for AAS. You have no muscle on your frame. Do you lift weights?

    A Men ... would say the same Need a much better base ... than this

  23. #23
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    Well alright....Yes I'm sure I could have a better base....I have been researching this and talking to people for years...I focused on training and diet with trainers for almost 2 years now...16% is my guess with online calculators and a string and ruler(really bad attempt)....trainer said go for it and I thought I was ready....I was looking for some encouragement however and found it strange that you all just said stop....anyway I do still appriciate the comments...some feedback is definetly better than none....if I look the same at the end I will be dissaponted...but I will let you all know....Test is going up to 400mg every 3.5 days...thanks guys

    Please remember this is mostly to super strengthen my leg muscles that are quite weak(in comparison) due to my forever lasting knee dissability.
    Last edited by TampaMan; 10-16-2006 at 11:21 AM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    i would advise you listen to the abouve advise and get your diet and training down,those abouv are only looking out for you mate and in my eyes you should listen...............

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Listen to the bro's!!!!

  26. #26
    BG's Avatar
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    Thats one of the worst first cycles to date and Ive seen a bunch in my days.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by TampaMan
    Please remember this is mostly to super strengthen my leg muscles that are quite weak(in comparison) due to my forever lasting knee dissability.
    Be careful with that...The test is going to be counter-productive for your tendons.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Be careful with that...The test is going to be counter-productive for your tendons.

    Test is good for your tendons. To many are mixed up on what aas help and which don't , from looking at that retarded collagen article thats been passed around boards claiming equipoise & primo help your joints lol.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Test is good for your tendons. To many are mixed up on what aas help and which don't , from looking at that retarded collagen article thats been passed around boards claiming equipoise & primo help your joints lol.
    Woah...really? I must of read that one then...I thought high levels of test slowed collagen synthesis?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by fLgAtOr
    Woah...really? I must of read that one then...I thought high levels of test slowed collagen synthesis?

    Nope, low levels of test slow down collagen synthesis. Thats why older folk who have Hormone deficiencies result in poorer connective tissue healing than younger folk with higher natural levels of GH and Testosterone.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Nope, low levels of test slow down collagen synthesis. Thats why older folk who have Hormone deficiencies result in poorer connective tissue healing than younger folk with higher natural levels of GH and Testosterone.
    Well then...Thanks for settin' me straight.

  32. #32
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    Woah.....not 400mg every 3.5 but 200mg every 3.5 for a total of 400 a week. If my training and diet are right now (and for a while) do I really need to stop...If so this would all be a complete waste....I'm sure the the test will do something right?

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