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Thread: Hey bookworms, Help me find a book.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I really enjoyed "A short history of nearly everything" by Bill Bryson.

    One of the best general science book presented in a very easy to understand and extremely entertaining way.

    I especially like the audiobook version, make sure you get the unabridged version.

    And to Johan, I know this one is right up your alley if you did not read it yet, even though you're not really a big fan of pop science books. About the e=mc2, I agree, excellent book, but I do think you have to be a science geek to really enjoy it - with A short history of nearly everything, you don't.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In a bowl of rice
    Quote Originally Posted by DNoMac
    Definitely hollerin at those books. I love non fiction military. If thats your style, you should check out the autobiography of Gen H Norman Shwartzkopf
    Nah, I'm not a Stormin' Norman fan. I like him, but he's too conventional for my tastes. At the start of the Gulf War he said, "Well, I've got some bad news and some good news. The bad news is, we're at war. The good news is, we didn't bring the SEALs."

    He's a larger than life character, but I don't wanna read about some 4 star calling the shots from a command center. I wanna read about the guy taking AW fire, shittin' himself, screaming "**** this!", and having a real FUBAR time before his SGT unfvcks the platoon and they start returning fire.

    Another good book that I just finished is...
    Thunder Run - David Zucchino and Mark Bowden

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